The Villain Only Wants To Live a Buddhist Life

Chapter 704: 【Subscription】Your words are terrifying (4k)

    "Who wrote this book?"

    Looking at the contents of the book, the three people in the room looked at each other.

    All three see the same content.

    The font used in this book is a modern, universal font.

    At least there is no mystery in the content of the book.

    Dak frowned slightly, then quickly turned to the next page, then the next page, the next page...

    When he turned halfway through the content, he suddenly raised his head and said in a low voice, "I found it!"

    Professor Lily posted it immediately and stared at it.

    Professor Sylph whispered: "The method of cultivating the fallen demon..."

    [Demon King Armster] is the Fallen Demon!

    The Fallen Demon is a high-order demon race that is not inferior to vampires, and its lower limit is higher than that of vampires.

    The lowest fallen demon also has the rank of vampire viscount!

    There are many fallen demons who have become demon kings in history, and [Demon King Armster] is just one of them.

    Dak was silent for a moment, then hesitantly said: "Professor, I can understand that Angus Jeffrey cultivated the Fallen Demon, and then used the Fallen Demon's materials to train [Demon King Eminem] Sterling?"

    Professor Sylph glanced at him and said, "If the cultivation of high-level demons were so simple, there would be no place for humans to stand on this continent."


    Professor Sylph pondered: "Bring the book to me."

    Dake nodded, and handed "Into the Abyss" to Professor Sylph.

    The moment his fingertips detached from the page, "Into the Abyss" suddenly became transparent - Duck almost subconsciously reached out and grabbed it again.

    Then he raised his head and met Professor Shilf's gaze.

    The room was silent.


    The "Into the Abyss", which almost disappeared, was solidified again, and there was no sign of transparency.


    Dake released his fingers silently, and the pages of "Into the Abyss" suddenly became transparent again.

    He put his finger again, and the pages of "Into the Abyss" instantly solidified.

    This is repeated several times, and even the most stupid person can understand it.

    "Ha." Duck couldn't help laughing twice.

    Professor Sylph's eyes flickered slightly and said, "Just hold it like this."

    Dark held it between his two fingers.

    He was calm on the surface, but his heart was already overturned.

    No wonder this book was so easy to find.

    It was not he who found the book, but the book found him!

    This "Into the Abyss" has passed through the hands of Cameron Masefield and Angus Jeffrey in turn, and now finally found a third person!

    "But am I like the type of person who is weak in spirit and easy to be manipulated?"

    According to the previous analysis, Cameron Masefield was selected first for this book, roughly because Cameron Masefield mastered extremely high-end spiritual magic and stood out among the students.

    And then it abandoned Cameron and disappeared, because Cameron's spiritual protection is very strict, and it cannot penetrate and control.

    Therefore, Duck and others deduced from this that it will choose a person with a less powerful mental will.

     And the current situation just confirms that.

    Its second choice - Angus Jeffrey's spiritual will is really not strong enough, easy to be manipulated and dominated.

    But now, after experiencing Angus Jeffrey, its selection criteria seem to have changed again?

    Dak took a breath, calmed himself down as soon as possible, and continued to hold the book.

    Professor Sylph read the content of this page at a very fast speed, and quickly said: "Scroll down."

    Dark nodded, then turned the book down, and quickly browsed with Professor Sylph.

    And in the process, he is also scrutinizing the contents of the book.

    After more than ten minutes, Professor Sylph nodded lightly, and Duck put the book away.

    He has come to a conclusion.

    In addition to the cultivation of special demons, there is no other content recorded in this "Into the Abyss", and of course there is no content related to the magic wizard card.

    It must be very difficult to cultivate demons according to the method described in the book-especially to cultivate high-level demons.

    But what if only part of the body of the demons was cultivated?

    "I understand." Dak suddenly said, "The magic wizard only needs a part of the body as a material, so it does not need to cultivate a complete demon. Maybe Anger Jeffrey did cultivate a complete Demon Race at the beginning—such as the [Brain Fluid Demon], but it will definitely not continue after that.”

    "Same as I thought." Professor Shilf nodded.

    Dake carefully analyzed: "The resources needed to cultivate a complete high-level demon are too many, even Angus Jeffrey... His resources are limited. Also, his time is very limited!"

    "And whether it is Angus Jeffrey now, or Cameron Masefield in the past, after getting "Into the Abyss", the first thing that comes to mind is not to cultivate magic clan, but to use this to refine the magic wizard =.=!”

