The Witch of the Cyberpunk Era

Chapter 231: invitation

Latest website: Kita Ryuji once mentioned that the Sakura Witch needs all forms of assistance now.

Let's use this information as a starting point.

"Miss Tongye." Xu Yang sent a message, "I heard that you need help now and decided to join this channel."

"Thank you! My concubine is very grateful for any form of assistance!" Kirino Reishi followed the message with a cute emoji, which is the default emoji package that comes with this old-fashioned communication system, only for people who are very unfamiliar with the Internet. use.

Before waiting for Xu Yang's reply, Tongye Lianshi sent a new message.

"After 10 o'clock tonight, let's use this link to communicate, this channel is still too rudimentary." The message was followed by an identification code.

Xu Yang checked the identification code, which represented a special area built on a virtual social platform, and this interactive platform needed to be used with a simulated warehouse.

That is to say, in order to enter the platform, people must first enter the virtual warehouse and connect their nerves to the virtual world. The principle is similar to that of online games. They use a specific device to go online in a virtual space, and now it is used as a communication channel by Kirino Reiji.

This is also a popular style 30 years ago. Now, neural wiring is generally used directly to enter the network conference, which is cheaper and more efficient.

"I will visit." Xu Yang replied.

"Excuse me, my concubine will appear on time."

Communication ends.

Kirino Reshi put the smart screen off the screen and fell into contemplation. She actually didn't know what the other party was here for, but she had too few resources and nothing to do.

At least the other party shows a certain degree of goodwill, and he must make the best use of every clue as much as possible, perhaps which one can become a lifeline to change the status quo.

"...Tongye Lianshi..."

She heard the hoarse call, her heart skipped a beat, she got up and entered the side room of the room. A restless and restless box was placed in the center of the glass cabinet, supported by red brocade, decorated with gold on the four corners, and a jade lock hanging in the center, but not locked. superior.

Kirino Reishi knelt down in front of the box.

"...Go...find..." The hoarse voice still echoed.

"Yes." She nodded, "I have tried my best."

"You're procrastinating..."

"No no..." Kirino Reise stood up in panic.

"...Witch, you don't want Kyoto to die infinitely..."

Kirino Reishi was speechless.

She silently took out her portable handheld screen, opened a document, and showed it to the box.

"Look, these are the most suitable," Kirino Reishi whispered, "They are all strong and smart, I just need to be screened, and I also need ways and personnel."

A wisp of smoke protruded from the small gap in the box, entangled in one of the many images on the screen, Kirino Reshi looked beyond the device, saw its choice, and nodded desperately.

"I see." Kirino Reshi said, "My concubine will find him no matter what, and bring him to you."

On the other side, in the Nisto Industrial Park, after the communication with Kirino Reshi, Xu Yang's mind was still haunted by the image of "her" he had seen before. Moving, it seems to have left a mark on Xu Yang's spirit forever. The more he wants to take it off, the more he refuses to leave.

This state of affairs struck him as odd, and some of the conditions known as "enchantment" belonged to this category, in which the mind was blinded by magic, resulting in various lingering hallucinations. It can also be said that individuals are bound by contagious memes, forming an irreversible psychological structure, the trinity of words, symbols, and images.

Kirino Reise...Being able to do such a thing must have a certain magic power.

At the same time, her characteristics overlapped with the monster races of the Islands, especially creatures such as fox monsters.

Monsters are also mythical creatures. Originally, they were mainly distributed in Xiahe Islands. Although there are many kinds of strange things, they are mostly difficult to reproduce. After the company alliance's eradication of mysterious actions, they disappeared after being cleaned up several times, plus the living environment. All of them were declared extinct as early as 130 years ago.

Most of the animation productions in Kyoto Infinite's early days were monster themes, but because monster elements became less and less popular, this screen material has disappeared for many years.

There is no clue for the time being, and we have to wait for Kirino Reshi to clarify her needs and further communication between the two parties.

Before the appointed time, Xu Yang first distributed the bonus to the members of the Witch's Department to commend the overall victory of the operation. In order to avoid comparison and competition, he distributed it secretly.

The first merit is 102, which bears the greatest damage for everyone, and receives a bonus of 800,000 yuan.

Followed by 101 and Yoshioka Mizuhiro, they were rewarded for their coordination work and won 400,000 bonuses.

In the end, Miyazaki Kazama, Qian Meng and Du Qianqian each received a bonus of 300,000 yuan.

