The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 852: Retreat

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True Monarch Yujian had a lot of contact with Xiao Jiansheng, and had a little understanding of this person's temperament.

This kind of heavenly pride from the sect of the Holy Land, on the surface, is kind and has a very good-spoken appearance.

In fact, he is arrogant and arrogant, and he is not broad-minded.

If he made it clear that he was deceiving him, he would definitely hate himself to death, and even hate Jade Sword Sect.

But if they don't do anything, let them attack Yunwu Daze, it doesn't seem to work.

True Monarch Jade Sword thought hard for a long time, but he didn't have any clues.

He had to call the middle and high level of the door to discuss the matter together.

During this period of time, the flying boat team from Daheng Cultivation Realm, under the leadership of Xiao Jiansheng and True Monarch Bai Zhengyu, marched towards the cloud and mist.

The flying boat team moved quickly. It didn't take long to cross a short distance and came to the junction of Yunwu Daze and Jiuqu League.

Although Xiao Jiansheng has been urging True Monarch Bai Zhengyu to go to war, he still has the minimum war experience.

Originally, according to his plan, the flying boat team would temporarily stop at the junction, and first send a small group of elite teams to explore the way.

After a rough investigation, the brigade marched forward to touch the main force of the monster and spirit races outside the territory.

But Xiao Jiansheng and True Monarch Bai Zhengyu never expected that the invaders outside the territory, who had been very quiet before and honestly hiding in the clouds and mist, actually made a big move, rushed out, and rushed towards this army of cultivators.

The flying boat team headed into the army of invaders outside the territory, and a fierce battle broke out immediately.

The leader of the demon clan outside the territory is Xiao Jiansheng's old opponent, the Baijiao King.

His strength is strong, and his combat effectiveness is not under the sound of Xiao Jian.

There are several demon kings and a large group of demon generals under him, for him to drive at will.

There are many ethnic groups dispatched by the extraterritorial spirits this time, including powerful ethnic groups such as water spirits, wood spirits, and earth spirits.

A team of spirit race teams, led by several spirit kings, came out from all directions.

Although it has not yet entered the depths of the clouds and mists, there are dense water nets, numerous swamps, and woods everywhere.

With the help of the convenient location, the Spirit Race has exerted a very powerful combat effectiveness.

The extraterritorial monsters and spirit races that emerged from the cloud and mist are very crazy, and they are in a posture to completely tear apart the human cultivators.

From the very beginning, the battle entered a white-hot stage, and both sides fought desperately.

To be honest, the fighting spirit of this army of human cultivators is not very strong.

Bairigu wanted to please the Ziyang Saint Sect, and sent such a team to listen to Xiao Jiansheng's dispatch, which was regarded as a flattery to this world.

Not to mention the vassal sects of Bairi Valley, they are the monks of Bairi Valley's own family, and they have no interest in these battles.

I was hit by the Great Li Dynasty before, and after taking a break for so long, away from the war, everyone was a little slack.

As soon as the war started, facing such a brutal opponent, it was really a bit overwhelming.

Demon races from outside the territory have their own heritage like human cultivators, far from being comparable to native demon beasts in Junchen Realm.

Whether it is intelligence or combat power, this group of extraterritorial monsters surpasses the indigenous monsters of Junchen Realm.

The spirit race is a very rare race in Junchen Realm, and many cultivators have no experience in fighting against the spirit race.

The demon clan cooperated with the spirit clan to exert extremely strong combat effectiveness.

When Xiao Jiansheng led an army of human cultivators to fight against invaders outside the territory, Yujianmen finally made a decision.

Xiao Jiansheng went to attack Yunwu Daze, Yujianmen couldn't do nothing.

If Xiao Jiansheng had three long and two short, Yujianmen would definitely be angered by the Ziyang Saint Sect, leading to a huge disaster.

True Monarch Jade Sword had no time to convene the major powers of the Jiuqu League, but led an elite team of Jade Sword Sect. He personally led him to respond to Xiao Jiansheng.

The war between the army of monks led by Xiao Jiansheng and the invaders outside the territory started very suddenly and ended very quickly.

Xiao Jiansheng, who was born in the sect of the Holy Land, had a hidden trump card on his body, and the Baijiao King, who was born in the same extraordinary background, also had a hidden assassin.

Moreover, King Bai Jiao didn't hesitate much, seeing that the opportunity was right, he did not hesitate to display his hole cards.

That was a Tier 5 demon clan great power, that is, the great demon king among the demon clan, a spell made with a piece of his own scale.

After the spell was cast, it turned into a flame and directly burned through all the defenses of Xiao Jiansheng's body.

If he didn't have the life-saving thing given by the elders in the door, Xiao Jiansheng would be seriously injured if he didn't die this time.

Even if he saved his life, Xiao Jiansheng was also injured.

Facing the high-spirited Baijiao King, Xiao Jiansheng could only sigh helplessly, and chose to retreat.

Xiao Jiansheng didn't just take care of himself to retreat alone, but led the whole army together and retreated in battle.

The army of cultivators, who were not high in fighting spirit, quickly evacuated the battlefield, far away from the clouds and fog.

The combined army of the monster and spirit races pursued the victory for a while, and then took the initiative to retreat.

The retreating team led by Xiao Jiansheng encountered True Monarch Jade Sword who had come for reinforcements during the retreat.

True Monarch Jade Sword, who kindly wanted to help, did not expect that he would lead the crowd to appear at this time, as if it was a mockery of Xiao Jiansheng.

Xiao Jiansheng thought that True Monarch Jade Sword came to see him making a joke.

Ashamed and angry, he didn't stay here any more, but simply gave a few words to True Monarch Bai Zhengyu and left immediately.

Xiao Jiansheng accepted his failure, but didn't want to be treated as a joke. He just wanted to leave here as quickly as possible.

He didn't want to stay in the **** place of Jiuqu League for a moment.

He wants to return to the sect, report all the situation, and then listen to the orders of the senior sect to decide the next step.

Since Xiao Jiansheng had left his own house, True Monarch Bai Zhengyu had no thoughts about staying in the Jiuqu League for a long time.

The previous battle lasted not long, but the casualties of the monks' army were not light.

After the whole army rested for a while, True Monarch Bai Zhengyu disregarded True Monarch Jade Sword's desperate retention and led this reinforcement from the Daheng cultivation world on his way home.

True Monarch Jade Sword also feels so Why did he lose two strong aids inexplicably?

Xiao Jiansheng was gone, and in terms of top powerhouses, there was a gap between his own and the Dali Dynasty's sweeping army.

Without reinforcements from the Daheng Cultivation Realm, relying solely on the army of cultivators from the Jiuqu League could not withstand the sweeping army of the Dali Dynasty.

Although the two sides are now temporarily truce to maintain peace. But the war is coming again, it is not the real Lord Jade Sword that has the final say.

The monsters, spirits, and barbarians from outside the territories didn't even know when they would launch an attack.

Suddenly, True Monarch Jade Sword suddenly felt that the form of the Jiuqu League had never been so bad.

And Meng Zhang, who was recovering from his wounds in the Taiyimen camp, also welcomed a guest who was unwilling to receive.

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