The world of American TV series: Starting with the L.A. Patrol

Chapter 127 How to instantly anger the stick

In the end, Natasha decided to trust the handsome guy who claimed to be a police officer, and signaled her sister to put away the gun and stand behind Jack, but the two of them were not too far away from the pickup truck. Thalia still held the phone tightly in her hand.

"If I were you, I should leave here now. Trust me, it's for your own good."

Jack took a few steps forward and stood in front of the three of them. He swore that he was telling the truth.

"Go away! Don't get yourself into trouble! Axiba!"

The leader, Mimi Eyes Stick, was probably stimulated by the way Jack showed off his muscles before, so he took off his T-shirt, revealing the blue dragon tattoo on his shoulder.

One thing to say is that in the United States, it is still a bit difficult to tell whether an Asian is a Seris, a stick, a little devil, or even a South Asian monkey based on his appearance. After all, the appearance characteristics are similar.

Not to mention the old beauty, let a Seris leave the environment of his own country and see all kinds of Angsa people, Latinos, and blacks for a long time. When he suddenly sees an Asian, it is difficult to distinguish them. You can't point to one. Squint your eyes and say this is a stick.

Moreover, most countries in Asia have the same culture, and even the Chinese characters on tattoos are similar. After all, not every Chinese character can be divided into simplified and traditional Chinese.

But as soon as he opens his mouth, there is basically no mistaking it, because Smecta is the only one who can open and close his mouth, not to mention Asibana, so before, Jack could recognize three people at once, including two sticks and one Asan. .

"From the Koreatown gang?" Jack was stunned for a moment. Koreatown was just outside the jurisdiction of the Wilshire Police Department. Although he didn't have much contact with them, he knew exactly what these gangs usually did.

It seems that Natasha and the sisters have been targeted for a long time. Needless to say, drugging a girl and forcing her to become a prostitute is a common routine of Koreatown gangs.

Q. How to instantly irritate a stick? A. Just bring your index finger and thumb slightly closer but not touching, like what Jack is doing now.


The tattooed dragon squinted its eyes and screamed strangely, swinging its bow legs and rushing forward waving the baseball bat in its hand.

There was a muffled sound, and the next second the guy flew backwards at a faster speed than when he came in, leaving the baseball bat in Jack's hand.

Jack slowly put away his right leg, patted it as if it was stained with dirt, and then made a provocative move towards the other stick.

This guy was wearing a floral shirt, holding a crowbar in his hand, and did a roundhouse kick on the spot as if to embolden himself. He looked as if he had just won an Olympic gold medal.

Jack threw away the baseball bat in his hand, spread his hands over the floral shirt, and motioned for him to come on.

The flowered shirt jumped up on the spot, and his legs took turns switching positions as if they were convulsed. After waiting for a long time, he seemed to finally make up his mind. He also let out a strange scream and rushed forward with the crowbar held high.

Someone is deliberately trying to be cool today, only moving his legs but not using his hands. In his previous life, he had been unhappy with the great country of the universe for a long time. Now that he has the opportunity to beat the stick, he must let the stick who likes to play Taekwondo see what kicking is.

He is also fun. After improving his physical attributes, he learned a lot of cool moves from action movies that were useless. He originally wanted to use them to tease Hannah when he was sparring with her, but he didn't expect to use them to tease the stick first. played.

The moment the flowery shirt rushed past, Jack jumped up on the spot, kicked sideways in the air and turned 360 degrees. While kicking the crowbar out of his hand with his right foot, he kicked his chest with his left foot the next second.

Jack stood up again with one hand on the ground. The flowered shirt and the narrow eyes with the green dragon tattooed on them had fallen into a ball, leaving Asan stunned in place.

There were whistles and cheers from all around, and the old Americans who were watching the excitement had already formed a circle, looking like they didn't think it was a big deal.

Natasha was relatively calm, with a smile on her face. It was obvious that there was a big gap between the three of them and Jack, and there was nothing to worry about.

Thalia jumped on the spot with excitement, her face flushed, and she cheered for him.

"Hey, come on together."

The sun was about to set and the temperature was gradually dropping. Jack was a little worried that the steak would not taste good if it was cold. Besides, eating meat alone was not healthy. He also prepared some lettuce and planned to scald it with the remaining oil from frying the steak.

Ah San lifted the two sticks up. The three of them stared at Jack with fierce looks in their eyes. They moved a few steps to surround him.

Since Jack no longer wanted to be cool, he didn't bother to hold back. Seeing that the three of them were reluctant to take action, he simply took the initiative to attack. The first one to be unlucky was still Qinglong's narrow eyes.

Seeing Jack suddenly start and rush towards him, he raised his right leg with squinted eyes and wanted to whip the leg. As a result, the whip leg was only half-way, and his ankle was firmly grasped by an iron-like hand. Before he could realize what was going on, he fell heavily to the ground after a moment of dizziness, and fainted without a sound.

Jack fell unconscious and narrowed his eyes, sideways dodged the floral shirt that rushed towards him, and hit him hard in the stomach with a heavy punch.

The flowered shirt looked like a character in a comic. His eyes almost popped out of his head. Veins floated from his neck and extended to his cheeks. He slowly fell to the ground. In addition to a few gurgling sounds from his throat, he kept making miserable sounds. I can't even scream.

Ah San, who had been posing next to him, saw the miserable state of the two of them, turned around without saying a word and wanted to run away. Jack caught up with him in two steps and wanted to pinch the back of his neck, but his hand slipped and he missed him.

How many days has it been since I took a shower or did I apply Indian S oil? Jack kicked the thing over and felt the greasy feeling between his fingers, which made him feel sick.


Dividing line---

The park police who were called to clean up the mess verified Jack's identity, made a brief inquiry, and took away the three unlucky guys.

Jack always felt that he had saved them.

The melon-eaters who were watching also dispersed. Thalia was still pestering Jack excitedly and asking questions. Natasha pulled her away. The two climbed into the back of the pickup truck and threw a bunch of things from the top. Firewood.

Jack quickly went up to help, and soon a blazing bonfire was lit between the two tents.

The three of them sat around the campfire. Natasha took out an exquisite wine bottle and handed it over.

Jack did not open it immediately, but admired it with interest. The flat silver flask had complicated patterns made with relief technology, and there were two little girls dancing ballet in the middle.

"Are these you sisters?" he asked with a smile.

Thalia on the side nodded, "This is our birthday gift from dad."

"So, you have one too?"

Jack opened the lid and took a sip. The vodka was right, it was gross.

Thalia ran back to the car, and soon returned to Jack with an identical hip flask and handed it to him.

Uh, is this some kind of ritual that he doesn't know about? Jack could only take it and take a sip, the vodka tasted exactly the same.

As the night got darker, the two furry girls sat by the campfire and sang. The songs were beautiful and the lyrics were familiar. Jack had heard these songs in his previous life and even sang the Chinese versions.

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