The Wizard who Came to Marvel World

Chapter 167: The Trail of Wanda and Pietro

Flipping his wrists, Abel put away the reality gem.

As for Thor, he has no concept of what he wants to get the Reality Gem. For him, as long as someone can keep the Reality Gem well, it will be the same to anyone, and it can be given to Abel for Thor. Said to be the best choice, naturally there will be no objection.

Turning to look at the spaceship of the dark elves, Abel thought for a while and said to Thor: "Thor, do you have any thoughts on this spaceship? You can't just leave it here like this, right?"

"It's best if you can solve it, otherwise I can destroy it."

"Then give it to me, just as I can give it to Tony, I think Tony should make good use of it."

"Okay, as you please."

Thor's words were perfunctory, he turned to meet Jane who was approaching and kissed each other.

Seeing Thor's action, Abel shook his head and laughed, stretched out his hand to manipulate the space authority to pull the dark elf spaceship into a different space for storage, then came to Thor's side and said, "Thor, I want to go to Aspen. Gad, when are you going to go back?"

Blinking, Thor looked at Abel and said, "Asgard, I'll go back right away, what do you want to do?"

Under the interference of Abel, the rainbow bridge in Asgard was put into use again after only one month of repair, so Thor and Jane did not meet reluctantly for more than a year, although the number of times they met was not too frequent , but it is definitely not a small amount, which also makes the relationship between Thor and Jane even deeper.

Naturally, when it comes to going back to Asgard, there is not much reluctance. Thor is on Earth for nearly eight or nine months for twelve months a year, occasionally flying around to save the world and fight criminals. Earth seems to have become Thor's second home.

"I want to pay homage to Frigga, and I also want to trouble Heimdall with one thing. Two friends and I are separated, so I want Heimdall to help me see where they are."

"Of course, wait for me for a while, I'll send Jane away and let's go back to Asgard, just so you can tell me well, where did you go in the previous year, Tony heard that they are making a A simulated robot to accompany your mother, trying to hide the news of your death."

Hearing Thor's words, Abel's face showed a sincere smile. When he found out where Wanda and Pietro were, Abel immediately went back to let Therea and Tony know that they had returned safely.

Thor swung the hammer, hugged Jane, and disappeared into the sky, while Jane's friend Dr. Eric and graduate student Daisy said goodbye to Abel bitterly, and got out of the crowd to take a taxi to leave.

The difference is so big...

Shaking his head, Abel smiled and sat on a large rock nearby, waiting for Thor to arrive.

Not long after, Thor fell from the air, looked at Abel, and said with a smile: "How is it, I'm fast, right?"

Standing up, Abel looked at Thor and smiled meaningfully: "Trust me, sometimes it's not a good thing to be fast."

Thor obviously didn't understand what Abel was saying, but he wasn't someone who chased after the bottom, he laughed, raised his Thor's hammer, and shouted: "Heimdall, pick us up. go back!"

As soon as the words fell, a colorful beam of light fell from the dark clouds gathered in the air, shrouded Abel and Thor, and sent them both back to Asgard.

And just when the two of them were taken away by the Rainbow Bridge, the agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. led by Coulson, who was not dead, came here and looked at Thor and Abel who were taken away by the Rainbow Bridge, Coulson did not look at Knowing the people inside, you can only vaguely see the figures inside.

Needless to say, the one wearing the coquettish red cloak was undoubtedly Thor, and the other, Coulson, only felt a little familiar, but he couldn't remember who it was.

Before long,

Abel and Thor left the Rainbow Bridge and walked out.

Abel looked at Heimdall and waved his hand, and images of Wanda and Pietro immediately appeared in front of Heimdall.

"Heimdall, help me to see if there are these two people on earth, they are not ordinary people, they should..."

Before Abel could finish speaking, Heimdall said directly to Abel: "Abel, they are all on Earth, about a year ago, the one you fought with Namo, the king of Atlantis. In time, a space crack appeared in a place called Sokovia on Earth, and two people came down with a blue meteor and came to Sokovia to be adopted by a couple, but it seemed that they had lost own memory."

Sokovia...that's where Wanda and Pietro appear...and what about Wanda and Pietro, who originally belonged to this world in Sokovia?

With a slight frown, Abel looked at Heimdall and asked again, "Heimdall, do you know the situation of the couple?"

"The couple, surnamed Maximov, originally had twin daughters, but they both died in a previous car accident.

It is also worth noting that the two adopted outsiders are very similar to their deceased children. They believe that God has resurrected their children, so they also named the outsider who lost his memory. Wanda and Pietro. "

Did Wanda and Pietro who came to this world replace the original Wanda and Pietro of this world?

What exactly is going on?

Could it be that Wanda and Pietro of this world originally came from a parallel world?

Or, under my influence, this world, which is completely different from the original world, has undergone such a big change...

"Heimdall, thank you, I will go to them now, they are all my friends."

Looking at Abel who was about to leave, Heimdall immediately stopped him: "Wait, Abel, I haven't finished speaking, not long after you left this world, about half a year or so, their parents died. In the middle of a civil war and the siblings disappeared in Sokovia, I don't see them anymore, but I'm pretty sure they're not dead."

"Can't see it?

Your eyes, Heimdall, contain insight and authority that you can't even see. Are they now under some kind of stronger existence or some kind of powerful authority?

Otherwise how could you possibly not see them..."

Wait, authority... so, are they...

PS: When I see someone asking, I will just say it. Of course, the world of X-Men is not over, but I have dug a lot of holes in it. There are still many plots in the parallel universe. This is just the beginning, so don’t worry, don’t I feel that I wrote a useless plot, and I don’t know how to use plots, so don’t worry.

This sentence doesn't need money.

Also, Chapter 4 is probably around one o'clock.

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