The so-called electromagnetic gun, the original concept is to use the ampere force generated by the electromagnetic field in the electromagnetic system to accelerate and shoot the metal cannonball.

    But this is not the case with [Magnetic Monster]'s special skill - [Electromagnetic Cannon].




    In simple terms, the [Electromagnetic Cannon] of [Magnetic Monster] is just an electric magic cannon, but its power is huge, far exceeding [Electrical Discharge], and it can 100% make the target fall into Paralyzed - unless the target has the corresponding immunity.


    The original concept of the electromagnetic gun is physical damage.

    But since [Magnetic Monster] has the foundation to control the powerful discharge ability, and at the same time has the powerful [Analysis] ability, sooner or later will be able to master the real electromagnetic gun!

    Dark was still excited at two in the morning.

    He injected magic power into [Cage Cage: Magneto] and checked it carefully.


    [Card Name: Magneto]

    [Type: Elf Card]


    [Race: Mechanical]

    [Attribute: Electric/Steel]

    [Magic: 1100]

    [Attack: 1400]

    [Defense: 500]

    【Special Skills: Analysis, Discharge, Electromagnetic Cannon】


    "The magic power is increased by 100, the attack is increased by 200, and a new nirvana - [Electromagnetic Cannon] has been added."

    "But the defense is reduced by 100."

    "I remember that Magneto's [Electromagnetic Cannon] only has a hit rate of 50. If you want to specialize and strengthen the [Electromagnetic Cannon], I am afraid you need to add the [Lock] function."

    "And if you want to develop and master a real electromagnetic gun, you have to work **** [electromagnetic waves]."


    Because it was too late, Duck gave up the idea of ​​testing the [Electromagnetic Cannon] immediately.

    He picked up the pen and recorded his ideas one by one, ready to wait until he was free to realize them one by one.

    Time is indeed the greatest enemy for a researcher with many ideas.


    After washing up and going to bed, Duck looked around while holding [Magnetic Monster].

    [Magnetic Monster]'s big eyes moved with the movement of the position, but always stared at his eyes.

    "Look again, and I'll eat you!"

    —Duck couldn't help but think of this ad.

    Then he freed his hand and scratched the "chin" of [Magnetic Monster].

      squeak" sound.

    After playing with it for a while, tiredness came to my mind.

    Dak put [Magnetic Monster] on the head of the bed and indented into the bed.

    It's cold in winter. Fortunately, there is always someone at home to warm him up. Every time he enters, the warmth grows.



    [Magnetic Monster] lying at the head of the bed looked at the gradually familiar ceiling, and slowly closed his eyes.

    Golems are not bothered by the duration, but they also go into a dormant state due to insufficient mana, so they need to "eat".

    Generally speaking, golems' food is a variety of minerals rich in magic power, but different golems have different recipes, eating indiscriminately will cause irreversible damage to the golem's body .

    Higher-level golems can usually absorb the elements free in the air, but the absorption speed is generally very slow, requiring various magic circles and resources to assist, otherwise it generally takes a long time Rest period to restore mana.

    And some more special golems can absorb certain substances and convert them into magic power.

    Although Duck has not tested [Magnetic Monster] in this regard, it is generally certain that it can be "charged".

    Making a generator is actually not difficult for the current magic technology, but this technology route has not been developed, even some magicians who are good at using electricity are mostly Adopted "biopower".

    They will keep electric monsters in captivity to generate electricity.

    "Biopower" is the main axis of current technology.

    So, the correct choice in line with the times is to match the [Magnetic Monster] with a magical beast that can discharge...or a magical animal!

    And when he thought of magical animals, Duck suddenly realized that he had not gone to the secret realm to find magical animals for a long time.

    However, the magical species in the community has been gradually increasing.

    In short, the plan is often unable to keep up with the changes, which is also something that can't be helped.


    December 24th.

    As the temperature dropped sharply, ice crystals had hung on the eaves of the castle, and thin ice flakes had condensed on the lake, reflecting the soft light of the rising sun, emitting a faint orange.

    The students who changed into winter clothes early walked out of the castle and strolled by the lake, each with a faint expectation on their faces. .seven

    Dake opened his eyes and woke up at half past six in the morning, in good spirits.

    Although I only slept in the early hours of the night last night, I slept unexpectedly very deeply. Only four hours of sleep seemed to be able to top the normal eight hours.


    The [Little Magneto] with a body of steel was not affected by the cold wind at all, floating on his right shoulder, turning the magnet.

    Ibrahimovic, Sun Ibrahimovic, and the ever-changing monster who transformed into Sun Ibrahimovic opened and closed their sleepy eyes and surrounded him at his feet.

    A peaceful look.

    "Time flies."

    Dak glanced at him and sighed in his heart.

    "It's the second Christmas."

    Another year is coming to an end since suddenly regaining my memory on the stage of the sorting ceremony.

    As all kinds of unknown things unravel in front of my eyes, the sense of novelty like "first arrival" gradually fades away.

    He is more and more integrated into the world.


    A small red dot in the distance came into view, and then quickly approached.

    The little evil beast wearing a red Christmas hat and a scarf around her beloved flew over with flapping wings.

    When it got close, Duck pulled the window faster, raised his hands, and caught the vegetable basket he brought from the cafeteria.

    Day after day, this vegetable basket has also changed several styles. Although Duck has proposed to use an insulated lunch box, the little devil still prefers the basket, so we can only follow it.

    For a long time, Dak only ate breakfast in the dormitory alone, and asked the magic wizards to go to the cafeteria as much as possible, and now it has become a habit.


    Magnetic circled around the head of the little evil beast, and then flew to Dak's side again.

