Just when everyone who came out wanted to change people on the spot to avoid the wind and snow, a huge movement suddenly appeared behind everyone, Li Sili first heard the familiar noise and the buzzing sound contained in it, and after turning her head, she saw a huge multi-jointed huge arm.

There was no doubt that this huge multi-jointed arm was the arm of the broken mermaid before, and Li Sili naturally thought that the broken giant mermaid would crawl out of the ground next.

However, the situation was different from what she had imagined, and after this first giant multi-articulated arm crawled out, more multi-articulated arms followed.

They stick out of the ground one by one like the spikes of sea urchins, stretching more and longer and taller, and finally they really stack in the area in the distance to form a semicircle of arms like sea urchin spikes.

Then these dense arms began to make dazzling movements.

I don't know how they operated, but in the blink of an eye, the many arms were coiled into a strangely shaped bow and arrow, and then the hands gathered into the shape of arrows were aimed at the sky.

In Li Sili's perception, the pile of arms that gathered into arrows made her feel very bad, and most of the noise and buzzing in the pile of arms gathered inside.

The noise structure of this arrow reminded Li Sili of the fruit at the end that she had perceived when she sensed it from the giant tree monster before, and looking at its current operation, Li Sili speculated that it probably became like this because of its long-distance migration.

But before it could shoot the arrows from its bow, a huge jet shot out from its front, blocking the path of its arrows.

Facing the jet of five or six buildings in its direction, which was twice as tall as it, the group of arms that had been turned into a broken mermaid hesitated, and the bowstring of the bow and arrow, which was about to explode, moved forward a little.

It was this hesitation that allowed the presence in the jet to seize the opportunity, and the water in the middle of the jet turned into a girl on horseback, leaping into the air with a spear in her hand, and stabbing the spear into the center of the arm group.

The horses and girls formed by the water flow turned into an amorphous flow of water after touching the arm group, and the entire group of arms gathered into a bow and arrow shape, as if at this time, the water flow reacted with the cold of the outside world, and after the water flow completely wrapped the arm group, the water flow instantly turned into condensed ice.

At this point, the girl on the horse turned into a water mass and disappeared, leaving only the water that pierced the middle of the sea urchin's arm, and the spear was frozen into ice crystals, and the spear was stuck diagonally on the huge ice block that froze the monster with the arm.

When the battle between the knight girl and the arm monster was over, Li Sili heard the cry she had uttered when she was calling out the name of Mother Earth some time ago, and it spread out in all directions like an echo in the mountains as the water froze into lumps.

I feel that the knight girl formed by the water flow seems to have a connection with the effect she had when she shouted the name of Mother Earth before, but Li Sili didn't even know what effect her actions had at that time, how did she understand what the connection between the knight girl formed by the water flow was with herself?

Just when Li Sili wanted to find a breakthrough in the connection, Liu Youlan's voice interrupted her thinking.

"Lily, that girl just now actually looks like you! Did she make it up with your superpowers?

Li Sili didn't observe the knight girl's appearance, so she didn't notice that the other party's appearance was just her growing up.

However, even if she looked like Li Sili, she couldn't find clues from it, so Li Sili could only explain the misunderstanding first.

"I didn't make it."

"Didn't Li Sili do it? That..."

Liu Youlan just said that in the middle of her words, many red dots aimed at her body, and this kind of scene that is often familiar in the movie made everyone immediately stop all actions and raise their hands, even though they were already a little dizzy from the cold.

Li Sili didn't have a chance to grab everyone's bodies to provide them with defense, so now she didn't dare to act rashly and make movements that might stimulate the other party's actions.

So all everyone can do now is stand motionless and wait for the other party to appear.

After a while, many footsteps approached from a distance, and when they looked in their direction, they saw many soldiers wearing snow camouflage uniforms and holding firearms holding guns walking neatly towards Li Sili and them.

Seeing that Liu Youlan and the other two girls were already purple from the cold in many places, Li Sili looked at the people in the distance anxiously, hoping to give Liu Youlan and them a chance to warm up as soon as possible.

"Little sister, did you make that knight girl just now?"

A man who was also wearing a camouflage uniform but wearing an officer's dress jacket walked up to Li Sili and asked a question, not knowing the identity of the other party, but Li Sili still communicated with him as a speaker.

"Give my sister clothes first, and I'll say."

Noticing the purple girls behind Li Sili, the man realized that they were not limb mutants or people with some special abilities as they had guessed.

Originally, seeing that the little girl here was so similar to the huge knight girl over there, they thought that it was some special limb mutant or a legendary superpower person they hadn't seen yet.

According to their speculation, a person would not have such a powerful force to create such a huge creation, so on the way over, they guessed that the creation was made by the little girl and the others around her.

Moreover, the main ingredient for making that huge girl is still such a large amount of water, so they think that the main contributor should be the mermaid girl who is often associated with water in mythological fantasy stories.

But the mermaid girl doesn't even seem to have the heat that comes with a mutant limb, and she doesn't seem to be able to manipulate the water on her body when she is frozen like this.

The other two girls should not have been frozen like this if they had the superpowers to control water and ice, so the man began to doubt his own speculation.

"Hurry up and get some cotton clothes."

Beckoning his brother to take his clothes from the shelter, the man continued to talk to Li Sili, who was not affected by the cold, after three soldiers holding heavy cotton clothes over the four girls.

"Can you say it now?"

"Well, the water, it's none of our business."

As soon as Li Sili opened her mouth, she said that they had nothing to do with the knight girl, which made the man have a headache, and he didn't know if it was uncooperative or if it was true, as the little girl said, it didn't matter.

But the current situation cannot get an answer from the other person's mouth in three or two sentences, so the man who can't get the answer from the other person's mouth in the first place can only choose to take them back in the end.

"Little sister, we can't believe what you say, if you want to prove it, we need you to provide more information, so it's troublesome for you to go with us, little sister."

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