The Witch of the Cyberpunk Era

Chapter 286: Invisible Praetorian

Xu Yang works in the guest room of Tanaka Intelligent Company.

Tanaka Taro rarely lets people stay overnight. The smart furniture in the whole room is the first time he has encountered guests in 2-3 years. Xu Yang still needs to prepare a lot of settings from scratch to create a better working environment.

With a mediocre network signal due to inevitable infrastructure damage, he had to be patient to gather information. If the office space were more primitive, he would have to work in another place.

His back is an aluminum headboard covered in chintz, with wires running from the back of his neck to charge his implants, and the digital mind in his brain continues to work, showing a translucent visual screen in front of his eyes, the processor function Fully open to increase body heat. All around, warm-colored fluorescent lamps are lit up, creating a warm atmosphere.

In the room, by noon, an eyeball robot had already floated over, with two robotic arms holding a log dinner plate, on which were placed 4 large bowls, including chicken nugget rice, tamagoyaki, nigiri sushi and tuna flakes, very unusual. Fresh, they are all prefabricated semi-finished products that have been stored for a long time and are ready to eat after heating.

It was when Xu Yang was working in the basement room and eating shelf-stable food, Ye Ye sent him an email.

He opened the email, and inside was a moving photo.

Ye Ye is standing on the beach with a smile, wearing three o'clock, holding the camera high in one hand, and showing a victory gesture in the other. The whole beach is wide and white, the sandy shore is far away, the trees are swaying, and there are several modern and luxurious buildings. Extravagant, many luxury shuttles are displayed on the edge of the beach, and they are looked after by special personnel. Enjoy the feeling of flying in the air.

They don't know when they have fled overseas.

Xu Yang opened the photo attachment, which contained an audio message:

"Safety! Don't read! See you!" Ye Ye said cheerfully.

Xu Yang scanned the portraits other than Ye Ye, and then searched their faces. As he expected, these people are descendants of Noriko Honma, much younger than Ye Ye, and they are all her nephews and nephews. The younger generation belonging to the entire family is in full bloom.

He searched the beach again on the Internet and found that Ye Ye and the others had already arrived at the Catalan coast in the Isbane region. They are located in Taixizhou, the company area of ​​the Iris Group. It is a beautiful resort.

Anjiu City is 12,000 kilometers away.

In order to avoid the war, Xisheng's children ran from the eastern hemisphere to the western hemisphere in one breath. Even if the islands were burnt to the flames by the Black Fire Revolution, it would not hurt their safety in the slightest. Xu Yang said secretly. The capital and technology they took away must also be countless.

Noriko Honma is too old, and probably did not evacuate with the juniors. Maybe she will stay in Xisheng Jingu and continue to act as the head of the entire family.

This is also a wise move. Even if the capital falls infinitely, the capital of the Xisheng Department can be transferred to Taixizhou or other places. Even if the core personnel are lost, Xisheng's children can inherit and expand the family wealth overseas, and Xisheng's assets will continue no matter what.

This is why modern uprisings are often ineffective. Xu Yang pondered. Entrepreneurs not only have strong arms, but also find allies around the world.

Correspondingly, the rebels could only contact their partners in one district and one place, and they might have been taken down before they connected a few people. The Internet is a powerful tool used to connect ideas and can even out people’s communication costs, but the surface Internet is monitored and penetrated by companies, and the deep anonymous Internet is a completely chaotic and crazy area, and it is difficult to play full effect.

Ye Ye sent another ticket, allowing Xu Yang to use it to take a top-secret flight, which would take off from the private airport on the outskirts of Anjiu City, a one-way ticket to Taixizhou.

Go away.

Xu Yang shook his head and deleted it. Until all the dust settles, he will not leave the islands. They, and Sylphy, have all left, leaving ordinary people behind.

He investigated the current situation, and the situation was improving. With the announcement of A40, the citizens of the city gradually began to have a sense of resistance.

In this specific environment, bullets are much cheaper than food. The operators of various gun shops in the city exchanged opinions and finally decided to open the door, release the supply, and sell them at a reduced price. Guns were sold and put into the hands of citizens.

The stragglers gradually formed gangs. Many of the company members who were originally under the Kyoto Infinite System were now organized in the form of units, departments, and departments, forming a large number of self-defense armed groups.

Thinking that if Kyoto takes back the city indefinitely, they will definitely blame them for not defending the company's assets during this time. These company people simply went to the dark and agreed with each other that even after this defensive battle is over, they must be united. , must not be a ghost, and bow to the capital infinitely, it is bound to have a unified caliber, a unified route, and hold the gun firmly in your hand.

As a result, the "citizen army" composed of companies and volunteers took shape one after another. However, there was no dispatch and command, and they just acted with spontaneous ideas and fighting spirit, and there was no unified program.

