Putting the unconscious Li Sili on the bed, Jiang Youbu nervously looked at the red marks on Li Sili's body that kept appearing and disappearing, and thought with all her might.

If it was just an invisible enemy, and Li Sili was placed in a place with walls on both sides, then Li Sili should not have any more red marks in the direction of the two walls.

But now, even if Li Sili is put here, the red marks still appear, which means that the attack on Li Sili is either a material energy body that can penetrate the material energy body, or a microscopic virus-type enemy.

In the face of these kinds of enemies, Jiang Youyu really had no way to deal with them for a while, so after observing for a few seconds, Jiang Youyan, who was sure that he had no way to solve them, took out his mobile phone and prepared to ask for help from the sidelines.

But the sudden impact of a breeze on Li Sili made Jiang Youyu stop moving.

As soon as she felt the breeze generated by the room ventilation system blowing in the direction of Li Sili from behind, red marks appeared on Li Sili's body, and after noticing this, Jiang Youyu began to carefully feel the direction of the wind behind her and the location of the red marks on Li Sili's body.

In the end, Jiang Youyu came to the conclusion that the wind just now was one of the reasons for the appearance of red marks on Li Sili's body.

Excluding some kind of invisible enemy to attack, touching something and then reacting on the skin, this situation made Jiang Youyu think of allergies.

It's just that if even the wind is allergic, then the situation is bad.

However, even if the situation in the guess is too troublesome, she finally has a direction, and Jiang Youyu herself is a person who deals with the field of diseases, so she no longer makes superfluous actions, and directly observes Li Sili's physical condition by herself.

I tried to use the quilt on the hospital bed to block the wind blowing over, but the quilt touched Li Sili's skin a little and there were red marks on it, seeing this, Jiang Youyu immediately put down the cup and carefully let Li Sili turn over, and then she saw that there were red marks on the thighs and calves that were in contact with the bed before.

Now it can be determined that Li Sili reacts almost as soon as she touches something, and seeing that there are red marks under the palm of Li Sili's hand when she touches it, Jiang Youyu feels that her scalp is a little numb.

"Doctor Jiang, what's wrong with my little sister?"

Jiang Youyan's action of running out with Li Sili in her arms just now also attracted a lot of people's attention, and after noticing Jiang Youyan's expression as if she had encountered something tricky, the nearby patients asked Jiang Youyan about the situation from a distance to see if they could help.

Hearing the inquiries of several people nearby, Jiang Youyu suddenly had a way to reduce the red marks on Li Sili's body as much as possible, so she asked the people around her,

"Is there any mutant limb that can lift Lily up with the smallest contact area?"

"That guy's mutant limb is a tentacle, and he can roll it up if it's not very heavy."

Hearing someone say about him, the young man in the distance lifted his shirt and showed the tentacles that stretched out of his navel to Jiang Youyan, and when he saw this slender tentacle that seemed to be able to stretch a long time, Jiang Youyan felt that it seemed to be able to be used.

"Yes, please come and help.

Also, if it's convenient for others, please bring a towel over to shield Lily from the wind. Hearing

Jiang Youyan's command, everyone immediately took action, and after a while, the man with tentacle mutated limbs wrapped around Li Sili's thin waist and lifted her into the air under Jiang Youyan's command.

And the people who came to help around also came over with some clean quilts and towels to block the wind around Li Sili.

In the end, with everyone's efforts, no new red marks appeared on Li Sili's body, and the old red marks on her body gradually faded over time.

During this period, Jiang Youyu also discovered that although Li Sili's skin reacted to many things she touched, the clothes she wore did not make her own body appear red.

This also made Jiang Youyan breathe a sigh of relief, at least then she didn't have to deal with Li Sili's clothes, and Li Sili didn't have to be cold.

"It may take you to maintain this state for a while, and it will be a problem for everyone."

"Don't bother Dr. Jiang, we have many people who have been treated by Dr. Jiang and this little sister, and now that the little sister is in trouble, we are naturally happy to help.

It doesn't matter how tired you are, it's insignificant compared to what my little sister and Dr. Jiang helped us do.

Seeing everyone say this, Jiang Youyu was a little moved, calmed down her emotions a little, and she was ready to go back to the office and equipment room, and take some tools to check Li Sili's state to determine the direction of treatment.

But just as Jiang Youyu was about to turn around, there was movement from Li Sili's side.

Li Sili, who was rolled up by the tentacles and lifted into the air, just woke up and panicked because of the situation that she couldn't understand, and her eyes were wide open in horror and swayed wildly.

Falling heavily on the bed in mid-air, seeing this movement, Jiang Youyu naturally couldn't leave, and hurriedly ran over to confirm the place where Li Sili touched the bed in a large area.

However, this examination made Jiang Youyu very surprised, Li Sili no longer had red marks as soon as she touched any skin like before, and even the red marks that appeared before were visibly fading with the naked eye at this time.

"Lily, are you feeling sick right now?"

Jiang Youyu asked Li Sili a little nervously, but Li Sili frowned and covered her ears and closed her eyes after hearing Jiang Youyi's words, and her figure began to sway a little.

At this time, Jiang Youyan's voice turned into a roaring metal collision sound in her ears, and no words could be heard from the voice, only a dizzying loud noise.

This loud noise not only transmitted from Lisley's ears to her brain, but when she opened her eyes, the sound was actually transmitted through her eyes to the area where her ears seemed to be her mind.

So she could only cover her ears and close her eyes, and then explained:

"It's so loud! Sister, is it okay to be quiet?

Hearing Li Sili's words, Jiang Youyu immediately understood that Li Sili should have a hearing problem, so she hurriedly stopped speaking and signaled for quiet around.

At this time, Liu Youlan also returned here with a boxed lunch, and at first sight, she saw Li Sili curled up on the bed, and then she ran over in a hurry.


As soon as she spoke, Liu Youlan was stopped by Jiang Youlan's muted gesture, so she could only walk to Jiang Youyan's side with a boxed lunch and look at Li Sili.

After the surrounding sounds quieted down, Li Sili finally didn't feel so uncomfortable anymore, slowly opened her eyes and looked around, and after seeing that there was only a noisy level of noise around her, she slowly let go of the hands covering her ears.

Now she felt the cacophony of annoying noises from everything around her, the clumps of wood creeping apart, the aftermath of metal tapping.

The sound of rivers surging and stones rolling through people's bodies was heard, and the air was filled with a terrifying howl like the passage of a typhoon.

She couldn't help but close her eyes and try to reduce the noise, Li Sili frowned and didn't know what to do with her current state.

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