The Villain Only Wants To Live a Buddhist Life

Chapter 720: 【Subscription】Dark Dimon's Repayment (8k)

    Thursday, December 19th.

    At the moment when the major courses are all over, the students' attention is turned to the two elective courses.

    In the class of [Alchemy Class], Professor Kazel once again clarified the main points of golem making, and analyzed the difficulties asked by Dak as an example, so that the The students in the audience were stunned, and some problems that had troubled them for a long time were solved.

    When this part of the problem was finished, Professor Kazel asked the students to raise the problems they encountered in refining the golem one by one, and he explained it in detail.

    Most of these questions were raised by the seniors, and their progress was faster than that of Duck. The origin of some of the questions was even the part that he had not yet been able to relate to.

    Dake recorded all these questions and answers, so that you can refer to them later if you encounter them.

    The last [Alchemy Class] of the second grade last semester came to an end in this question and answer.


    Dark continued to try to make golems in the club classroom.


    In order to save materials, he basically made a small golem, the smallest is only a little bigger than a palm, and the specific shape is not elegant.

    In short, keep two and fight for three.

    The topic at the end of this semester is only a staged assessment, and the requirement is to make a second-grade [similar] golem.

    Of course, this is the bottom line.

    If you want to get good results, the closer to the third gear, the better.

    Dark has now been able to make a [similar] golem, but it is not delicate enough.

    He has some ideas for this topic.

    Make a golem as close as possible to the [simulation level], then seal it with a [curse cage], convert it into a magic wizard, and then use a [big sin card] to unlock the wisdom.

    In this way, the biggest threshold between [Similar Level] and [Similar Level] - intelligence, can be easily crossed.

    Although this method is a bit tricky, it can be successful in Duck's deduction.

    But if you take a shortcut, you will inevitably lose something.

    The [Similar Grade] Golem obtained in this way cannot be used as a further basis.

    The fourth level of [realism level] requires that the golem and the real life have almost the same structure, which is not a barrier that can be crossed by turning on intelligence.

    But the meal has to be eaten in one bite, and the road has to be taken step by step.

    Let's start with [Similar Level].

    Dark thought so, and picked up a bronze ball.

    He entered the dungeon, killed the bronze behemoth, found the [Bronze Room], and took out two treasure chests from a huge sphinx.

    One of the silver treasure chests opened the [Silver Sphinx], and the other bronze treasure chest opened the [Bronze Mirror] that was later refined into [Bronze Serpent Mirror] .

    And the [Bronze Eyeball] in his hand is the remnant of that bronze giant beast.

    This thing can be used as the "core" of the golem.

    "Be a little magnet?"

    This eyeball inspired him.


    At three o'clock in the afternoon, a decent [Magnetic Monster] appeared on the desktop.

    But it's just a shell, it's just a shell.

    It is not easy to make it move, or even float it by magnetic force.

    "It's up to you."

    Dake patted the little head of [Meow Meow] and started to fish... No, it's preparing for tonight's [Astrology Lesson] topic.


    At the same time, other students in [Astrology Class] are also preparing for tonight's divination.

    Professor Mitia Bartholomew's [Astrology Class], there are not many students, even if they all add up, there are only fifteen people, and only the second graders occupy eight quota.

    In addition to Duck, there are Rose Flotte, Eudora Envi, Emma Mertis, Sarah Swati, Heidi Euphemia Ya, Pistan Kellogg, Jimmy Abbott.

    In terms of qualifications, Eudora Envi is second to none, followed by Rose, then Sarah and Emma, ​​and the remaining three are in the same batch.

    Dak was originally the tail of the crane, and he and Ibrahimovic had to be combined to be able to reach the last gear.

    Right now, I'm about to catch up with Emma and Sarah.

    Of course, he himself is not sure.


    At half past seven in the evening, the stars faded away, the full moon hung high, and the whole castle was bathed in the moonlight like water.

     And the fifteen students of [Astrology Class] all spiraled up the stairs of the spiral clock tower, and finally boarded the classroom on the highest floor.

    Professor Mitia Bartholomew rarely sat behind the podium before the bell rang, the pumpkin carriage was still parked on one side, the ceiling had been opened from it, and the bright moonlight pierced through Through the glass, it shines on the table, and it is clear.

    Students entered the classroom one after another, and then took their seats.

    Dak also left the club classroom when he was about to go to class and came to the [Astrology Class] classroom.

    He came to the corner of the last row as usual, then took little Ibrahimovic off his shoulders and put it on the table.


    "Jingle bell."

