The world of American TV series: Starting with the L.A. Patrol

Chapter 191 There is a deviation in the psychological profile of student Jack

Jack's original position in Rossi's mind was to be responsible for the use of force, which could not only ensure the safety of the team, but also successfully capture criminals at critical moments.

Of course, if you just look at force, his record is not that outstanding. After all, there are many people who retired from the army or even the special forces and then became police officers and did a very good job.

It was Maureen's recommendation that made Rosie pay attention to Jack's file from the beginning. Of course, there are also many young people who suffered more misfortune than Jack and relied on their own efforts to rise up.

But when Rosie made a psychological profile based on Jack's file, she found that this young man was a bit rare. He was decisive but not murderous. He liked to use his brain to solve problems.

At the end of the bioterrorist attack, the appearance of the female killer obviously made Jack lose control, but he perfectly controlled his emotions at the last moment.

Secondly, his psychological quality is extremely strong. During the encounter in the [Bronson Building], Jack performed more calmly than an old police officer.

The case of Carla's disappearance did not seem to be difficult, and the person leading the investigation seemed to be a more experienced veteran police officer, but the experienced Rosie could easily see from the report the little tricks that Tim and Jack played in the end.

Perhaps in the eyes of others, they were suspected of abusive lynching, but in Rossi's view, this proved that Jack had a strong sense of justice and an unobtrusive tact.

These two qualities were clearly demonstrated in his own money to bail Lawson out, and later bought the other party's property, as well as his performance in the Rosalind case.

He is kind and upright but not pedantic. He is willing to do good but has no moral obsessiveness. He never even plays the political correctness that young people are keen on nowadays. Just like Old Hunter's recognition of Jack, it is obviously not just because he has cured him. own body.

It can be said that young people with such a personality really have an appetite for these old guys who have come from the golden age.

The [Southern Front] case and the counterfeit money case that just happened gave Rossi a new understanding of Jack. He is a tactical expert with unlimited potential, and his grasp of people's hearts and human nature is like his innate ability. talent.

Finally, there is another point that makes Rosie feel inferior. Jack seems to be able to detach himself at all times. Like a bystander, he quickly separates his empathy from the tragic experience of the crime victims. It will not last long. Time is affected by negative emotions.

For example, there is another Jack Reacher. Like Jack, he can also be calm and calm at bloody crime scenes. He seems to be so calm that he is not affected at all afterwards. However, it is precisely because he has experienced too many such things that he has cut off friends. With all the connections between relatives and wandering around the world alone, who can say that this is not an escape?

Of course, Jack didn't know that Rossi thought so highly of him. It would be too easy for him to explain it all.

He is not a murderer. There are only two situations in which the criminals he shoots are: one is a threat to his life, and the other is heinous and makes him unable to understand his thoughts.

His calmness and strong psychological quality are all due to the attributes given by the system that emboldened him. As long as he can't die without being shot in the head, then there is nothing to be afraid of. Besides, there is also a cheating adrenaline reaction.

As for being kind, upright, and not pedantic, these are mature views developed in the previous life. People with this kind of personality will grab an ordinary 70, 80, 90 or even 00 in the previous life, not to mention 90%, probably 56, 780% There is.

There is also the grasp of people's hearts and so on. Jack may admit that he does have some talent, but it is only highlighted by his understanding of the plots of those American TV series and the addition of psychological skills.

As for the last point, Jack has never felt that he is truly a beautiful Chinese. The tragic experience of the victim may temporarily affect his emotions, but it will never affect his outlook or even personality.

Although he no longer has any hope of returning to his original world, he even feels somewhat happy about this world.

But except for a few girls who had feelings for him and those friends with whom he had some bonds, he always had a cold-shoulder attitude towards the beautiful countries in this world. In his opinion, issues like bullshit human nature were philosophical matters. You should think about it.

Philosophers are all madmen. He does not want to be a madman, but simply attributes the reasons behind these unfortunate victims to physical problems.

Since it's a matter of physical fitness, it's none of his business as a Serisian who traveled from another world. Wouldn't it be nice to make more money, make the girls happy, and retire early to enjoy life with them?

Because of these cognitive biases, Rosie was extremely satisfied with the Jack that Maureen recommended to her, and she even had a faint urge in her heart to regard him as her career successor.

So Rosie made some plans. Not only did she arrange for Jack to register at the college in advance, but she also found Maureen, Jack's nominal psychology professor, to conduct a three-month special training for him.

His purpose is to make up for Jack's shortcomings as much as possible before he officially joins BAU, and polish this rough diamond in his mind to a dazzling luster in advance, so that future team members can see him. potential, rather than just treating him as a thug.

Jack was not aware of Rossi's thoughts. In his opinion, if the future thigh valued him and arranged special training, he must work hard and never let him down.

Besides, Maureen wears professional attire every day and wears gold-rimmed glasses to teach herself solemnly, which gives her a sense of forbidden pleasure.

Rossi is very busy and often leaves the academy because the preparations for his action team have reached a critical juncture. Therefore, Maureen teaches theoretical knowledge every day.

But every time Rossi returned to the academy, he would bring a large amount of case information, as well as the notes he took when interviewing serial killers in prison.

He will explain these cases from various professional perspectives such as criminal psychology, behavior, sociology, etc., allowing Jack to use the theoretical knowledge he has learned to try to analyze, and gradually master the basic skills of a psychological profiler.

This high-intensity learning method made Jack's life extremely fulfilling. For three months, apart from running for half an hour in the morning and evening to maintain physical fitness, he spent the rest of the time immersed in books.

As a result, his mental attributes have improved by leaps and bounds, while his physical attributes have remained intact, and he has reached the halfway point of mastery-level psychology skills.

Although there was no upgrade, Jack felt that he had mastered the skills to a very high level. He even observed that Rosie might have discovered the little secret between him and Maureen, but just didn't care.

This makes Jack a little worried. When he enters the BAU and spends time with a group of guys who play psychological tricks every day, his underwear will be seen through by others, and there won't be any secrets between them.

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