The understanding of the ontology of noise in the message from the cold has been changing in Li Sili's mind, and at first it appeared in Li Sili's mind as a concept that Li Sili could understand, but gradually the concepts that she originally understood gradually mixed and blurred, and finally Li Sili could only understand that the ontology of noise was something that did not depend on matter.

Maybe it's the vibration of a fixed structure that moves without dissipation, or maybe it's the equivalent amount of heat that maintains a certain shape and fixed diffusion in the molecule, in short, Li Sili feels that the other party's body is a microscopic special energy structure that is difficult to influence with modern technology.

However, this vague understanding seems to be in line with the limits of human comprehension of noise, and after understanding it to this extent, Li Sili can actually hear the noise in the body of the monster she has seen before in her memory.

Looking up at the monster that had not yet fully transformed in the huge block of ice, Li Sili could now hear the noise inside it without touching it when she saw it.

But the message from the cold seemed to be over, and after Li Sili had just looked up at the whole of the huge ice block, her consciousness was once again drawn into the message from the cold.

This time, the message was no longer about noises and monsters, and in the memory, Li Sili's consciousness was pulled to the moment when the ice and snow frozen world.

Looking at the rain that was frozen by the cold and turned into ice and snow, Li Sili saw the noise mixed in the rain gradually solidify with the formation of ice crystals and then shatter and disappear in the stillness, and now Li Sili affirmed her previous guess that ice and snow are protecting human beings.

At this point, the message from the cold was gone, and Li Sili's consciousness stayed in the snowy memory and no longer felt anything else.

I felt that I could get rid of my memories as long as I moved my thoughts, but looking at the snowy world, Li Sili inexplicably wanted to stay here.

Recall a distance a little further, and the scene of the memory begins to recede rapidly as if the rewind button is pressed.

Slightly attracted by this retreating sight, Li Sili thought about playing with this feeling of controlling the world for a while.

In the process of controlling the scene, Li Sili thought of the voice she heard calling her current name when she first crossed into this world.

Curiously rewinding his memory to the beginning, after listening to the voice calling his name, Li Sili's ears suddenly heard a strange but intimate voice.

"Little Lily, it's my mother~"

was startled by the sudden voice in her ears Li Sili jumped out of the scene of memories and returned to reality, reacted and wanted to find the source of the sound just now, but according to the memories just now, Li Sili couldn't tell whether the voice was heard in the memory or heard by the ears in reality.

The feeling of hearing the sound is not blurry, but Li Sili feels that she has heard the voice in her memories and reality, so she has a feeling of indistinguishability.

"Lily, are you alright?"

Startled by the sound just now, Li Sili slowly began to let go of her right hand that was touching the ice block after coming out of her memory.

Liu Youlan, who was in the distance, saw that Li Sili's hands were not frozen and gradually left the ice, so she realized that Li Sili seemed to have confirmed that there was no danger in touching the ice in some way just now, and then she touched the ice with some purpose.

But even if Li Sili showed that there was nothing wrong with touching the ice cube, Liu Youlan was still worried that Li Sili's body or something was hurt, so she tried to confirm Li Sili's state by shouting and asking.

Hearing Liu Youlan's voice in her ears, Li Sili immediately came back to her senses and realized that the voice just now was not Liu Youlan's, Li Sili shook her head and responded to Liu Youlan's inquiry after confirming that the source of the voice might not be here.

After seeing the response, Liu Youlan, who came over this side, also confirmed that Li Sili was not hurt now, swam in the direction of Li Sili and carefully stroked the girl's hand to confirm the situation.

"How's it going? Did you find anything?"

Lisley nodded, then she looked at the monster trapped in the ice, and found the noise that extended to them from the other party's already broken and intermittent noise.

Reaching out and grabbing a selected noise and pulling it back, the monster frozen in the distance disintegrated and melted in the ice.

After watching the minced meat and grease from several ice cubes being carried by the undercurrent of the water to the cracks in the stone wall, and seeing these filth disappear into the cracks of the stone wall like stolen goods flushed into the toilet bowl, Liu Youlan looked at Li Sili with her mouth wide open.

After a long time, Liu Youlan finally came back to her senses.

"Lily, what kind of magic skill are you?"

Li Sili pointed to her mouth and understood Li Sili's movements, Liu Youlan nodded.

"Let's go back and talk about it later, now are we going to start looking for the exit?" Li

Sili wanted to nod, but at this moment, there was movement from the huge ice cube that had been emptied inside.

Making a stop gesture to Liu Youlan, Li Sili looked in the direction of the huge ice cube, only to see that the ice cube slowly disappeared in the water as if it was melting and sublimating, and in Li Sili's field of vision, she saw that the ice cube turned into a melody and gathered together, and then began to move in a certain direction.

Hearing the melody on the other side, there seemed to be a beckoning tune, Li Sili realized that the other party seemed to want to take her somewhere, and looked at Liu Youlan tangledly, Li Sili didn't know how to convey the meaning to the other party, and whether to take her over.

"What's wrong?"

the left hand turned around to Liu Youlan to indicate us, and then the right hand first pointed to himself and then to the direction where the cold air was moving, Li Sili didn't know sign language, so she could only follow her own feelings and make movements, trying to make Liu Youlan understand what she meant.

However, Liu Youlan saw what Li Sili wanted to convey to her, and she guessed the meaning of the action just now and talked to Li Sili to confirm what Li Sili wanted to express.

"Lily, are you trying to get me to follow you?

Liu Youlan guessed what she meant at once, Li Sili hurriedly nodded in affirmation, and after Liu Youlan took her hand without hesitation, Li Sili began to move in the direction of the melody.

Because Liu Youlan didn't know the specific direction, and it was pitch black here, Li Sili couldn't indicate the direction through the reference, so the next step was to take Liu Youlan forward.

The cold air next to them seemed to notice the two of them as well, and they separated a cold air platform from the edge and put it behind the soles of Li Sili's feet, and after Li Sili stepped on it, they pushed Li Sili and led the two of them towards their destination.

Feeling the push touch that only existed under her feet, Li Sili understood the meaning of the cold qi and began to adjust her body posture, so that the other party could condense into a substantial thrust and act on the soles of her feet.

Liu Youlan also noticed the impetus that Li Sili didn't know from over there, but she didn't say anything, just let Li Sili lead her forward.

After a while, there was a dim light in front of them, and beyond the boundary of the light, the two of them came to an extremely empty area.

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