The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 1183: arrival

Not long after the last war, the depletion of the Terran monk coalition was far from being replenished.

   The monk is not a leek in the ground, it will grow out soon after it is cut off.

   It takes at least 20 years for human beings to be born, grow, and become useful.

   Training a monk, even an ordinary monk, requires investment of time and resources.

   As for the elite monks of various cultivation forces, it is not easy to train them.

  Since the battle with the monster began, the cultivators in this area of ​​Maple Leaf Mountain City have lost a lot.

   If it weren't for the Taiyimen to continuously send monks over, as the skeleton of the entire monk coalition army, the line of defense here would have already collapsed.

   Nevertheless, in terms of the number of monks alone, the monks' coalition is still far behind the heyday.

   Speaking of it, it's the wastage of items, and it's easier to get replenished.

   The circle and the fort on the entire line of defense have been restored for most of them.

   The consumed organ creations, talisman, etc. are barely replenished in place.

   Jin Qiao'er was investigating in the distance, and found three different groups of monsters, and they all rushed to this side.

   There are three groups of monsters, not to mention how many low-level monsters there are, there are three of them for Tier 4 monsters alone.

   In addition, the cultivator of the Heart Demon Dao, who was hiding in the dark and controlling the Great Earth God General, would join hands with the monsters, no one can tell.

   Jin Qiaoer, as the true monarch of the original spirit, is her responsibility to fight against Tier 4 monsters, or the magic cultivation of the original spirit level.

   After she discovered the enemy's movement, she didn't delay outside for too long, and immediately returned to the line of defense.

   She sits on the defensive line, slowly adjusts her state, waiting to fight against powerful enemies.

   At this time, among the cultivators' coalition, several teams composed of Jindan real men were dispatched, and they began to wander near the defense line.

   These teams have to monitor the surrounding movement in real time and are also responsible for covering the flanks of the monks' coalition army.

   If there is any change on the battlefield, they must react to it as soon as possible.

   Compared with the monks who defended the frontal line, these monks who took the initiative to attack, touring and guerrilla outside, lost the cover of the circle and the fortress, and went deep into the dangerous place alone, obviously facing greater danger.

   Raising soldiers for a thousand days, used for a while.

   For Yuanshen sects like Taiyi Sect, Jindan Zhenren is the absolute backbone of the sect and the main force in foreign warfare.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   For those Jin Dan forces, Jin Dan Zhenren is the backbone of the sect to support them.

   Now that the monster army is overwhelming, it is time for them to return the cultivation and support of the sect.

   Several teams, each team has at least three Jindan real people, prepared enough in advance, and began to take the initiative to attack.

   Before the monster group reached the front of the defense line, Yang Xueyi also left the coalition camp and went to sit in the front of the defense line.

   The three groups of monsters come from different directions, and their forward speed and route are all different.

   The time for the three monster groups to reach the front of the line of defense is also different, but they arrive here in three waves.

  Originally, after Yang Xueyi knew about this situation, she had also considered whether she would take the initiative to attack, fight a time difference, and destroy the group of monsters that arrived first.

   But after discussing with Jin Qiaoer, she gave up the idea.

   In each group of monsters, there are a huge number of monsters, and it is very possible that there will be magic repairs in the dark.

   Give up the location of the line of defense and take the initiative to attack. Once the tactical goal is not achieved, it is caught in a protracted battle. When the other two monster groups arrived on the battlefield, the consequences would be unimaginable.

  Meng Zhang is also helping the **** of earth to get out of control.

  Yang Xueyi and the others should try their best to delay time while guarding against death.

  Meng Zhang is not only a master in the mid-primary stage, he also holds the magic mirror, and has mastered many powerful magic doors.

   After he is finished, he joins the battlefield before he can be foolproof.

   These three monster groups each have a Tier 4 monster commander.

   The relationship between these three Tier 4 monsters is definitely not friendly.

   In fact, all Tier 4 monsters are in a competitive relationship.

   In each other's eyes, they are all panacea that can help them get promoted.

   If a Tier 4 monster can swallow another Tier 4 monster, it would be no less than a big tonic, and all aspects can be greatly improved.

   If they didn't share a common goal, these Tier 4 monsters would fight inwardly among themselves.

   After the three huge groups of monsters arrived near the line of defense, they were separated by a not-too-close distance, and confronted each other.

  Many monsters in the three groups of monsters left the group and wandered forward.

   Firstly, it plays a role of investigation, and secondly, it also sweeps away the surrounding creatures, taking the opportunity to strengthen and replenish one's own side.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   The area around, especially in front of the human race monk's defense line. After the previous two swarms of monsters swept away, it could be said that the creatures were extinct.

   The human race dispatched a lot of monks and spent a lot of manpower and material resources to purify this area and clear away a lot of magical energy left by the monsters.

   But with the arrival of a new group of monsters, bursts of devilish energy rose to the sky, and on the whole land, there was a continuous devilish energy spreading out.

All the previous efforts of many monks were all in vain. Not to mention, the situation of this area being demonized has become more It is not necessary to get too close, that is, to hide within the line of defense, on the side of the human monks. Everyone can see, the dark and ink-like devilish qi whispering, circling up, and rushing straight into the sky.

   This kind of momentum looks really shocking.

   The three groups of monsters stopped advancing, temporarily occupying three different places.

   Of course, the monster group itself is chaotic, without any discipline at all.

   These monsters will not stay honestly. Between each other, they started chasing and fighting, and even fighting and devouring them.

  For this situation, the Tier 4 monsters that command the monster group have long been accustomed to it.

   As long as the monsters can rush up in a general direction after the attack is ordered, that is enough.

   The three Tier 4 monsters scrutinized each other, even if they had a common goal, they didn't rush to attack.

   didn't know what they were waiting for, they just entangled around like this without making any big moves.

   The demons are not in a hurry to attack, and the human cultivator coalition army can't ask for it.

  The longer the delay, the more beneficial it is to the coalition of human cultivators.

   Some of the monks hurry up the final preparation time and fix the loopholes in the defense line at full speed.

  Some monks adjust their breath regularly, striving to achieve the best state of their spirits and spirits.


   At this time in the camp of the monks' coalition forces, the Inner Demon Dao Moxiu, with the help of the seed of the Inner Demon, came to power from the air, and the body of the Great Earth God General as the battlefield, was doing the final battle with Meng Zhang.

   The victory or defeat between the two sides is in a blink of an eye.

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