The Winter of Ice and Fire Is Coming

Chapter 701: Voting rights and votes

(Two in one)


Boxing in ancient Greece was called wrestling boxing. Boxing gloves contained iron briers. Fierce fighting often ended in the loss of the loser.

The original Greek Olympics was an address name, because soldier sports have been held here for a long time-long-distance running, boxing, javelin, bow and arrow, group fights (group fights are when the same number of people enter the arena to fight empty-handed until all the people on the other side fall. Or give up the fight).

And in this fantasy world, there are real swords and swords, but no sports: boxing, running, javelin, group fights, high jump... all.

In previous lives, whether ancient or modern, foreign or domestic, in order to strengthen the physical fitness of soldiers, boxing and other sports existed and were absolutely indispensable.

Will deliberately fell behind a little bit further, but Donald Noy had already rushed forward, naming him to challenge Mans Reid, the savage king who had already knocked down four people in a row. No one on either side stopped him, and no one felt wrong. All Instead, there was a round of applause. The whistles came and went.

Hearing this thunderous applause, Will was determined: he decided to hold his first sports event in the Legion of the Great Wall: boxing. If the response is enthusiastic, then launch the second project: sprinting. In the future, any personal conflicts are only allowed to be resolved in the boxing ring with fists, instead of private sword fights with fists. This will save a large number of people's lives and ensure that combat strength is minimized. What's more, you can also make official-led bets before the start of the boxing game, allowing everyone who likes to gamble to lose their money to the Great Wall Bank, or let the official bank to support everyone's pockets.

A lot of things in one fell swoop!

"Where is Lord Will?" Mans Reid kicked over a soldier and called to Donald Noy.

"Master Will is resting at the main castle." Donald Noy's right hand shook his fist gently. His left arm was infected due to injury, which was life-threatening due to pus and decay, so he used an ax to chop off his left arm at the elbow. Just because he lost his left hand, Stannis Baratheon didn't want him. He was too embarrassed to stay on Longshi Island, so he came to the Great Wall. The Great Wall of Extremis lacked a large number of manpower. He was a skilled blacksmith, so he stayed. He quickly learned the ability to forge weapons with only his right hand, and became the chief of the Great Wall's weapon master.

Mans Reid is still wearing that very old night watchman robe, but the robe is embroidered with red cloth, which is a cloth robe patched for him by a savage priest who saved his life.

"Master Donner, I'm not here to fight with you. Either you ask Master Will to come out or I fight in."

"How do you want to get in?" Donna said coldly, "Anyone can't enter the sword fort without Master Will's order."

"Sword Fort?" Broken Palm Colin sneered. "Master Donner, when did you rename Long Night Fort to Fortress? Does Lord Will know your name?"

"Our sword fort iron plaque has already been made, and it will be hung up after Lord Will agrees." Donner said proudly.

"Master Will agrees?" Colin said indifferently.

"I agree, of course I agree. There is nothing more appropriate than the name of Sword Fortress. This name is also the name given to Bachelor Yimon." Donald Noy triumphantly said, "Master Colin, you want to fight me too. One?"

"My fist is a sword." Colin said slowly.

Colin's left-handed sword is known for being quick and ruthless, and many first-rate swordsmen were easily killed by him. His speed is too fast.

Donna Noy smiled and said, "Master Colin, I am not your opponent than swordsmanship, but if you are better than fist, you are not my opponent."

Donna's body is burly, as strong as Colin's two!

"We are here to see Lord Will." Colin said coldly, "Either you ask Lord Will to come out or I will fight in today."

Will stood behind the blacksmiths and listened to Colin saying this. He also wanted to know what happened to the first line of defense. At the ancestor's boxing peak, Will designed the first line of defense, a pit 20 miles long. , It was full of kerosene. When he left, he confessed that Severe Palm Colin and Savage King Mans Reid were stationed at Ancestor Fist Peak together. He still doesn't know why both of them returned to the Great Wall together.

Will patted the shoulders of the blacksmith brothers in front of him, walked out of the crowd, and said, "Master Colin, Master Mans, please come in!"

He really wants to watch gang fights, but in the future boxing will be held, and there will be time to appreciate boxing.

Melisandre also appeared and stood beside Will. No one could see her face, but her figure and grace immediately attracted the attention of many animals.


The small meeting in the lobby of the Sword Fortress hadn’t been held for long. The two adults, Adonis and Yadunis, who were in charge of the study of wildfire materials, also came. They asked for a meeting at the gate of the Fortress. The Pyromancer entered the heavily guarded sword fort. Soon, Samwell Tully also begged Lord Will outside the castle, and Will agreed to let him in, and Samwell, who was so fat, was finally able to walk into the fortress.

