The Witch of the Cyberpunk Era

Chapter 217: Kazama Miyari

With the decline of Kyoto's unlimited power, the Z1 Institute cannot pay wages.

Due to a large number of criminal records, Kazama Gongri's salary has been deducted to a monthly salary of 2100, but even this amount of money was not paid last month. According to the director's intention, Kazama Gongri has to continue to work until she is arrested by other The company is acquired, and the research institute will not pay any money during this period, because theoretically she has been listed for sale, and she is no longer a person of the research institute, and becomes a free labor force.

She sat at the workstation designing a research plan, her eyes were straight, and she planned to starve herself to death.

Due to the shortage of food, logistics also began to make money. The original white-packaged cheap nutritional cream was no longer available, but a golden-packaged nutritional cream was replaced with the same nutritional ingredients but 10 times more expensive.

As long as you lower your head and become a dog, you can live a relatively better life. Kazama Miyagi stared at the other scientific research witches in the laboratory. Many of them chose to sleep with the company's executives in exchange for life resources. They are good at drilling camps and regulating interpersonal relationships, only Kazama Miyazaki is like a mine that can explode at any time, rejecting everything in order to protect that sad aloofness.

The eyeball robot took a company executive order and handed it to Miyazaki Kazama.

"Nisto Company, will be here today."

She held this piece of paper, a little stunned, with clear contact information on it, indicating that she had been bought by this "Nisto company", and asked her to immediately go to the Nisto Industrial Park outside Highway 90 in the Aizu Underground City .

He was traded out like a commodity and became something of the "Nestow Company", and Miyazaki Kazama had a disgusted expression on his face.

"Please pack your luggage and leave within 1 hour, you are no longer a member of the Z1 Institute." The eye robot reminded.

"Fuck you!" Kazama Miyari punched the robot, knocking it back half a meter, and it readjusted the air vent.

"Your unprovoked violence has been recorded, and the credibility of the Century Pure Land is -10." Eyeball Robot Bulletin.


Kazama Miyari cursed secretly.

Originally, her credit score was 0, but now it is a negative number, and she will be arrested by Century Pure Land as soon as she goes out!

In desperation, she could only dial the contact information recorded on the small note. Even the communication was very mysterious. She needed to switch to 2 different signal transceiver stations to connect to the other party's real communication number, obviously to avoid tracking.

"...Hello, I'm Gongri Kazama, I'm very sorry," Gongri Kazama's attitude was a little weak, because he suspected that the other party would not come to pick him up at all, "...due to some accidents, I can't follow normal methods. Arrived at your company in time, may I ask if your company has the ability to come and pick me up?"

The other end of the communication is Xu Yang.

"Oh, of course." He was very happy to receive a call from Kazama Miyazaki.

This is Nisto's first scientific research witch. She is smart, mature, and able to carry out technical research and development work. It can be said to be the most important part of the long-term plan in the future, making up for the weakest part of the company.

Hanging up the phone, at this time he had been playing with Ye Zi at the beach until the morning, Xu Yang said his direction, Ye Ye also planned to do business, so he said goodbye to Xu Yang.

"Since you're going to pick up someone," Ye Zi said, "I'll buy you a new shuttle. The funds I have now have multiplied many, many times, and it doesn't matter how I spend it."

"Thanks a lot then." Xu Yang nodded.

Due to the turbulent situation, regulations in various aspects are tightening. Nisto's shuttles are all military. If they go all the way to the Z1 Research Institute on the outskirts of Shangjing, they may attract attention on the road. If there is a business travel ship, it will be much easier to handle in such occasions.

Leaf turned on the smart screen, connected to the nearest shuttle dealer, looked at their list of products for sale, arranged them in descending order of price, and quickly spotted a luxurious business shuttle.

This is a "Takigawa"-class shuttle, produced by a vehicle manufacturer affiliated to Kyoto Infinite. It has an elegant appearance and is painted in purple. It gets rid of the thin features of Kyoto Infinite's traditional shuttle. It has an intoxicating appearance and an avant-garde appearance. Full of design, sharp lines, quite recognizable, both practical and fashionable, the price is 6.99 million yuan, which is just a little pocket money for Ye Zi, she bought it without thinking and gave it as a gift. To Xu Yang.

Before long, the "Takigawa" class business shuttle will automatically navigate to the beach where Ye Ye and the others are located. It is more beautiful than the sample picture displayed on the screen, and it can not lose face in any business occasion.

Xu Yang accessed remotely, debugged all the parameters of the body, and then prepared to drive away.

"Then, I'm going to pick up someone." Xu Yang said goodbye to Ye Ye.

"I'll find you again next time." Ye Ziyi reluctantly said, "Don't think about contacting me every ten days and a half months."

"Take your time." Xu Yang smiled.

"You can also develop at will." Ye Zi encouraged, "The funds I can provide are larger, let go and do what you want."

"Thank you." Xu Yang squeezed Ye Ye's little hand.

Qian Fuyin escorted Ye Ziyin away.

Afterwards, Xu Yang circled the shuttle and named it "Purple Wind". This is the fourth shuttle under the Nisto company and can be used exclusively for occasions requiring decent action.

He boarded the plane and observed that the interior was exquisite enough, and he gave a large number of materials and thoughtful gifts in advance. No matter the navigation, lighting, temperature control and human-computer interaction system were impeccable.

According to the address provided by Kazama Gongri, Xu Yang drove the shuttle over, while checking Kazama Palace's files and resume.