    Among the magic wizards living in the bedroom, it has the best sense of the single scabbard and has a natural sense of intimacy, but the single scabbard just wants to hang on the body of Dilumon, Ignore it at all, so it seems a little lonely.

    But it just observed the little evil beast carefully, but found that this dark guy looks quite similar to himself - everyone only has a round head, so he thought maybe You can also have a good relationship with it.

    Of course, it is only in the stage of imagination, it is a little afraid of life.

    At that time, Meow Meow suddenly a tiger clawed it, grabbed it and hugged it on the chest, and then there was a friction against its head.

    Although she didn't feel comfortable, Magneto rubbed against Miaomiao's palm pad, showing a pleasing look.

    On the other side, a few fluffy rabbits were surrounded by Tutu grass, all opened their eyes and curiously looked at the pink petals blooming on the top of Tutu grass, wiggling their noses from time to time to stink, also quite for fun.


    Dake took out the newspaper from the vegetable basket, the page of "Da Sage Daily" has turned into a festive red, the headline has been cut in half, on one side is the eldest princess's ingenuity. On the other hand is the Christmas Mass held by the Holy Church.

    "Christmas Lights?"

    Dake stretched out his finger and rubbed against the colorful street pictures on the newspaper. He couldn't help recalling the Lantern Festival in his previous life, and he felt a little melancholy in his heart.

    But this melancholy was completely gone when he opened the "Joker Daily".

    However, the "Joker Daily" has also changed its layout to a red color, but what catches the eye is a clown in red, and there are still all kinds of funny and interesting reports on the layout. The blogger smiled.

    He was in a good mood, so he sat down after breakfast and quietly pondered what he was not well prepared for.

    Finally make sure everything is ready, and finally relax completely.

    Today, during the day, he wanted to give himself a vacation.


    But when it comes to vacation, he can't think of how to rest. At most, it is just like in leisure time, leaning on the chaise longue on the balcony, leisurely reading a book, drinking tea, it is exactly the same as Claire .

    At half past eight, there was a sudden shouting and shouting from outside the castle, and some faint voices came in.

    The curious little monster flew to the balcony, opened the window, and the rolling sound swept in.

    Dark stood up and looked over.

    Someone summoned a magic wizard on the lake, and used his nirvana to thicken the thin ice on the lake into a solid ice surface.

    The students who were waiting by the lake stepped onto the ice one by one and started skating.

    Dak blinked and wanted to join for a moment, but seeing the crowd was growing, he wanted to retreat again.

    It didn't take long for Diana and Rose to knock on the door excitedly and come in, inviting him to play on the lake together.

    So Duck no longer hesitated, he recruited the magic wizards, and also left the castle.

    The professors came to hear the voice, but they just smiled and raised their heads, and did not say anything to stop them as usual.

    It's Christmas after all.


    Of course, there are also worried professors who walked over quietly and added a layer of insurance to the already thick ice surface. As long as it is not a giant magic wizard jumping around randomly, there is basically no need to worry about the ice surface damaged.

    The sharp-eyed students saw through the professor's handwriting, and then passed it on from ten to ten. More students knew that the professors acquiesced in today's events, and they came in groups.

    By the time Duck reached the lake, laughter was everywhere.

    Fortunately, the lake is wide enough to avoid crowding.

    He and Rose walked side by side, followed the shouting Diana for a while, then called Diana back, and then used alchemy to refine a pair of skates with ice blades embedded on the spot shoes, performed in front of the two girls.

    Diana's eyes suddenly lit up, and she urged him to do it again.

    Dake made two pairs, gave each of them a pair, and then taught them to skate on the skates.

    There are not a few people skating around, but most of them just put a layer of ice on the soles, the difference is still great.

    Diana didn't need to be taught at all, she slid smoother than Duck once she stepped on the skates.

    However, Rose's motor nerves are very general, and it took him half an hour to stand still with Dak's support.

    When she was finally able to stagger and slide up, Diana pouted and asked Duck to teach, Duck had to deal with it with a black face and pretended to deal with it.

    At this time, the little magicians around had already followed suit, and these skates with skates embedded in them became popular in an instant.

    After a while, the seniors greeted the crowd to get out of the way, and then vacated the track on the lake for a skating race.

    Dark even saw Winnie Skadi-senpai from it - she put down the book and turned into a fairy on ice.

    After the skating race started, Diana gradually couldn't hold back, no longer pestering Duck, and mixed into it in a blink of an eye.

    Dak continued to slide slowly on the lake with Rose.

    The sunlight reflected by the ice surface shone on Rose's cheeks, reflecting a faint blush.


    The skating boom comes and goes quickly.

    After noon, as the sun shines, there are more traces of water on the ice, so only twos and threes are left to play on the ice.

    More students poured into Traveler Street in groups of three or five.

    Today's Traveler's Street naturally has more and more interesting products and activities than before.

    Duck wanted to go back to the dormitory and have a good rest, in preparation for tonight's dance and the more anticipated small experiments, but still couldn't get over Diana's entanglement, along with them Entering Traveler Street, and then wandering around for a while.

    They don't have any purpose in themselves.

    After this, it was not until three or four in the afternoon that the pedestrians in Traveler Street gradually dispersed.



    [Wait to refresh]

    More students poured into Traveler Street in groups of three or five.

    Today's Traveler's Street naturally has more and more interesting products and activities than before.

    Duck wanted to go back to the dormitory and have a good rest, in preparation for tonight's dance and the more anticipated small experiments, but still couldn't get over Diana's entanglement, along with them Entering Traveler Street, and then wandering around for a while.

    They don't have any purpose in themselves.

    After this, it was not until three or four in the afternoon that the pedestrians in Traveler Street gradually dispersed



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