Walking in the darker and darker snow, judging by the special floor tiles of the square under her feet when she came in just now, Li Sili felt that she should have entered an underground supermarket or an area such as the subway.

After reaching the end of the snow and coming to the open space, Li Sili finally knew where they had come.

With tiled walls, ticketing machines, a gate not far away, and two long recesses that can be seen in the distance, there is no doubt that this is the city's subway station.

However, after coming here, Li Sili suddenly thought that she had traveled to another world.

Because the lights are on, the machinery is running, the figures are crowded, and everything looks as if it is a place that has not experienced the end times.

However, after Li Sili's eyes gradually adjusted to the light and saw the scene in front of her, the misunderstanding in her head was answered.

The so-called figures are just human figures, they are like a group of shadows standing up, imitating the prosperity of this place and carrying out activities.

And what makes the machine work is only an unknown force, which pushes the outer shell of the machine, and makes the broken and decayed machine run as if it were in perfect condition.

What keeps the lights on are some kind of glowing microorganism that has eaten away at decaying matter, crawling all the lines that once crowded this subway, and glowing in containers capable of gathering large groups of people, that is, lamps and the like.

The feeling of discovering their true body Li Sili and traveling to another world disappeared, but as Li Sili observed for more and more time, the feeling of traveling to another world began to permeate her heart again.

Originally, Li Sili thought that these unknown beings would rush up and attack her after seeing her.

However, to their surprise, even though Li Sili had already walked to their side, they still did not have any reaction to Li Sili.

Even if Li Sili accidentally bumped into the body of a "shadow", the other party did not make any movement towards Li Sili, nor did he leave any traces on her body, but just passed through Li Sili like a black phantom and walked towards the area behind Li Sili.

This phenomenon made Li Sili feel that the other party was not in the same space as her.

Later, as Li Sili continued to observe, observing the respective lives, exchanges, and reactions of various "figures", Li Sili had the idea that the other party was actually projected to this side of the other world.

On the way to the platform, this thought became deeper and deeper, and at the moment when Li Sili had this thought, the "figures" around her suddenly deformed.

Some of the "figures" suddenly faded to black, and became a bloated skinless person with layers of fat stacked.

The black of some of the "figures" turned colored, then the paint-like skin grew into cauliflower-like bumps, countless bird claws stacked into brains, and then one of them limped into a crawling and wriggling soft-bodied creature on the ground.

Some "human figures" dispersed the shadows on their bodies into mist of the same color, and then in the folds of the mist, countless beast pupils floated and shattered, and the mouthparts of countless creatures bloomed and whispered.

Eventually, the "figures" in the subway all took on different forms, and their various eyes looked at Li Sili with strange eyes, as if she were a strange creature.

In their gaze, Li Sili also began to have a strange feeling about herself.

I feel that my skin is strange and that I shouldn't be so smooth.

I don't think my joints should be like this, they should be longer and more.

I feel a little strange in my field of vision, why do I see so few places, shouldn't I be able to see in all directions?

I feel like my tongue is much less, so I can only taste one flavor when I taste something.

And the most eye-catching thing is the substance that makes up one's body, a pair of disorganized things in a flesh-colored bag swinging wildly, looking...

Suddenly, a feeling of swelling up to the edge of the bag woke Li Sili, and in this awakening, Li Sili noticed that her thinking was abnormal, and the microstructure of her body gradually became abnormal with her thinking.

Focus your mind on the melody that is gradually becoming chaotic, recall your previous melody, and constantly recall your life to consolidate your own cognition.

Finally, Li Sili gradually felt that her thinking was gradually returning to her normal worldview.

It's just that this kind of situation is that the anomalous existence behind the subway doesn't want to see it, so the many strange beings in front of Li Sili's eyes converged, and they began to gradually combine into a constantly rotating ball of brightly colored pigment.

The brilliant colors swirled in the vortex towards Li Sili, and looking at this swirling color, Li Sili felt that her brain, reason, and body seemed to begin to melt.

Even when Li Sili closed her eyes, the colors in the darkness would become slightly dull, and the feeling of her brain, reason, mind, and body gradually melting away still did not disappear.

Faced with such a scene, Li Sili seemed to be in a desperate situation.

However, Li Sili's side was in a desperate situation, but the fog man was still pulling her away, and during the time that had happened, the fog man had already brought Li Sili to the front of the platform.

The Fog Man then picked up Li Sili and sat on the invisible seat above the track, and finally Li Sili raced along the track to the front at a speed that only the subway can achieve.

At this time, the speeding Li Sili really looked like she had a feeling that the car was left behind in the game BUG, and when Li Sili was about to get rid of the influence of the strange subway, Li Sili, who had a flash of inspiration in her head, suddenly made a camera gesture behind her.

When Li Sili opened her eyes and looked at the center of the camera gesture, the paint vortex in the distance behind Li Sili and the monsters that had not turned into paint instantly turned into paintings, objects, scene potted plants, sand and other messes.

After a series of chain reactions caused by Li Sili's influence on the weird subway station, Li Sili's distracted eyes gradually regained their highlights.

After blinking, there was no longer any confusion in Li Sili's eyes.

However, as soon as Li Sili returned to normal, she was frightened by her current situation, there was nothing around her, and she was speeding through the dark tunnel in a posture of sitting or something.

Advancing at this speed in this kind of darkness kept Li Sili's mind full of imagination of what she suddenly bumped into in the dark, and at this time, Li Sili, who was panicked, completely forgot her defensive ability.

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