Her scientific research benefits in the Z1 Institute are first-class, and her technical ability is impeccable. Although her criminal record is astounding, they are all internal conflicts within the company and are harmless.

Drive this shuttle to pick up the witch, I hope the other party can see our company. Xu Yang thought to himself. Can't treat such an excellent scientific officer badly.

On the other side, in the Z1 research institute, Miyari Kazama was waiting at the entrance of the research institute.

She felt like a log, unlucky enough to go with the flow, carrying her own little suitcase and putting her fate in the hands of others. She found the files of Nisto Company, with a registered capital of 10 million yuan, a small and medium-sized enterprise that made a living by selling iron ore raw materials. Just seeing these few lines of news made Miyazaki Kazama disappointed. What treatment can a mining company give her? What kind of stage can you give her? In the end, he is still like an incompetent, living a life of mediocrity and misery, never being able to play his true level.

Now she can't take a step out of the research institute, and she will be won by the Century Pure Land system if she goes out.

Occasionally, other staff and witches were walking around in the research institute, and when they saw Miyazaki Kazama, who was known for being mean, standing silly at the door, they couldn't help but cast a sarcastic look at her.

Kazama Miyazaki really felt sweaty. She was carrying a small suitcase, which contained her few personal belongings, but it felt heavy. Every second made her feel tormented. She was sold to this insignificant Nisto company for the rest of her life. She didn't know what the price of her listing was, but she felt that she was worthless.

She stood there long enough to cause gossip.

"Isn't this the Kazama?" The other witches couldn't help looking at Miyazaki Kazama, who was standing at the entrance of the institute.

"Why doesn't she leave?"

"It is estimated that her credit code is marked red. Seeing that she is crazy every day, she will be punished."

"I don't know what company bought her. It's probably not a good company."

"Is there a better company in the northern archipelago than Kyoto's unlimited treatment?"

Kazama Gongri tried hard to restrain herself, but for the first time she had the urge to collapse, she wanted to fall to the ground, this boring world slapped her every day, forcing her to surrender.

So many people have fallen behind in the pursuit of their ideals, and she has no doubt that she will be one of them. She agrees with the point of view that efforts are meaningless, and she smiles at the things that are destined to fail, comforting herself that she should learn to let go. !

——The Purple Wind roared.

She heard the sound of the shuttle approaching, and when she turned her head, she saw a dazzling and impressive shuttle, the kind of style that she knew that she could not afford it in a lifetime.

Many people also raised their heads from their workstations and looked through the windows to the exquisite shuttles stationed in the outer apron. In the Z1 Research Institute, some senior employees participated in the research and development of the "Takikawa-class" shuttle, but they could not afford one for a lifetime with their salary. They couldn't help pointing at it through the window, talking about their original Stay up all night drawing to pay the painstaking efforts.

Kazama Miyari clenched his hand and clenched it, half expecting and half fear. Could this be the shuttle that came to pick her up? This really will...

"Hello," Xu Yang wrote to her, "Miss Kazama Gongli, I see you, please come up."

Kazama Gong Li turned to the people who pointed at her before, quickly raised his **** to them, and walked quickly towards the shuttle while raising his middle finger.

"Wait!" she shouted back. "Wait for me to make my name in history! And you can only watch like mice!"

Kazama Gongli strode aboard the Zifeng, and the hatch closed automatically behind her.

She put down her luggage and was shocked by the gorgeous interior as soon as she entered. The head here is like a miniature hotel luxury suite, with sofas, freezers, lounge chairs, smart screens, and a separate bathroom and dark bedroom at the back.

The intelligent navigation system was activated, and the entire shuttle lifted off silently, heading for Anjiu City.

"Are you still satisfied?" Xu Yang was very concerned about Kazama Gongri's thoughts.

"Full... Satisfied." Kazama Miyazaki circled the interior of the Zifeng, acting quite restrained. The two-point and one-line life between the work station and the dormitory lasted for too long, and people would forget the way to enjoy life.

"If you have any needs, you can tell me." Xu Yang explained, "There are some drinks and snacks Please feel free to enjoy them."

Miyazaki Kazama feels a little dizzy, is this all true? Does she deserve to be in such a luxurious shuttle? She sat on the sofa in fear, lest she would be called up in the next second.

"I need work," she said, feeling like she'd be fired if she didn't do anything. "I gotta work, I can work. I'm skilled, good at, job is what?"

"I'll find out when I wait, I want you to study something." Xu Yang said.

Research something? Miyazaki Kazama felt embarrassed again. What kind of research could such a mining company give her? She has no military technical background at all, and I am afraid that she will have to use the development experience of developing auxiliary combat computers to design the mining process, which is really uncomfortable.

The Zifeng returned to Anjiu City, entered the underground city, and drove until it stopped inside the Nisto Industrial Park. Xu Yang took Kazama Gongli to the warehouse of the industrial park to see the spoils they had stored.

"You can help with research and research. We sold 3 pieces before, and there are 4 pieces left." Xu Yang turned on the light.

4 pieces of individual armor worn by the Pale Legion hang in the center.

Miyazaki Kazama felt like his brain was about to explode.

The world's first research material!

She couldn't help turning to Xu Yang next to her, almost convinced. This is a total of 4 individual armors! If what he said is true, he also traded out 3 pieces before. In other words, this "Nisto Company" once killed 7 Pale Legion in one go! How did you do it?

"I want you to use these armors as materials to develop a new witch armor." Xu Yang said. Click to download this site APP, massive novels, free to read!

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