Soon after Will entered the territory of the Night Watch, the news of his return spread like wind.

The Black Castle is not far from the Sword Fortress, and now the Great Wall Avenue is very easy to walk, and it won’t take long to arrive on horseback.

I believe that in the evening, even Donghaiwang at the east end and Xiqiaowang at the west end will receive news of Lord Will coming back.

After Samwell, the wooden shield stationed in the Oak Shield Castle also led his twelve centurions to see Lord Will. All the people in the wooden shield were allowed to enter the castle, and the guards of the other generals were all blocked outside the gate of the acropolis wall.

After everyone met and chatted for a while, there was a loud noise outside, and accompanied by the fearful roar of the mammoth, the leader of the giant, Mag, came outside the castle alone.

So Margot also came in to the fort, and his mammoth remained in the woods outside the Great Wall Avenue.

Afterwards, there was an endless stream of great wall agents, ranger chiefs, and other knights. Within half an hour, dozens of people came from the sword fort.

This phenomenon made Will very vigilant, there must be something unusual about to happen.

Melisandre also felt something unusual, and those close to Will, such as Sam Will and Wooden Shield, were obviously wary of Mans Reid.

Mans Reid and Broken Hand Colin talked and laughed calmly, nothing unusual.

Mans and Colin were both rangers of the Shadow Tower in the west when they were young, and they were also one of the twelve warriors next to the commander-in-chief of the Great Wall at the time. Before Mans rebelled, he and Colin were the best night watch brothers.

Will scanned the jazz and generals who came in. The majority were the generals of the Night Watch and the Ash Tribe of the Wooden Shield Tribe, but there were also many generals among the freedmen. Among them, the giant leader Marg was the first leader of the freemen. .


"I feel that today's atmosphere is a bit subtle." Will stood up with a smile. He stood up and all the brothers saw his hand of gold on his chest-the badge of the Prime Minister of the Seven Kingdoms. Everyone was shaking in their hearts, knowing that another major change had occurred in the south, Lord Will had been appointed by His Majesty to be the hand of the king.

This is the first time in thousands of years.

The status of the night watchman rose in contempt by the nobles of the Seven Kingdoms, and entered the royal power center.

Everyone was excited and respected Will even more. For thousands of years, the number of night watchmen has never been so proud. The night watchman of this generation is synonymous with thieves and illegitimate children.

Lord Will created an incredible miracle!

Among the generals of the freedmen, apart from their king Mans Reid, no leader knew what the golden hand on Will's shirt meant.

It is a very delicately crafted pin-shaped pure gold badge. The ring finger of the little finger is slightly curled, the **** of the index finger is stretched forward, and the thumb is against the index finger.

As soon as Will stood up and spoke, Colin and Mans Reid stopped talking, and everyone who was whispering was silent.

Will looked at Colin: "Master Colin, if you have anything to say, or if you want to tell me, if you don't mind the brothers here, let's talk."

Colin broke off his palm and said, "Yes, Lord Will. Since Commander-in-Chief Georg Mormont died in the Seine River, the Great Wall has no Commander-in-Chief, and the Lord is busy with foreign affairs. Make the final preparations. One of our remaining brothers is to choose a new commander-in-chief according to the old rules. I wonder what Lord Will’s opinion is?"

"I agree!" Will answered immediately.

Colin took a deep breath: "My lord, if you want to vote, should you still follow the voting rules of the past? In the past, every night watchman had the right to vote. At that time, the total number was less than 1,000. But now the military strength There are nearly fifty thousand."

Will said: "Then all the knights, generals and leaders have the right to vote."

Sir, the general, refers to the people on the side of the night watch, and the chief refers to the free people.

"My lord, this is the contradiction of the problem." Mans Reid raised his hand. "If according to the Jazz, generals and leaders have the right to vote, whether it is to elect the commander-in-chief or the leader of the Great Wall, I will have more votes than any one. There are a lot of adults. Because our number of leaders exceeds that of Lord Will’s jazz and generals. Moreover, the time for the leadership of the adults is approaching."

Will's heart moved, he hadn't thought of this.

Colin said: "Master Will, if we follow the traditional voting rights in the past, Mans Reid will become the leader and commander-in-chief of the Great Wall. We must all obey his orders."

Suddenly a subtle atmosphere filled the meeting room, because no jazz or general would never obey Mans Reid's orders.

But if the election is conducted in accordance with the law, Mans Reid will be 100% their supreme leader.

This matter is not as simple as electing a commander-in-chief, but is also about the legion control power of the entire Great Wall. Because according to the law, the highest officials and leaders of the Great Wall are elected once a year. The election time for Will’s leadership power is also very short.