After getting the money, the most excited is Kazama Miyazaki. She has never seen so much money on the card in her life. She only thought about such beautiful things in her dreams. Determination to bow down.

At this moment, Du Qianqian was in Lila's room.

Lila held a file sheet to record Du Qianqian's psychological condition.

"So," Lila said, "the core of the problem is that you don't like 101."

"She is malicious to me." Du Qianqian was dissatisfied.

"It's not the first time I've seen unwelcome appearances and distasteful qualities myself, and then hope for tolerance and concessions from others."

"..." Du Qianqian clenched his fists, "What do you want?"

"Do you hate 101?"


"Then don't let yourself become the unreasonable party," Lila said. "You are not yet at the point where you can be alone. You must cooperate well and complete your own work."

"I'm very good." Du Qianqian said seriously.

"Try to be like me." Lila pressed her forehead.

"Lila Nisto. Lila Nisto..." Du Qianqian meditated in her heart, but did not feel the magic being used. She looked at the mirror in the room, and her appearance did not change at all.


She froze for a moment and turned to Lila.

"Your magic power also has a limit." Lila folded one leg on the other, using her thigh as a tabletop, and wrote several lines of records on the report.

"But... this is impossible." Du Qianqian was stunned, "I saw your true face, and I know your name."

"When you want to do something strange, don't forget my existence." Lila said indifferently, "This is the same for other witches, I am the ultimate insurance. Also, you seem to be 'boss' unrealistic ideas."

"..." Du Qianqian lowered his head.

"He's more than 10 years older than you," Lila pointed at Du Qianqian with the end of her pen. "You need to go through the witch's puberty alone, endure it, and overcome it."

"But, I'm very lonely." Du Qianqian sighed, "I...I want someone to accompany me."

"I've been through 5 years of loneliness," Lila said.

"5 years……"

"It was so painful that I tried to forget it, and finally I managed to get them back," Lila looked at Du Qianqian's face, "Can't communicate, can't move, can't eat, there is no object to talk to, put I have thought about everything I can think in my heart for more than ten thousand times, and my heart has become the largest echo wall. I am completely isolated from anyone and society, and suffer in an atmosphere of absolute silence and negativity. I am in that state Gradually rotting, I am waiting to die."

Du Qian Qianguang felt a sense of suffocation and powerlessness just imagining the situation. She pulled back, took a deep breath, and clasped her legs.

"I don't expect you to understand that kind of loneliness and depression," Lila continued. "Of course, I can't understand your hesitation at this moment. What I want to express is, survive this loneliness, and then you will grow up. ."

"growing up……"

"The biggest problem is that if you think of loneliness as pain, then you will be in pain for more than half of your future life. Even if you have someone for a short period of time, you get your wish, and you get the intense, passionate company you desire, It's all temporary, and you're absolutely alone in more time and in front of more things."

"Then..." Du Qianqian murmured, "5 years, your loneliness is only 5 years, what happened after 5 years?"

"The master is here." Lila stood up, "the boss in your concept is also my master. Since he released me from absolute loneliness, I have sworn to serve him alone for the rest of my life, dedicating everything I have to guarantee. His victory. The reason why I track your state of mind is that you don't let these thoughts trip you up and ultimately affect his plans and interests."

"Direct enough." Du Qianqian took a deep breath, lowered his head, and smiled, "Thank you."

Du Qianqian left the room and saw 101 in the activity room.

"You shot me." Du Qianqian said, "That really hurts."

"I didn't mean to." 101 squinted at Du Qianqian.

"Understood," Du Qianqian said frankly, "you saved my life from the bar before, even if you take my life away in the future, I deserve it."

This reaction caught 101 by surprise.

"..." 101 was stunned for a suddenly felt a sense of guilt in his heart, "...Sorry, move, really sorry."

After Xu Yang came, he handed over the bonus to Du Qianqian. Seeing that she was full of energy and healthy, she felt good.

"Here." Xu Yang handed a bearer cash card to Du Qianqian, "Every time a task is completed, there will be a performance bonus, but don't spend it randomly."

Du Qianqian glanced at the amount of 300,000 yuan on the cash card and nodded lightly.

"Thank you." Looking at Xu Yang, Du Qianqian no longer felt that ignorant and impulsive at all, she bowed solemnly to Xu Yang, and then left.

rice ball reading

"She has changed a bit." Lila walked to Xu Yang's side.

"It's more friendly." Xu Yang observed.

"It's also more advanced." Lila watched Du Qian move away, "This is the ideal state of a witch."

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