The party lasted until after eleven o'clock in the evening, because the team had to practice the next day, and the excessive noise would easily arouse the disgust of the neighbors and even attract the police, so Leon had to announce that the party was over, and everyone needed to go back to their respective homes. Wash and sleep directly.

The young guys and girls obviously have more to say, the Celtics players are all energetic guys, and Walker and Arenas are even more reluctant to leave the table. Although the gambling money is not big, the fun lies in the process, plus there are many acquaintances and friends watching, the two of you come and go with each other, and the two of them have a great time, just playing stud for more than an hour. As a veteran in the casino, Walker won more, while Arenas was not as old as Walker in gambling, nor as experienced and cunning as Walker, so he lost a little money.

But he was stubborn by nature and insisted on winning a few more hands before giving up, so when Leon announced that the party was over, he still refused to leave on the gambling table, insisting on pulling Walker to the final showdown. Walker also wanted to have a final duel with Arenas, but when he looked at Leon, he felt a little guilty. Sure enough, Leon walked to the gaming table, collected all the cards, and wanted to end the game.

"Fox, it's not over yet. I'm going to do it again with Antoine, the last time, just the last time." Arenas begged Leon to give him another chance with the look of a gambler who was anxious to lose. In fact, he only lost a few thousand dollars tonight, which is nothing compared to his salary, but his competitive spirit made him insist on winning it back at the gambling table.

"OK, since you insist on coming for the last time, let's play simple blackjack, one time to decide the outcome, and bet all your money now." Seeing that it was getting late, Leon didn't want to talk nonsense with the two of them, I am going to be the croupier directly, and let the two use simple blackjack to let them fight it out.

Seeing that both of them agreed, Leon carefully shuffled the deck of cards in his hand. His shuffling technique was not proficient, but very meticulous and methodical. After neatly stacking a deck of cards, he distributed a card to Walker and Arenas respectively. Both of them continued to bid, and Leon dealt another card to each of them. When the third card was dealt, Arenas stopped asking for cards, and he looked like he had the winning ticket.

On the other side, Walker continued to ask for cards. Seeing Arenas leisurely put the cards on the table, Walker felt a little bad. After asking for the fourth card, he had two 5s, a 2 and a tie. An 8 is already 20 points, unless Arenas is 21 points, Walker will win. But seeing Arenas' determination to win, Walker hesitated again. Is he just pretending, or does he really have blackjack?

Walker couldn't help but glanced up at Leon, and found that Leon's expression was very relaxed, not as serious as usual. It's weird to think about it, Coach Leon would invite the whole team of young people to a party at his house, and it was a very good party, everyone had a good time. In the impression of Walker in the past, this coach who came out of nowhere had a cruel and barbaric atmosphere. Even if he put on a neat suit after becoming the head coach, he couldn't change the smell on his body. .

Although he is very respected by the players, because he is indeed very great. In Walker's basketball career, he has never met such a unique coach, but Leon is also difficult to please the players. After a day of training This hermit-like coach disappeared from the players' vision, except for that time at the Mohegan Sun Casino, it was difficult to see him.

"Do you want to call, Antoine? It's getting late." Leon's question interrupted Walker's train of thought. Walker thought for a while, gritted his teeth and said, "I want another card!" If you lose, you lose. Anyway, what Antoine Walker has is money, how much money do those cronies, seven aunts and eight aunts squander on him? I don't care about the tens of thousands of dollars.

Leon gave Walker the last card. Walker didn't dare to open the card to read it. Instead, he touched it with his hand. In fact, he couldn't get it out, and then slowly moved it away in the palm of his hand. The finger covering the corner of the card. When he saw the letter A protruding from between his fingers, he almost jumped up from the bench, then roared happily, and threw the cards in his hand on the table.

"21 o'clock! I'm 21 o'clock!" Walker yelled at Arenas, and Arenas's happy face became a little surprised, but he was not depressed, but opened his own The card is a J, a 9 and a 2, which is exactly blackjack. The two were tied.

"Okay, both of them are at blackjack, a tie, everyone is happy. Take your own things and prepare to go home." Leon collected the cards and issued an order to expel the two.

Walker didn't say anything, and hugged and said goodbye to Leon directly, but Arenas was still unwilling to say something, but was picked up by Walker and pulled out of Leon's house.

