Singapore, also known as the Lion City, is located at the southernmost tip of the Malay Peninsula, at the entrance and exit of the Strait of Malacca. It has a population of more than 5 million squeezed into more than 700 square kilometers of land.

This country, which is less than half the area of ​​Los Angeles, has an economic aggregate that is almost half that of Los Angeles, but its population is nearly half that of Los Angeles. You know, Los Angeles is already the second largest city in North America, second only to New York.

Their flight was a bit late, and it was already past 8 pm after they dropped off their luggage at the Shangri-La Hotel. Jack, who was hungry, couldn't wait to take Jie Jie out to taste some delicious food.

It was the first time for both of them to come to this city. The Marina Bay lights were brilliant at night. The Esplanade, which looks like a durian shell, was very eye-catching. You could also see the strange-looking Merlion from a distance. They couldn't stop watching it. Spraying water jets.

Picking a random roadside stall to sit down, Jack ordered a bunch of delicacies from several nearby food trucks, and quickly filled the small table.

Hainanese chicken rice is rice cooked in chicken oil. The aroma is particularly attractive. It is served with diced chicken, sweet soy sauce, and ginger and chili. It tastes very good.

Jack didn't know if this rice had anything to do with Hainan, but it tasted similar to white chicken.

Laksa is a local specialty noodle seasoned with coconut milk, curry and chili oil. After just one bite, Jiejie’s face turned red to her ears.

Fortunately, the spicy aftertaste of this stuff was not strong, so she soon hesitantly tried a second bite, then a third and fourth bite.

The fried crab with black pepper also tasted good. Jack felt that he could recreate it when he went back. Unfortunately, the two of them had limited appetites, so they could only look at the delicacies on other trolleys with regret and save it for tomorrow.

It’s rare to come to Southeast Asia, and the fruits here are not to be missed. Mangosteen is probably one of the tropical fruits that is most easily accepted by Americans. This kind of thing is almost impossible to see in North America.

The sweet and sour taste made Jiejie very happy to eat it, but the girl was a bit clumsy and couldn't peel it off neatly, so her hands were stained with red juice.

Jack also bought her a durian-flavored ice cream. Seeing her enjoying it, he secretly laughed in his heart. This thing needs to be done step by step. Tomorrow it will be replaced with durian cake, and the day after tomorrow she will probably be able to accept this fresh king of fruits. .

This is like trying gardenia tea first for girls who hate swallowing. The reason is the same.

The meeting that started the next day had nothing to talk about. There were a lot of old professors, making the two young people particularly conspicuous. From time to time, a few disrespectful old guys would come up and try to strike up a conversation with Jiejie.

After Jiejie showed off her business card, the old guys quickly retreated. Obviously, FBI WARNING is not only effective when certain movie titles appear.

Jack was a little unsure of Jiejie's attitude these days. She attended various meetings and lectures during the day and treated him like an ordinary colleague without any pretense. Even if he accepted the mineral water he handed him, he would express his gratitude very solemnly.

When I go shopping in the evening, I either wear a sexy dress or hot pants and suspenders, and I hold my arm generously. I can even get tipsy from drinking juice in the seaside park.

When he drank too much, he would put a sticker on his cheek. When he was sent to the room by Jack every day, his little eyes were so sticky that they could draw strings, but he would not invite him in for a drink.

Jack, who felt that he had been PUA, was very hurt, so he could only go back to his room to study hard. The two days of meetings flew by, and some of the less important meetings, or lectures that the two of them were not interested in, were simply ignored.

After all, there are quite a lot of fun places here. The Ferris wheel in Los Angeles is only less than 60 meters high, but this big one here is nearly three times taller, 165 meters above the ground. It feels great to sit on it.

The scenery of Sentosa beach is okay, but it is not very attractive to Los Angeles people, but the spa is very good. Jiejie likes it very much. She came here for two days in a row to enjoy the oil massage. Her skin is much different from Hannah's. This thing is almost getting to the point where this girl is worried.

Jack said that if she had invited him into the room for a drink earlier, whether it was tea, coffee or champagne, this little problem would have been solved long ago.

The night zoo next to the beach is very unique. It has more than 900 animals in a small place and has been transformed into different areas. You can wander from the tropical rainforest to the African savannah in a few minutes.

Someone said that coming here was a worthwhile trip. There was a cool breeze in the evening. Jiejie hugged one of his arms almost the whole time, and felt cool and cool against each other. It felt great.

Unfortunately, just when Jack was about to take action to counter someone's bad PUA behavior, he received a call from Rossi.

A "LDSK", or "Long Range Shooting Serial Killer", appeared in Des Plaines, northwest of Chicago. There were three shootings in two weeks. Six victims were shot in the abdomen and one died.

The locals were panicked, and the Illinois FBI was helpless and had to ask the BAU for help. Rossi took this case very seriously, because in the history of the BAU, no "LDSK" had ever been caught through profiling.

For the action team, this was both a challenge and an excellent opportunity to prove their worth. Both Rossi and Hotchner took it very seriously and urged them to return as soon as possible. They had already set off immediately on the Gulfstream.

The problem is that every year from December to February is the peak tourist season in Singapore. Jiejie canceled her ticket two days later, but could not buy the nearest direct flight. She had no choice but to choose a new flight of an unknown airline. .

The flight transited through Tokyo and the journey took nearly 20 hours. Although it was hard work, it was the only way to return the fastest.

When he saw this small McDonnell Douglas 80 aircraft in the waiting room, Jack had a big head. No wonder he had to transfer in Tokyo. This small plane didn't have enough range to fly directly over the Pacific Ocean. He didn't know what it would be like along the way. .

The words "Pioneer Airlines" written on the plane were indeed a small airline that I had never heard of.

Different from the previous road trip, Jack took the word "traveling lightly" to the extreme when he went out this time. Because he couldn't bring a gun, he didn't even bring a suitcase that needed to be checked.

But what was better than that of the other Jack Reacher was that he carried a travel bag. In addition to a few changes of clothes, it contained a personal cleaning kit for travel, a small bottle of DEET and some odds and ends. thing.

Jiejie didn't have many things, but as a woman, she had a little more clothes. Before leaving, she bought a few pretty skirts, packed a suitcase, and checked it in.

Perhaps because this aircraft is too small, or because it is a regional aircraft, there is no first class cabin, but there are a few business class seats.

Jack was now somewhat of a wealthy person, and the air tickets were so cheap that he simply spent his own money to upgrade the two of them. He had very little sleep now and hoped to have an environment where he could read without being disturbed.

As a result, he regretted getting into the plane. Even during the peak tourist season, there were still not many people on this late-night flight. The business class was empty, and there were only two or three cats in the economy class. There were only about a hundred seats occupied. to 20 passengers.

Whether he gets an upgrade or not, it doesn't matter whether he studies hard or not.

With the mentality that he couldn't spend money in vain, Jack looked around at the female flight attendants. Well, it was indeed an old and American airline. Except for one who looked younger, the others were all aunts.

I'm stuck. Just save some manuscripts honestly and don't dare to waste them again.

嘤嘤嘤Please give me a monthly ticket

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