The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 4740: , variable (5)

This battle has reached this point. From the actual action alone, Zhao Hao and the X-rank warriors of the mechanical family undoubtedly fought hard.

The X-rank fighter of the mechanical race who turned into a dark red light and shadow to meet the insect king, his speed was undoubtedly higher than Zhao Hao.

The entire body with a streamlined shape is extremely slender, and adopts the most simple and lightweight design.

And the whole body is equipped with only four high-frequency vibration particle knives as melee weapons.

Under this premise, the four high-frequency vibration particle knives were not placed independently, but were directly integrated with the hands and feet of the X-class body, completely adopting an integrated design.

This made the blade-type X-rank warrior of the mechanical family, from a distance, look like an alien monster with blades on both hands and feet.

And all these designs are for only one purpose, which is to exchange for maximum speed.

If the previous plan failed, and the follow-up attack of the antimatter sniper gun failed to kill the insect king, then he would need to deal with the insect king and fight for more firepower X-level warriors for another mechanical family. Attack opportunity.

At this moment, this blade-type X-rank warrior has already turned on the annihilation mode, and the rich dark red energy particles spurted frantically from the propulsion devices all over his body.

At the same time, the high-frequency vibration particle knives that had been activated long ago also exuded a dangerous dark red light. In the first encounter between the two sides, the blade-type X-level warrior used both hands and feet, and the four high-frequency vibration particle knives directly moved towards Insect King, launched a pincer attack.

Faced with an attack, the insect king's first reaction was to evade, but Zhao Hao's Donkey Kong Lion's Roar made him miss the best opportunity to evade, forcing the insect king to start a head-to-head confrontation with the blade-type X-level warrior.

In an instant of life and death, the worm king directly controlled the three worm tails behind him to attack. At the same time, part of the fragmented worm hand that had been hit by the anti-matter sniper gun had already regenerated, and the worm king waved it to resist the blade-type X-level warrior's attack. The fourth high frequency vibration particle knife.

The attack properties of the high-frequency vibration particle knife are somewhat similar to that of the antimatter energy cannon, but the high-frequency vibration particle knife uses its own special material, supplemented by ultra-high frequency vibration, to directly destroy objects from the particle level.

Although the worm king's worm hand is extremely tough, even in the confrontation with Zhao Hao, he has the upper hand, but it is also useless when encountering weapons with special attack properties such as high-frequency vibration particle knives.

Not to mention that he was only shattered by antimatter sniper cannonballs before, and now he has not fully recovered at all. At this time, the overall strength is obviously not as good as before!

However, one weakness does not mean all weaknesses.

The three insect tails behind the Insect King are his important attacking weapons. Now they are fighting frantically with the blade-type X-rank warrior. Not only do they not fall behind, but they even gain the upper hand in several rounds of lightning-like confrontation.

Faced with this situation, the blade-type X-rank fighter naturally called for long-range fire support without hesitation, and launched an integrated cooperation with the fire-type X-rank fighter behind him.

This is a perfect match that only the machine race can show, and it is basically impossible to replicate by other races.

With the cooperation of the two X-rank fighters of the mechanical race to this level, even if he was as strong as Zhao Hao, facing this battle, he would have no room to intervene for a while.

You can only continue to adjust your breath on the side, restore your state, and look for opportunities to get out.

The Insect King has a very high combat IQ, and in the face of this situation, he naturally knows it.

If he had just escaped from the black hole attack before, he was still a little flustered when he was suddenly attacked, then after a few rounds of fighting, his mood has completely calmed down, and he even started More and more stable.

During the battle, the worm king quickly observed the surrounding situation while using three worm tails and worm hands to deal with the blade-type X-level warrior.

During the period, every time the gun blade at the tip of the worm's tail collided with the high-frequency vibration particle knife, pieces of tiny fragments would fly out.

After confirming this situation, the blade-type X-level warrior who attacked with extreme speed confirmed his four high-frequency vibration particle knives at the fastest speed, and immediately obtained the result that these fragments did not come from due to his high frequency vibration particle knife.

Afterwards, before the blade-type X-rank warrior could carry out further confirmation, the insect king, whose attack frequency was quite stable, suddenly burst out with a faster attack speed than before.

This made the blade-type X-rank fighter, who was already running at maximum power, suddenly have no room to parry, and was instantly ruthlessly divided by the three insect tails of the insect king.

During this whole process, Zhao Hao didn't even have time to react.

As for the insect king, who had already completed the dismemberment, he kept moving. Almost at the same time as the three insect tails dismembered the blade-type X-level warrior, his right arm had already completed the charging action.

The next moment, the worm hand burst out!

With the flying and crazy expansion of the worm's hand, starting from the connection between the worm king and the worm's hand, the body of the worm king began to tear in large pieces.

But at this time, Zhao Hao no longer has the energy to care about these things, and the large X-level fighter with a firepower of 30 meters in the distance has no room for evasion. The only thing he can do is to The strength of the force field shield is adjusted to the maximum, hoping to block the attack.

But this is obviously a luxury.

You know, the explosive attack of the worm king's worm's hand, but even Bei Xuanjun Zhao Hao, who maintains the real body of the **** of war and the great formation of Xuanwu at the same time, was unable to stop it!

In terms of defensive ability alone, Zhao Hao is the most well-deserved defensive unit in the coalition!

In an instant, the blasting worm hand directly connected to the force field shield, piercing the fire-type X-rank warrior of the mechanical family on the spot!

Immediately followed by a stirring, a whole huge body suddenly shattered.

During this process, Beixuan Jun Zhao Hao, who finally reacted, erupted again with the King Kong Lion's Roar to suppress the Insect at the same time, come out again!

The time interval between the last use was too short, and it was far from being able to be used again.

However, thanks to the medicinal effect of the 9th-turn Purple Gold Pill, and supplemented by the previous breath regulation, Zhao Hao at this time was able to forcibly display it.

However, this move did not have the effect Zhao Hao wanted.

It has been broken once by the worm king with the worm's hand before, and it is the same this time!

The difference is that this time the Worm King used his worm hand instead of his right hand, but his left hand that had never been used before!

He was cracked again by the Worm King Worm Hand, and the attack continued unabated. With one blow, the Xuanwu Great Array and the real body of the Martial God collapsed one after another. Zhao Hao, who suffered a heavy blow, sunk three points in his chest.

With just one blow, Zhao Hao was seriously injured and dying!

Obviously, after experiencing many accidents, the bug king has completely lost the leisure to play, and he has become serious!

After one blow, the Insect King was waiting to pursue and completely took Zhao Hao's life.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, his biological instinct suddenly alarmed.

At the same time, a unicorn holy beast with infinite majesty rushed out from the sky, coercing one side of the void!

Above the unicorn, a figure wearing a unicorn armor appeared on the battlefield in a condescending manner!

At that moment, with the help of the un-destroyed individual main brains of the fire-type X-level warriors on the battlefield, the command base of the mechanic who received the information feedback confirmed the identity of the opponent at the first time...

"The Lord of Yan Huang, Qilin Martial Emperor Zhong Mo!"

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