This long summer has been nine years, and no one knows how long this autumn will be, maybe three years, maybe one year, but once the time comes, as long as the election, Will loses the vote against Mans Reid.

The leaders of the freedmen and the adults of the night watch are all staring at Will. This is a difficult question. Should the election be conducted in accordance with the electoral law, or there is a better way to deal with it.

This is about the way of getting along between the night watchman and the freedman. If it is not handled well, it will lead to civil war.

Sir, no one of the generals would agree with Mans Reid to lead them.

Melisandre's flame did not see the trouble either, her flame was not omnipotent.

Will pondered for a while, and said, "Master Mans, what do you think should be done?"

Mans's heart suddenly became clear. According to the election law, he would replace Will as the supreme leader of the Great Wall. He himself grew up on the Great Wall of Despair, joined the Night Watchman Rangers as an adult, and is very proficient in the election laws of the Great Wall. Will asks this sentence, which shows that he will never give up the power to control the Great Wall, which is consistent with the requirements of his jazz and generals.

Although there is currently only this gap in the election of the commander-in-chief, the election of the Supreme Leader of the Great Wall will soon be faced.

"Master Will, what do you think?" Mans Reid calmly kicked the question back to Will. His leader has much more votes than Will, and he has more soldiers than Will. Once the freedmen are familiar with the measures of the Great Wall guard, they will not be worse than the Rangers. He is also more familiar with Everwinter Land and Ghost Forest than Will, and he is also more familiar with Ancestor's Fist Peak and Saien Mountains than Will.

Samwell stood up and stammered, "...Two adults...I have an opinion."

"Go ahead, Sam!" Will smiled at Sam and gave him an encouraging look.

"I think there is only one king in a country, and only one leader in a legion. After the death of Commander-in-Chief Jeo Mormon, this vacancy does not need to be filled by elections. Will is the supreme leader of the Great Wall. He Also the commander-in-chief of the Great Wall. The two positions should be merged into one."

Sam's words were approved and echoed by all the knights and generals without titles.

This is actually a delay. Although Lord Will has a short time before the next leader election, it can be delayed for a while.

This strategy is not bad, because in this short period of time, there may be successive legions of the nobles of the Seven Kingdoms joining the Great Wall Legion. Eventually, the number of jazz votes of the nobles of the seven countries may exceed the number of freedmen leaders.

An election that will cause discord between the two parties is likely to eliminate the contradiction invisible because of this proposal.

Even if he was running for commander-in-chief this time, no one on the night watch side would agree with Mans Reid's superiority, although he was once a true night watch brother.

Severing his palm, Colin raised his watch: "I agree with Sam's proposal." His eyes looked at Mans Reid, hoping that the former brother of life and death could understand the general situation. The meeting room was full of people, and the generals of the night watchman took the majority, because the leaders of the freedmen only came to a small part.

The generals of the night watch were staring at Mans Reid with piercing eyes, and the meaning in their eyes was obvious.

Mans Reid was indifferent, and no one could see what he was thinking.

He still looked at Will with a faint expression, and looked directly at Will's gaze: "Master Will, what do you think?"

"I feel great!" Will said lightly, "I agree to combine the two positions of commander-in-chief and leader."

"I agree too!" Mans said slowly.

"Very good, but I want to make it clear to Lord Mans. In the next election, you have to vote for me." Will looked at Mans Reid and said lightly, "Because soon, the seven nobles A large number of people will flood into the Great Wall of Impasse, and your freedmen’s leader’s votes may be lower than mine. More importantly, if I am elected, the Legion will not break out of civil war. If you are elected, civil war will definitely break out. So, you should Go and tell your leaders, all vote for me when you vote!"

"Yes, who is he who betrayed the night watchman again, Lao Tzu was the first to kill his ungrateful bastard!" Donna Noy stood up suddenly and shouted. He looked at Mans Reid defiantly with a raging gaze, without fear of the giant leader Marg who was not far from him.

Margot would knock Donald Noy away with just one punch, but only if he had to hit it.

Mans Reid smiled slightly and said: "Donald Noy, I had made up my mind not to fight for the right to vote with Lord Will. I will abstain and vote for Lord Will. I just didn't say clearly. Just come out. Why? Because I want to see how Lord Will handles this thing that everyone thinks is tricky. His words make me think I have not misunderstood the person. Lord Will, no matter when the election is, I will vote Your vote, my people will also vote for you." He changed the subject, "But Lord Donald, you have to apologize for what you humiliated me just now."

"I never apologize to traitors!"

"Well, I will challenge you formally. Let's fight, Donald Noy."

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