"The coach wants us to draw, so it will be a draw. If you continue to play and make him unhappy, he will let you lose all your pants at his house." After leaving Leon's house, Walker taught Arenas a lesson. Walker, who has seen Leon's strength, understands that something like blackjack is a complete plaything in Leon's hands. If you let him shuffle the cards, basically he can win whoever he wants.

Arenas didn't understand. Walker didn't explain much, but said, "Don't let the coach know that you gamble, and don't go out and gamble, or he will make you die a miserable death." With the money, he returned to his Ferrari and left in a hurry with his girlfriend. Arenas was still in a daze, but his girlfriend's greeting interrupted him, and he knew it was time to leave.


Leon's house finally quieted down. A lively party left behind a house full of garbage and mixed smells of cigarettes, alcohol and barbecue, as well as a tired Leon and Khomeinis.

"Tired." Leon fell on the sofa and said to Khomeinis who was cleaning up the mess. He really admired Khomeinis at this time, and she was really full of energy.

"Rest early, Fox, you have to train tomorrow, and the game will start the day after tomorrow." Khomeinis asked Leon to rest first, but Leon got up from the sofa and helped Khomeinis The big things were cleaned up, and then the windows were opened to diffuse the smell. After tossing for a while, it was already early morning. When the two lay down on the bed, it was so quiet outside the window that even the grasshoppers and crickets had stopped chirping.

"Why did you ask me to buy a condom?" Although Leon was very tired, but his mind had not completely calmed down, he suddenly thought of a question and asked Khomeinis. There were condoms among the party supplies prepared today, and Leon didn't understand what Khomeinis was buying them for, but he bought them anyway.

"Because the family has run out..." Khomeinis replied in a daze, she was already too sleepy.

Leon hugged Khomeinis into his arms, and both of them fell into a deep sleep.


Early the next morning, that is, February 2, when Leon arrived at the training hall, he counted the number of players and found that there were not many players, and everyone attended training on time. As expected of a young man in his youth, no matter how late he goes to bed, he can wake up vigorously in the morning.

"Today we will conduct physical training! The time is from 10 am to 1:30 pm, and then there will be an hour of defensive training to prepare for tomorrow's game. Well, today will be a tough day, everyone Come on!" Lai Ang's speech before the start of the official training made the players feel a little weak. I didn't expect Leon to conduct physical training today. The intensity of Hess' physical training is extremely high. Because of this, the frequency is not too high. Usually, there is a special team physical training once a week.

The process of physical training is very painful. For basketball players, their physical fitness not only refers to endurance, but also explosive power, static force, jumping ability, speed, and acceleration. These are the key parts of Hess' physical training.

"Pay attention to controlling the intensity. I don't want them to become grandmas who can't move their legs in tomorrow's game." Leon instructed the physical coach Hess on the sidelines.

"Understood. In fact, the intensity of my training has been strengthened compared to the beginning of the season, but the players may not feel it, because their physical fitness has become stronger and stronger. These guys... hope that they can carry out the system in the summer. Only physical training can improve the quality of physical fitness.” Hess was just recruited in the summer, and he has not had time to design the most comprehensive and systematic physical training plan for the Celtics team. Everything will be saved until this summer. Conducted.

"Also, the party last night was good, everyone was very happy, don't you think everyone's training atmosphere is better?" Hess continued, he was also invited to the party last night. In the cold February, he had to take off his clothes and swim with Eric Williams. Fortunately, the swimming pool at Leon's house was heated, otherwise the two of them would have caught a cold.

"Next time you come to my house for a swimming competition, I'll turn off the thermostat." Leon joked, causing Hess to shake his head and laugh. It seems that a small holiday and a happy party have reduced the frustration caused by the previous big loss to the Pistons and the pressure from all directions.

At that time, the road ahead of Leon was not opened much. If he could not win, doubts and criticism would continue to come, and to unite everyone in a team, it was not enough to rely on just one party.

Now, Fox Leon has understood that what he wants to do is not just the head coach of the Boston Celtics, but must become the boss of this team, the real boss, like a superstar. Otherwise, alone and helpless, he will not be able to bear any risks. Only by becoming the captain of a big ship can he resist the storm and huge waves.

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