    As the class bell rang, the few whispers in the classroom also disappeared, and everyone's nerves were tense.

    From this, it can be seen that most of the students have no confidence in the divination tonight.

    Professor Mitia stood up, holding the podium with both hands, which made people's hearts collapse, and the bright moon-like eyes changed and glanced, like a pool of spring water.

    "I have a bet."

    And today's class was completely opened after the appearance of this sentence!



    The students in the classroom were puzzled when they first heard this word, but soon the first one thought of it, then the second, the third…

    After more than a minute, all the students faintly recalled.

    Professor Mitia did have a bet, before the [Astrology Class] started, with another Professor MacDonald who also taught [Astrology].

    “I once made an agreement with Professor MacDonald that both parties would spend one semester teaching their students, and then in the end-of-semester assessment, they would compare their students with the Get a better grasp of astrology soon. Now that the time has come, I wonder if you forgot?"

    "Professor, is this the specific matter of this assessment?"

    Fifth grade Antonio Cromwell, one of only two fifth graders in the classroom, raised his hand.

    The other is Betty, Betty Murray.

    Professor Mitia showed a sly smile and said, "That's right. Make divination predictions about certain things that may happen next semester, and spend a whole semester to verify your divination Result. Which side has more accurate divination and more correct predictions, whichever side wins. I hope you can win."

    Although she was smiling, the students couldn't.

    Students whispered and whispered, and things they had forgotten were quickly recalled.

    Emma Metis' face was extremely ugly.

    She still remembered that she once asked a question to Professor Mitia at that time, and the answer was:

    If you lose, everyone present will fail the astrology class.

    Electives do not need to be repeated.

    But if you fail, you really fail.

    Students like Emma, ​​who are very interested in grades, naturally cannot accept this kind of thing.

    But as the content of [Astrology Class] became more and more difficult, she gradually forgot about this situation.

    In retrospect, it was like a thunderbolt.

    Professor Mitia's bet object is Professor MacDonald, who is a senior professor of [Astrology Class] and is well-known.

    Therefore, except for the second grade, most students who are interested in divination will choose Professor MacDonald's [Astrology Class].

    Professor MacDonald has so many resources, and the selected students naturally have quite good qualifications.

    Like Betty Murray, he picked the rest…


    Like a fish struggling in vain on a chopping board, Emma raised her hand with a complicated expression.

    "Metis, is there anything you want to ask?"

    Professor Mitia said gently.

    Emma said, "Professor MacDonald, how many students are there?"

    Professor Mitia said with a smile: "Thirty."

    Emma: "…"

    Pistan Kellogg raised his hand in a hurry and said: "Wait, professor, what are we comparing the probability of correct prediction?"

    Professor Mitia is still smiling: "Numbers."

    Pistan exclaimed: "How can this win! There are twice as many people!"

    The students under the stage suddenly made a noise, and everyone changed for a while.

    Professor Mitia smiled and shook his head: "Divination is not about the number of people. Everyone predicts events differently. We are talking about the number of predicted events."

    Pistein asked hurriedly, "Can one person predict many things?"

    Professor Mitia nodded and said: "The evaluation standard is mainly based on the number of correctly predicted events. If you happen to encounter the same event, it will belong to the more accurate party."

    "So it is." Pistan sat down with a relaxed expression.

    Then the next moment, it bounced like a ball: "Isn't that still the same?"

    "Hahaha." Professor Mitia laughed heartlessly, "The number of people will naturally have an advantage. But you also have an advantage."

    “What advantage?” someone asked.

    Professor Mitia said solemnly: "Your talent is higher than theirs."



    Professor MacDonald has almost all the students in the third grade and above.

    Professor Mitia monopolized the source of second-year students.

    This year's sophomore is extraordinary.


    Therefore, Professor Mitia's statement about talent is not exaggerated.

    Divination talent is rare.


    Now the fifteen students suddenly became quiet after being praised.

    Professor Mitia then said humorously: "And there are not fifteen students in our class, but sixteen."

    "Bubble?" Little Ibrahimovic tilted his head, and then attracted the attention of the audience.

    The air in the classroom was suddenly cold.


    "Okay, let's end the gossip."

    Professor Mitia patted the table and said: "For a senior fortune teller, every divination can be divided into two situations, one needs to pay a price, and the other does not Don’t pay the price. The former can look directly into the future, the latter can predict by observing how things work.”

    "Even if the former is misinterpreted, the future seen must be real and exist on a certain fate."

