However, the detection of trace evidence has not yet yielded results, because it is winter and the typical traces of insects and pollen remain very few.

Crime labs are analyzing the traces of dirt left in the vehicle's tire treads and comparing them to environmental samples to try to map the route the victim's vehicle took, but that takes a long time.

According to the murderer's pattern of committing crimes, the next attack should be within two or three days. There may even be victims already, but no family members have reported him missing yet.

At noon, a group of local police officers gathered in the police office under the call of their chief. While eating the donuts brought back by Jack and Emily, they listened to the case analysis and psychological profile of the murderer by the members of the BAU team. Write.

There are a few guys who are smart enough and consider promotion to police detectives as their career plan. They even prepared paper and pens, looking like obedient students. After all, not every small police station has the opportunity to welcome a team of FBI psychological profilers. helpful.

First, Hotchner: "The last couple killed, Jonathan and Rebecca Gowron, according to their family, were on vacation near Reno last weekend and were going home and planned to find a place to spend the night along the way."

Reid swiped at the map with his hand, "According to their route home, they will probably pass through the Sherwood area where the Corbins were last seen."

"They haven't used a credit card since leaving Reno, and unless they're carrying a lot of cash, it's not going to be expensive."

"Coupled with the murderer's modus operandi, when he commits violence, he needs a sufficiently private space and a lot of private time. This allows us to exclude more than half of the area for the time being."

Hearing this, Chief Bruner, the oldest and most experienced police officer in the local police station, was thoughtful.

"So, the murderer we are looking for is probably a guy working the night shift at a motel on a remote mountain road near Sherwood?"

"And we don't think he's too young, probably between 30 and 35 years old," Reid added.

"Why do you say that?" Chief Bruner was a little confused.

Reid explained, "Kiddling a couple silently and simultaneously is something that requires planning in advance and is very difficult. The murderer needs enough time to perfect his skills."

The police chief seemed to think that the young man's inference was too arbitrary, so he slightly hesitated, "Then he might be older."

"Don't worry about the age of the murderer. This is the most difficult thing to predict. Dr. Reid only made a guess from the perspective of probability."

Rossi said, "All female victims were also subjected to violence while being violated, which shows that the murderer is a rapist with sadistic tendencies."

After saying that, he looked at Jack.

Knowing that his quiz was about to begin again, Jack answered the teacher's questions honestly.

"A sadist needs to be satisfied by abusing and observing the misery of his victims, which also includes psychological abuse. The reason why the murderer only targets couples is probably for this reason."

Jack paused and said the reason why many people present were vaguely aware of it but did not dare to think deeply about it.

"He will force the husband to witness his wife being raped."

Sure enough, as soon as his words came out, the faces of the police officers present, including Chief Brunner, became a little unnatural.

Emily ignored everyone's whispers and followed Jack's derivation to complete the psychological profile of the murderer.

"The murderer is most likely extremely misogynistic, and this comes from the cruel physical and mental harm done to him by a woman, most likely his mother or stepmother."

"He may have witnessed the other party's cheating or similar behavior more than once. Growing up in this environment, he may have never been in love, let alone married."

All the police officers, including Chief Brunner, nodded frequently.

"We are investigating people in the area around Sherwood who have a history of crimes against women, but this takes time, and we are running out of time. The murderer is likely to strike again within two or three days."

"But we cannot conduct large-scale investigations. Even if we inquire in the name of investigating missing persons, we may alert the murderer, causing him to change his crime methods or even disappear."

After Hotchner finished speaking, he looked at the all-male police officers in front of him, frowned, and continued.

"We have sent out help to surrounding police stations and dispatched some police officers here, mainly female police officers. They will arrive one after another tonight and tomorrow."

"Dr. Reid has screened more than 30 motels on remote roads near Sherwood. All of these places have less than 5 employees. In the past few days, you and these female police officers will pretend to be husband and wife and pretend to be tourists to stay in these motels at night. hostel."

Seeing smiles on the faces of the male police officers, Hotchner interrupted their erotic fantasies with a poker face.

"You must understand that this is a very dangerous job. We still don't know what method the murderer used to silently control the four couples. Although the autopsy report did not find drugs in their bodies, the risk remains. Very high."

"Everyone will only be able to carry concealed pistols. Considering that the murderer's target is a woman, the man pretending to be the husband will be the priority to be subdued. You must protect yourself and your partner at the same time."

"This is not a romantic 007 mission. You must always be vigilant and not let the murderer notice anything strange. We only accept registrations from police officers with undercover experience or relevant training."

Sheriff Bruner stood up directly, called a series of names, and then called the meeting to an end.

The trick of pretending to be a married couple checking into a motel was discussed by everyone in the BAU. After trying to narrow down the scope of suspicion, a thorny problem was posed in front of everyone.

When the murderer is found, how to pin the evidence to the murderer?

No DNA evidence was found on the victim's body. Even if the crime location was found, if no evidence was found that could directly link it to the murderer, then the first case after the BAU team was formally established would not be perfect.

Because this case involves an interstate crime, once the murderer is caught, he will inevitably face trial in federal court. The FBI will be fully involved. If something unexpected happens during the prosecution, it is almost foreseeable that there will be many doubts. .

So when Hotchner, the former prosecutor, raised this point, Rossi naturally turned his attention to Jack, and the two of them smiled tacitly at the same time.

After all, in the wilderness, there is no one here who is more experienced than Jack when it comes to taking girls to the next level. He is just a rapist, how can he compare to the ogre in New Mexico.

Stop saying I copied the plot, haha, I changed it so much that my head almost exploded, please give me a monthly ticket!

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