They mainly do three things. The first is to resolutely fight back against the enemy who invaded Anjiu City, the second is to cover the sick and sick women and children to evacuate the city, and the other is to collect as much food, clean water and medicine as possible. On these positions, the civilian army and the original self-organizations in the suburbs reached a consensus and communicated with each other.

Thanks to the development of video media, local channels often see people uploading their distressed situations and asking for help. At the same time, some people have analyzed that some areas of the city have been severely damaged and have lost Internet connection. They suggest that those who are able to go to investigate the situation and help those in distress.

At the same time, the A40 also informed Xu Yang of the worst news.

"Black Fire's innovative military aircraft is here." It secretly photographed the situation on the airport runway.

Seeing the situation on the runway, Xu Yang frowned.

This is too difficult to do.

Rows of new, advanced fighter jets line the center of the airfield. Due to the successful penetration of the Martinez, a fatal gap appeared in the infinite defense area of ​​Kyoto, and the Black Fire Innovation successfully sent a reinforcement force to Anju City, with a total of 24 fighter jets and 6 heavy transport shuttles parked on the runway.

Soldiers are constantly carrying supplies, and those fighter jets are also making final preparations, ready to take off at any time and conduct a new round of raids.

In other words, the terrifying bombardment of Blackfire Innovation.

If they cast unscrupulous artillery fire, then all plans and futures will be in vain, and the local air defense forces will be lost in the first round of air strikes, so they must find a way to eliminate these fighter jets inside the airport! Can't let them lift off!

Once they take off, it's all over...

Moreover, the Witch Ministry cannot be used directly. At this stage, their power can only be used at the most critical time.

After all, everything on the front line was recorded and reported by neutral media. After missing the big news of Yan Mo's murder, they drew the attention of the world's caring people to the airport of Anjiu City. The Witch Ministry is inconvenient to be exposed to the eyes of the world, and it is still suitable for action in the dark.

It can't be dragged down for a minute or a second, these black fire fighters may be dispatched at any time to turn the city into a sea of ​​death.

So it has to be done.

"You have to attack as soon as possible." Xu Yang said, "Once these fighter planes are ready, Black Fire Innovation will have the power to attack again. At that time, Anjiu City will be completely blown into ruins."

"No, we are all light fighters and lack heavy firepower!" A40 was worried, "Many good warriors have also been called back by their companies one after another. Only the most reliable guys are willing to continue fighting and want to protect the city! "

Indeed, the dome samurai are good at hand-to-hand combat. If they encounter the intensive shooting of the Black Fire Revolutionary Army, most of them will fall on the road of the assault, and they will be killed before they can exert their combat power.

"Don't worry, the heroes of the city will not be covered by firepower." Xu Yang sent a message, "I will transfer our shuttle and other troops to cover your assault."

Following Xu Yang's order, the No. 1 Innovation and No. 1 Baiyan took off one after another and headed towards the airport. The New Aizu Security Company and the Asuka Regiment will also enter the battle. Troops from all directions began to gather and prepare to completely take over the airport. key hub.

Once the airport is recaptured, the Black Fire's innovative stormtroopers will completely fall into a state of no backup, and they can only be divided and annihilated in the end!

A cannon rang out from the Reformation, which opened the prelude to the attack.

Under the driving of Mizuhiro Yoshioka, the cannons attacked the enemy camp in the airport one kilometer away, and several missiles flew towards the airport, not to attack the aircraft themselves, but to bomb the runway!

Shuttles can take off and land vertically, while Blackfire’s innovative fighter jets need a long runway to take off. With the sound of a series of explosions the runway was blown out with several pits, which immediately cut off the possibility of enemy planes taking off and counterattacking. sex.

The pilots of Blackfire Innovation can only order sappers to carry out quick repairs. As long as a fighter jet can take off, they have the confidence to defeat the sudden fighter shuttle.

At the same time, Lila personally drove the White Smoke and released all its 12 "Revenge-7" floating cannons. Each floating cannon was equipped with powerful firepower and consumed energy and ammunition. Bombing of the airport began.

boom! boom!

Like the next purple magic rain! The sound of continuous explosions sounded, and energy bombs exploded in the airport, causing strong explosions wherever they passed. The soldiers of the Black Fire Innovation were constantly involved in the bombing, and they were instantly blown to pieces!



"Attacked by the enemy!" The soldiers of the Black Fire Innovation immediately began to line up again, looking for bunkers and executing counterattacks.

Two invisible Praetorian Guards stepped into the battlefield one after the other, wearing fully enclosed heavy armor, holding large sniper rifles, and their posture was calm. As soon as they appeared, the morale of the soldiers of the Black Fire Revolution suddenly recovered.

They have not seen the appearance of the invisible Praetorian Guard defeated.

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