    "The latter is a probabilistic event, and the prediction is not accurate. Even the best fortune teller cannot guarantee a 100% correct rate."

    "Of the two, the former is better."

    "But a fortune-teller usually does not choose a fortune-telling if it is not necessary."

    "Of course, you can't use it even if you want to."

    "I didn't teach at all."


    Students: “…”


    In the silence, Professor Mitia continued calmly: "Astrology is a technique of predicting the future by observing the orbits of celestial bodies. Tonight is the day of the full moon. , I recommend lunar divination. Well, then, it's your time. Before get out of class ends, record the divination results and submit them to me. There is no limit to the number of divinations, but there can be no overlapping events. Start now."

    The atmosphere in the classroom quickly became solemn.

    Whether it involves gambling or not, what students can do at this time is actually the same.

    There is no limit to the so-called divination. If it is actually implemented, it is actually not very meaningful.

    Because human energy is limited, and divination time is also limited.

    For ordinary students, it is quite a good achievement to be able to complete a highly accurate divination in this class.

    Professor Mitia's eyes narrowed slightly, swept over the students who were moving quickly, and finally landed on Eudora.

    She has to watch, focusing on Eudora.

    To prevent this worrying student from accidentally triggering [Apocalypse].


    In the last row of the classroom, Dak Dimon and Ibrahimovic finally moved.

    "Bee!" Little Ibrahimovic patted the back of Dak's hand with a pad and urged.

    "Don't you prepare first?" Duck asked while taking out [Pride 3] from the card pack.

    Little Ibrahimovic shook his head vigorously, and nodded again.

    Dake has a [Pride 3] and a [Pride 4] in his hand.

    These two [Criminal Sin Cards] can make [Magic Beast: Eevee] evolve into [Magic Beast: Sun Eevee].

     Once evolved, Ibrahimovic's divination ability can be greatly improved.

    However, the duration of each [Dead Sin Card] is only fifteen minutes, so it is best to use it at a critical moment.

    Of course there are benefits to using it now.

    [Astrology Lesson] has 90 minutes, if it is fast, maybe these two [Sin Cards] can be used twice.

    With the successful evolution of Ibrahimovic sauce into [Magic Beast: Sun Ibrahimovic], Duck no longer pays attention to it, but concentrates on his own astrology.

    Astrology is divided into two categories, "star divination" and "horoscope divination".

    Dak chose, of course, the "moon divination" in the "star divination".

    He took out a magic guide card made in the previous course, placed it in the middle of the table, and then clicked on the card surface to inject magic power.

    The crystal ball in the card face slowly drilled out and gradually became a standard divination crystal ball.

    In the days of mages, even fortune-tellers rarely used real crystal balls.

    The crystal ball summoned by using the item card is closely connected with its own magic, and can see more things when divination.

    After Dak summoned it, he opened his hands, hugged the crystal ball, and started to operate [Astrology] as needed.

    In the crystal ball, clouds gradually rose.

    Clouds and mists grew from small to large, drifted out one by one, and finally shrouded the surface of the crystal ball.

    Beside him, Sun Ibrahimovic also sat down, used the item card to summon the crystal ball, and performed the [Astrology] in the same posture.

    The prop card of the crystal ball is not really an authentic magic card. It can be activated by injecting magic power, which is extremely convenient to use.

    Dak chose "Moon Divination".

    Sun Ibrahimovic, natural selection is "sun divination".

    Although the full moon hangs high at this time, the power of the sun is minimized, but in this short half year of study, it has only mastered this astrology, and has no choice.

    Students who can be selected by Professor Mitia are naturally not too bad.

    Soon, fifteen or sixteen students all entered the state.

    There is a situation that the person himself can see begins to change.

    —that's Eudora Envi.

    Students in the classroom have long been surprised.

     Eudora's divination talent is recognized, even Professor Mitia and Professor McDonald may not be as good as her.


    Following them, beams of light fell one after another, illuminating the entire classroom.

    Professor Mitia stood on the podium and observed the [Astrology] operation of all the students, showing a slightly satisfied expression.

    The fortune-teller never bets that he cannot win.

    This is a bet between her and Professor MacDonald, and a contest of strength.

    What she said before was not false.

    Her students are more gifted than Professor MacDonald's students.

    The divination talent of two of the students is really outstanding!

    Eudora Envi and Rose Flotte!

    Professor MacDonald's subordinates also have a few talented students, but at most they can be compared to Emma and Sarah's divination talents, and they are not the first batch.

    Thinking like this, her eyes unknowingly fell on another target who was always concerned-Dak Dimon.

