The War Court and Lap Pillow, Austria’s Mandate of Heaven

Vol 2 Chapter 3: Alamo's All-Star Defenders

Goliad, Old John's Pub.

William Travis pushed open the cypress-leaf swing door of the bar, and the acrid smell of alcohol and smoke came in his face, mixed with the smell of foot odor and bad perfume.

The soldiers were having fun with the whores, and the crowd writhed wildly to the cheerful music.

The soldiers put the prostitutes on their shoulders, and the unrestrained prostitutes didn't care about the ecstasy. Everyone was still immersed in the joy of victory. Now Goliath, San Antonio, and even Texas belonged to them.

Just three months earlier, they had wiped out a 40-man Mexican garrison and successfully captured Goliad.

But now Tasan Anna is about to arrive with a Mexican army of 8,000 people. If you count the remnants gathered along the way, the newly recruited black slaves, and the total number of Indians, the total number may not exceed 10,000.

Now William Travis was depressed, and he wanted to find the volunteer commander James Bowie immediately.

William Travis looked inside while dodging drunks and prostitutes who might bump into him at any moment. The wet floor under his feet was stained with oil and rum, which made him slip.

William Travis yelled "Colonel James Bowie, are you here? This is Colonel William Travis and I need to talk to you."

But no one answered, William Travis took out the pistol in his waist in anger, and shot two shots at the ceiling.

"Bang! Bang!" Two gunshots stopped the noisy crowd, but the circular candlestick with candles hanging from the roof fell down, knocking down a drunkard immediately.

"Take him away. Who's James Bowie?"

A dwarf raised his hand, William Travis asked with some doubts.

"Are you James Bowie?"

The dwarf answered with a quick shake of his head.

"Colonel Bowie's upstairs, but I don't think he wants you to disturb him."

William Travis was a little annoyed.

"I am Colonel William Travis, the supreme military commander here, and I need to see him now."

The dwarf shrugged and pointed up to the second floor.

William Travis angrily walked to the room on the second floor, kicked open the door, and found that Colonel Bowie was doing something indescribable, so he had to close the door and wait outside.

About three minutes later, Colonel Bowie opened the door.

"Colonel William Travis, long wait."

"Not long, just three minutes."


The two sides smiled awkwardly, but the relationship was drawn a lot closer unconsciously.

"Let's talk in another room and let her rest for a while." Colonel Bowie suggested.

James Bowie, more famous than himself, is the knife he invented. A bowie knife with an upturned tip and a guard is called the Bowie knife by later generations, which is the most common American army knife we ​​usually see. .

James Bowie and William Travis came into the kitchen, and Bowie picked up two glasses and handed one of them to Travis.

"Have a drink first, you can't talk about dry mouth."

Then Bowie opened a bottle of rum and poured a glass each for Travis and himself.

Travis pushed the glass away and said.

"I don't drink, those people outside can't fight at all, and I have bad news for you, no one will come to rescue us, and Tasan Anna brought ten thousand people, and we only have two Colonel and two hundred soldiers."

"Oh, I've heard. What about 10,000 people?" Bowie drank the wine in his glass nonchalantly.

"We don't have enough soldiers, we don't have enough weapons, the cannons are just three old antiques left by the Mexicans."

"Trust me, Travis, the Mexicans don't have any better cannons than ours," Bowie said with a smile, knowing that the Mexicans are still using the Spanish antiques.

"But my people, plus your volunteers, are only 200 people. How can we fight against Tasan Anna's army?"

"I'm not afraid of death, but I'll let the Mexicans know that I'm not easy to mess with, and I'll tear a piece of meat off them and eat it with butter."

James Bowie did not lie, he was not afraid of death, and everyone who met him praised him as a real western cowboy, a desperado.

"But I don't want to die meaninglessly."

"Then give me your command, sir. Now those big shots are studying Jianguo, and we want to stop Tasan Anna, it's as simple as that."

Bowie went to get Travis' glass again, but Travis snatched it away.

"I am not afraid of death, but I will say that Texas cannot live without San Antonio, and history will prove me right."

Travis gulped down his drink, then coughed it up.

"That's right, he's a tough guy, haha!"

"Bowie, I have a request?" Travis hesitated.

"Say it, like a man."

"I hope you remain silent. I want to tell the soldiers that General Houston is on his way with 2,000 reinforcements. I'm afraid those cowards will run away. Our task is to buy enough time for the big shots."

Bowie hesitated, then nodded.

"Well, I won't expose you. But if someone wants to leave that's their freedom, you can't stop it."

"Whatever you want, I don't think Houston would be that stupid to give up on San Antonio. You and I both know how important San Antonio is to Texas. Tasan Anna is invincible as long as he takes San Antonio .”

However, Tasang Anna in history, underestimated the enemy and aggressively advanced after the Battle of Alamo, and was finally succeeded in a surprise attack by the militia led by the colonization businessman Houston, causing all efforts to be in vain. On the pillar of shame.


A day later, the legendary American David Crockett arrived at Goliad with 20 Tennessee volunteers.

According to legend, David Crockett was able to tear wolves apart, fight brown bears, repel the attack of 300 Indian warriors alone, and single-handedly thwart the British plot to assassinate the President of the United States...

Such a legendary figure, and the only American officer to surrender to Tasan Anna at the Battle of the Alamo.

Historically, the twenty Tennessee volunteers led by David Crockett were the last reinforcements to reach the Alamo.

But in fact, there is a 400-man army stationed just a dozen kilometers away from the Alamo, led by Colonel Manin.

But the group neither aided Travis at the Alamo nor heeded Houston's orders to leave San Antonio and join Houston's main force.

These people watched the Alamo's defenders fall, and then became Tasan Anna's punching bag.

Their only role in history was to make Tasan Anna bear the notoriety of killing captives.

A thousand volunteers had just started from Boston, but they would not arrive in two months.

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