Fortunately, the popularity of the shooting subsided within a few days. After all, there are so many cases every year, and only ten people died this time. It is not a big news.

Members of the action team are not allowed to be famous. The personal information of everyone in the team, including Garcia and JJ, is kept confidential. After all, there have been more than one case in the history of the BAU where serial killers eager to be famous or seeking challenges came to their door.

Therefore, whether he is the Starbuck God of War or the man in a suit, he was quickly forgotten by the Internet. There are more people who know Jack. After all, many people in the Wilshire Branch know him, and only a few people know the identity of Hotchner. .

The party held at Jack's house on the second day was a success. The Italian food he had specialized in for a long time was greatly appreciated. Compared with the French food that he likes to play hard, he could sit and eat and chat for hours. It is obviously more suitable for small gatherings of about ten people.

Except for Hotchner, who had to take care of his pregnant wife and did not attend, overall, the first BAU gathering was quite successful.

Rosie was full of praise for almost every dish, including a little bit of private goods that Jack secretly added to the dessert after the meal, a dish of sweet-scented osmanthus and lotus root that most Europeans and Americans had never tasted.

This guy Red didn't even miss the last bit of soup at the bottom of the plate.

The girls were obviously more interested in the stew that was said to be good for skin care and beauty. JJ, Emily Prentiss and Penelope Garcia tasted the white fungus and red date soup that Jack specially prepared for them for the first time.

Ever since they found out that there was a pretty girl with super skin on the 12th floor who was Jack's girlfriend, all three girls had visited Hannah for various reasons. Except for JJ, who had some complicated thoughts, the other two were all amazed.

They all asked Jack about Hannah's secrets in skin care. Of course, someone couldn't talk nonsense about massage. After all, neither Emily nor Garcia were his cup of tea.

So she turned to her best cooking skills, and in the end even JJ couldn't help but hint, intentionally or unintentionally, that the girls wouldn't mind if Jack usually brought more small desserts with similar effects to the office.

They are willing to spend more time in the gym to burn off the extra calories. Even the chubby homegirl Garcia is asking Emily about signing up for dance classes to keep fit.

After dinner, Jack grandly launched a new entertainment activity, and almost everyone was quickly addicted to it. The weird square table in Jack's living room played its role for the first time - a mahjong table.

Compared to ordinary people, several members of the BAU team are considered to be reasonably high-IQ people. However, since they met the genius Dr. Reid, almost all of them have doubts about their IQ.

For Red, who was refused entry to the Las Vegas casino, any chess or card games are computational entertainment activities used to rest his brain.

Within a few days of getting to know each other, everyone began to refuse any chess and card entertainment with Red. After all, everyone was once a smart person who stood out in their respective social circles. No one likes this feeling of losing to the point of doubting their life.

Now the mahjong that Jack has brought out has brought everyone's IQ back to the same starting line.

There are too many tricks in Mahjong. You can calculate the probability and increase the winning rate by recording the cards, but the effect is limited. Luck sometimes takes the main factor. In addition, you can cooperate with each other to jointly suppress the victorious generals. Soon everyone will I fell in love with this wall-building sport.

The mahjong they played was made by Jack himself. He made some cheap African rosewood and mammoth ivory, and carved a few pairs in his spare time to practice his skills.

Unexpectedly, everyone in BAU was quickly obsessed with it. Within a few days, Rosie took a small oil painting that was said to be worth a house in exchange for Jack, and returned with two pairs of mahjong.

One set was placed in the office and the other set was placed on the Gulfstream aircraft. From then on, mahjong became the only designated universal entertainment for the group members.

Jack guessed that Rosie was preparing for a rainy day based on her past experience and taking into account the physical and psychological pressures that the group members would face in the future.

Therefore, although he felt that the painting style of the group was gradually being distorted, Jack happily hung the small oil painting in his bedroom.

He really couldn't understand the Pollock abstract painting in Chris' RV that was worth hundreds of millions, but he really liked this sunflower painting that was said to be Picasso's practice. At least he could understand what it was.

But soon, JJ brought the first case after the group was established to the BAU team members who were addicted to mahjong.

A Nevada police sergeant called the FBI for help regarding a series of suspicious accidents in Reno, which he believed were intrinsically related.

"Three days ago, a Honda sedan was hit by a tractor-trailer outside of Reno. The driver of the truck was unharmed, and Jonathan and Rebecca Gowran, who were in the sedan, were pronounced dead at the scene."

In the conference room, JJ played the photos and information sent by the local police station on the screen.

"When the local police sergeant arrived at the scene, he noticed something unusual. There were no traces of blood splatter in the car, there were no seat belt bruises on the body, and there were no lacerations from the airbag."

Red rubbed his chin and came to the conclusion, "The couple died before the accident?"

"Yes." JJ nodded, "The medical examiner confirmed this and discovered the real cause of their death."

"Both the couple suffered blunt force attacks on the head, and there is evidence that the wife was raped and abused during her lifetime."

"Then?" Hotchner motioned for JJ to continue. A simple fake car accident case would obviously not be transferred directly to the BAU. There must be more to it.

JJ pressed the remote control in his hand, and a series of photos appeared on the big screen.

"Based on that information, Garcia searched for similar accidents that occurred recently in the area where California and Nevada meet, including two other cases provided by the police chief. We found that a total of 6 similar cases occurred in the past two months. .”

"Both couples or lovers were in a car and were hit by a trailer or heavy truck, and both died. However, because the two states have different jurisdictions, these cases were not immediately linked, and 3 of them were They were all treated as ordinary car accidents."

Rossi quickly flipped through the information in his hand, "Every time there was only one man and one woman in the car. In the middle of the night, the car was parked in the middle of the road. It happened in remote sections of the road that were not main roads. This cannot be a coincidence. We also found Anything else in common?”

JJ turned the shorthand book to the next page and read, "Garcia discovered that the family members of two of the couples had reported to the police. The family members said that they had been missing for at least 48 hours."

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