    Then her pupils shrank, a bright moon flashed across her eyes, and she muttered: "It's strengthened again...this talent..."

    From nothing.

    From weak to strong.

    Dak's talent changes were not able to hide from Professor Mitia after all.

    She knew this might be the variable that Professor MacDonald failed to see through.


    Time passed, the students were all focused on their divination, and there was no sound in the classroom.

    Suddenly, Eudora Envi's closed eyes suddenly opened, and then a blush flashed across her face.

    Professor Mitia suddenly stiffened and had some bad premonitions.

    Then she saw Eudora write a line of graceful words on the paper.

    Professor Mitia's feet were silent, and a dark shadow swept over, covering Eudora's desktop.

    Yudora suddenly woke up, subconsciously turned the note over, then raised her head timidly, looking at her teacher timidly.

    Professor Mitia looked tense and did not speak.

    But Eudora already guessed what she wanted to say.

    Silence is better than sound.


    Tonight, Professor Mitia actually set up a magic barrier in the classroom, which can expand the power of the stars, make [Astrology] easier to operate, and also improve a little bit of accuracy.

    But she never thought that someone would dare to use public tools for private use and take the opportunity to practice their ugly selfish desires!

    She clearly stated that the scope of divination should be limited to the next semester, but this little guy with a pink doll head is actually divination about the time around Christmas!


     Eudora bowed her head deeply, quickly hid the note, then silently raised her hand, hugged the crystal ball, and began to run the second [Astrology].

    Professor Mitia glanced at her and laughed angrily.

    Of course, she can't use Hedong's roar here, she can only temporarily.


    The surrounding students were not affected by this.

    Dake has closed his eyes, and feels the changes in the crystal ball with the guidance of magic.

    The stars above the sky are reflected in the crystal ball under the guidance of [Astrology].

    His heart was as calm as water, and he began to observe.

    At a certain moment, he suddenly opened his eyes, and there was a bright golden light in his eyes - it was the [Eye of Truth]!

    【Eye of Truth】is very compatible with astrology.

     Astrologers have studied this in detail. If you can open the [Eye of Truth], you can get more accurate revelation when using astrology to observe the stars.

    And the fortune-tellers will be able to interpret it to a more correct conclusion.


    Dake's eyelids trembled, and the golden light in his eyes suddenly wavered.

    The moment he opened the [Eye of Truth], he really saw the trajectory of the moon more clearly.

    But that trajectory map is like a flash in the pan.

    Then the black curtain was pulled down suddenly, and the field of vision instantly became pitch black.

    The mind becomes empty in that moment.

    Can't think, can't imagine.

    You can only watch the stars fall in the dark.


    First, second, third.

    Three stars in total.

    They fell from three directions, but in the end they landed in the same place, and the explosion caused the whole earth to be flattened.

    There seemed to be creatures moving in the darkness, but they all turned into powder in the terrifying black light.


    It is not fear or shock that comes to mind first.

    Just familiarity.

    Dark felt a terrible sense of familiarity.

    And then.

    Thoughts flow.

    Thinking instantly accelerates.

    He woke up suddenly.

    This is clearly what Eudora saw after triggering the [Apocalypse] when she first opened the [Eye of Truth]!

    Although Eudora only described it verbally, Dark was instinctively convinced of it.

    His heart sank.

    This is a bad omen.

    And because when he was performing [Astrology], he locked the time prediction in the next semester, so the prediction seen in this [Apocalypse] has a great probability of happening in the next semester.

    He closed his eyes and opened them again, the golden light in his eyes had disappeared.

    Professor Mitia Bartholomew silently appeared behind him.

    "What did you see?"

    Professor Mitia whispered.

    Ke did not hide it, and wrote in the notebook: "I saw the same thing as Eudora's second [Apocalypse]."

    Professor Mitia pursed her lips.



    Dake nodded slightly, then closed his eyes and took a short breath, and started the second astrological divination.

    No apocalypse triggered this time.

    With the knowledge he learned this semester, he observed and interpreted the trajectory of the moon, and then made a common prediction.

    It's about the Holy Grail for next semester.

    He predicts that the Academy Cup next semester will be won by the House of Lords!


    After the two predictions, my brain suddenly became a little dizzy.

    He gave up the idea of ​​continuing the divination and turned his head to his side.

    Ibrahimovic has started the third prophecy.

    The first two predictions were made in the form of [Sun Ibrahimovic].

    The result of the prophecy is being written crookedly in the book.

    Dark glanced quietly.

    1Ibrahimovic became a big star.

