The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 907: North Mountain Fortress

In the study of the cannon, Luo Ji pondered enough leafhoppers to toss for a long time.

Luo Ji himself is also taking the time to invest in the construction and development of the Wanxiang civilization.

There are quite a few things to be busy.

For example, the white fox orcs, the white wolf orcs and the long pigs who had been stalked before.

Since the number is not particularly large, Luo Ji temporarily placed them in the Beishan Fortress.

There are also various considerations from all sides.

First of all, the Beishan Fortress is the new north of the Wanxiang civilization. Zhao Wei led the troops under his command to sit in the town personally. It is also a town to live in, so as to avoid any troubles caused by the tribes of the Northland who have just returned.

Secondly, if the tribes are to temporarily establish tribal camps in the northern mountains and forests, they will have to consume a lot of manpower and material resources.

Luo Ji is now carrying out a lot of projects in his hands, it is really unable to extract extra manpower and material resources to do this.

Therefore, they were simply placed in the Beishan Fortress.

While solving the problem of the living of these three orcs, it is natural to let them fill the defensive forces of the current line of fortresses.

At the same time, among the frontline camps that have been deserted for a long time in the bitter cold, a number of uninvited guests have been ushered in.


The dusty door was pushed away by a thick handcuff.

A bear man came in from the outside.

The size of the bear man, although not as good as the bear patriarch Bain, is also higher than the average bear.

Above the sturdy chest, there are three sturdy and huge claw marks.

The kind of scar is not so much hurt by other orcs, it is more like being left by the same family.

As for the specifics, it is obviously not known at this time.

Looking at the deserted camp, the bear man who came in frowned.

"What happened? The Fox people you mentioned before are gone, and there are no people here to meet us!"

In the face of this voice question, the bear man who followed him couldn't help but wipe the cold sweat of his forehead.

"Kolo, this, I don't know. When I left, Master Bethan said that I would leave a few people here to meet us."

Apparently, the bear man who appeared in this frontline camp was the reinforcement of Bessen.

From the periphery of the bitter cold, he rushed back to the depths of the bitter cold, and then rushed to the periphery with reinforcements.

During this period, I lost my way several times, causing them to arrive until now.

This kind of support efficiency, if it happens in human wars, the frontline troops are estimated to have cooled.

However, the Xiongren people believe in their own strength, so no one thinks about it.

Now, in the face of this situation, Kolo has to express doubts...

"So, do you think that the idiot forgot about this, or that he is dead?"

In the face of this remark, the bear man who followed was obviously shrinking his neck.

After all, Bethan is the younger brother of the Grand Chief. In this case, it is estimated that Colo, who is standing in front of him, said.

The bear man behind him was completely unwilling to answer.

Even the fifty bears who came back with support this time were all a face-to-face expression.

Colo obviously didn't have to be stupid to stand here to blow the cold wind, just listen to him quite simply open again...

"Go, go to the human camp you said."

While speaking, Colo immediately left the frontline camp with a group of bears and rushed in the direction of the North Mountain Fortress.

What they didn't notice, however, was that almost the front of their forefoot left, on the frozen soil on both sides, a few white figures quickly left the area.

There is no doubt that it is the Fox fox scout of the White Fox family.

The foxes scouts who are familiar with the terrain are obviously more efficient than the bears.

Before Kelu took the bear man to the entrance of the canyon, he first returned to the Beishan Fortress and reported to Zhao Wei about the situation on the frontline camp.

Zhao Wei, who heard this, had two eyebrows wrinkled slightly, but it was not too dignified.

According to the report of the Fox people's scouts, it is only four or fifty bears.

It is obviously unlikely that this number of bears will threaten the Beishan Fortress, which has strengthened its defenses.

However, it is not good to relax too much. When I think of it, Zhao Wei decisively sent two teams of foxes to scout and let them keep an eye on the group of bears.

It’s been too long to leave, and it’s obviously not clear that he’s already remembered.

It took a few days to work. After finally finding the familiar entrance to the canyon, the bear man who was responsible for leading the way was greatly relieved.

Then, with a smile on his face, he said to a group of bears, such as Kolo, who was behind him...

"It's the front, through the canyon, the end is the camp."

Colo said with a blank expression, then raised the chin at the bear.

"You go ahead and see."

The bear man who heard this was decisively stiff.

Although Kolo was suspected that Bessen was already dead, no one dared to pick up the words, but now that he is at the juncture of this section, the bear man responsible for leading the way is also a little panicked.

As one of the bears who had attacked the canyon in the beginning, he knew in his heart how dangerous the canyon was.

In case, he said that in case...

In case Benson is really dead, the canyon falls into the hands of the enemy. He is going in now. Isn't that looking for death?

After all, it is related to my own life ~ ~ between the moment, this step is really unfavorable.

Looking at the bear man who had been grinding for a long time and didn't move a few steps, Korro probably knew what the other person was thinking.

After all, they are not a populist, because it is not very good to fold a tribe.

Thinking of this, I saw Colo go up two steps, then after taking a sigh of relief, I made a big noise...


The huge slammed door brought a resounding echo in the entire canyon.

Even the group of bears who stood behind Colo at the time couldn't help but hold their ears.

Deep in the canyon, standing on the wall of the fortress in Beishan, listening to the echo that came from the sound, Zhao Yan flashed a trace of accident.

It seems that the bears outside the canyon are alert.

Looking up and looking at the forces that had been placed on the sides of the canyon, he originally planned to hit the other side with a surprise.

But looking at this situation, it seems not so easy.

Between the thoughts and the flight, Zhao Wei turned his head and looked at Cassin standing on the side.

After feeling the sight of Zhao Wei, Kasin decisively made a nap...

"Forehead, general, are you planning?"

"It’s better to take a slap in the hard-working Kasin patriarch and introduce the bears outside?"


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