    2Ibrahimovic has a new life.


    In the front row of Dak's seat, Rose Florty is also focusing on divination.

    As a person who is second only to Eudora in divination talent, she looks very focused and has achieved a lot of results, but she herself does not seem to be satisfied.


    Divination is a very personal thing.

    Ordinary observations cannot see the divination process of others.

    The students completed the divination one after another, some stopped temporarily, and some continued,

    The conclusions of the divination are successively released, but no one knows whether the divination is correct or not.

    The outcome of the bet.

    Tonight's assessment results.

    It is impossible to know at the first time.

    At 9:30 pm, and after that, it was extended for another ten minutes. Everyone finished the divination in their hands, and then wrote down the results of the divination and handed it over to Professor Mitia.

    Dak only submitted one divination result, but Ibrahimovic submitted three.

    In short, one plus three equals four.



    Whether you succeed or fail, the last [Astrology Lesson] at the end of this semester is over.

    The students left the classroom in twos and threes, slowly descended along the spiral staircase, and gradually disappeared into the night.

    Dak Dimon stayed in the classroom temporarily.

    Rose, who was left behind because of his stay, and Eudora, who was not ready to leave, are also here.

    Professor Mitia gathered up the paper in his hand, put it in his bag, and then called Duck and the others into the carriage.

    Dak picked up Ibrahimovic and boarded the pumpkin carriage without hesitation.

     Eudora followed.

    Rose stood outside, hesitated for a while, and then got in.

    Professor Mitia did not exclude her from entering.

    The unexpected open space inside the carriage made her startled.

    Professor Mitia greeted her to sit down, and a magic wizard with flapping wings began to pour tea for the guests.

    "What happened?" Eudora asked softly.

    "We'll settle your account later!" Professor Mitia glared at her.

     Eudora shrank her neck suddenly, and the whole person seemed to be smaller.

    Rose looked interesting, so she picked up the teacup and drank it carefully to hide her expression.

    Dark was curious, but didn't ask.

    Professor Mitia said: "Dak triggered the [Apocalypse]."

     Eudora and Rose suddenly widened their eyes.

     Rose asked subconsciously, "What did you see?"

     Eudora, who knew more about this, said in shock, "What's the price?"

    Professor Mitia turned to Duck and said in a low voice, "I need to take a closer look."

    The cost of prophecy varies, some are very obvious, some are difficult to discern.

    If you can't identify, you can't develop a corresponding strategy, which is extremely dangerous.

    Dak did not resist, and immediately began to cooperate with Professor Mitia's inspection.

    In fact, he still can't understand why he can trigger [Apocalypse], but when it is triggered, it is triggered, and he has to accept the fact that he is talented, that's it, meow!

    As for the price of the prophecy, he didn't feel it for the time being, so he could only wait for Professor Mitia's inspection.

    However, no matter how the silver moon shines in Professor Mitia's eyes, it is impossible to check from him what price he paid.

    "It's tricky."

    Professor Mitia's face darkened.

    The changed atmosphere caused Eudora and Rose, who had been aware of it, to become nervous.

    Dake himself was calm, and only said: "Will it be the price of the type of words and deeds? After prophecy, certain words and deeds will be triggered. This generally has the possibility of delayed onset."

    Professor Mitia nodded: "There is a possibility. For this type of price, the delay time limit is within 24 hours. If this is the case, from now until tomorrow night, you Can't relax."

    Dake picked up the teacup, took a sip, and the warm liquid flowed into the mouth, brewing slightly.

    He's not sure.


    "So be it."

    Mitia took another look at Duck and finally said, "I'll give you a signal card, if you find a problem, activate it and it will notify me. Or, I keep a magic wizard beside you?"

    "It's still a signal card!" Duck said decisively.

    Professor Mitia nodded and said, "Don't be too nervous. If it is the price of words and deeds that delay the onset, it's not necessarily a bad thing. Once the price of words and deeds is executed, it will be paid in full. , there will be no sequelae. This is actually a more fortunate price."

    Dark added: "It also depends on the type of words and deeds."

    Professor Mitia said: "Indeed."

    Then she raised her hand and rubbed it, and there was a signal card shining with stars between her fingers.

    Although it has the same specification as a standard magic card, it is not a magic card, but a magic item.

    Dark asked how to use it and accepted it.

    Professor Mitia hugged his chest and said, "Next, talk about the [Apocalypse] you saw."



    【Eight thousand chapters, make up after a night! Ask for a ticket! 】

    【New Year's greetings~】

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