    "This is probably the thinking inertia of the magister... If it was me, maybe the same thought would arise."

    "But according to the content of this book "Into the Abyss", it was transferred between several students, obviously to cultivate more demons, not magic wizards ."

    "So it's going to happen sooner or later that it gives up on Angus Jeffrey and picks a new guy instead."

    "I just didn't expect it, I just bumped into it today."


    Professor Shilf shook his head and said, "How can there be so many just right? It must have a special connection with Angus Jeffrey, so I feel that the situation is not right. In this case, we plan to find someone else. In short, we will return to the infirmary first."

    Angus Jeffrey's bedroom was empty, except for "Into the Abyss" that Duck found, there was nothing of value, so it was not too much to stay here. big meaning.


    They landed outside the infirmary without making much noise.

    Sister Carrian and Professor Cazel were also examining and diagnosing Angus Jeffrey in the inner room.

    Professor Sylph took a look inside and motioned Duck and Lily to sit down and wait patiently.

    After about a quarter of an hour, Professor Cazel opened the curtain and walked out of the inner room.

    His expression was flat, showing no joy.

    Professor Hilf immediately asked, "How is it?"

    Professor Kazel glanced and said, "Have you found the book?"

    Professor Shilf nodded and said, "I found it. It's in Jeffrey's bedroom, but I didn't find his experimental site."

    Professor Kazel's eyes fell on Duck's hand and asked, "That one?"

    Duck stood the book up, with the title on the cover facing Professor Kazel.

    Professor Kazel frowned and said, "Going into the abyss?"

    Dak said: "A book that records the method of cultivating demons."

    Professor Hilf said, "Let's talk about Jeffrey's situation."

    Professor Kazel said: "His condition is relatively stable, but there are traces of intrusion in his brain."

    Speaking of which he took another look at "Into the Abyss" and said with concern, "You hold this book, are you okay?"

    Dake said: "I haven't felt any abnormality on the spiritual level for the time being. In fact, it looks like a dead book except that it will disappear."

    "Will it disappear?" Professor Kazel caught the key words.

    Dark briefly explained what happened in Angus Jeffrey's bedroom.

    Then in order for Professor Kazel to understand more intuitively, he handed "Into the Abyss" to Lily - when the handover was completed, the pages of "Into the Abyss" suddenly became transparent!

    Professor Cazel raised his wand sharply.

    But before he started, Duck grabbed the book again, and the book quickly solidified again.

    Professor Kazel blinked and quickly understood the situation.

    Duck put "Into the Abyss" on the table again.

    This time, it's not gone.


    Dark said: "You can put the book aside, but you can't give the book to someone else. And when it determines that I am not the person it is looking for, it may even be in the hand. disappear."

    Professor Kazel nodded and said, "The same judgment as before. We need to find a way to completely imprison this book."

    Professor Shilf suggested: "Tell Mitia, she is an expert in this regard."

    Professor Kazel agrees: "Yes."

    "Then I'll look for it!" Lily immediately raised her hand.

    Professor Sylph and Professor Kazel nodded.

    Professor Lily raised her mouth and acted as a messenger with great interest.

    After she left, Professor Kazel sat down at the desk, poured himself a cup of tea, and said slowly: "When Mitia arrives, we will take Ange again. Jeffrey wakes up."

    Professor Hilf asked: "Have you been able to wake up?"

    Professor Kazel waved his hand and said with a smile: "The reason why he is in a coma is that he is in a hurry and has nothing to do with other things."

    Darkton looked weird.

    Professor Kazel added: "Of course, the reason why his mood swings are so intense has something to do with the erosion of his brain. In short, the specific matter, when he wakes up You can ask later. What I’m more worried about is that since the owner of this book has changed, his memory related to this book is likely to be gone.”

    Professor Sylph said: "Although this book is made of the skin of the [Book Eater], it cannot erase all traces of itself. Cameron Mays Field is proof."

    Professor Kazel nodded and said, "Hope."


    Professor Mitia was soon brought over by Lily.

    As soon as she landed, she was obviously excited: "Where's the melon? Oh no, what about the book?"

    Then without waiting for someone to answer, her eyes immediately locked on "Into the Abyss" in Dak's hands.

    "Is this the one? Let me see!" She immediately stepped forward and reached for it.

    Dark let go a little, and she pulled out the book.

    In the next instant, the book became transparent again.

    However, Professor Mitia seemed to be prepared, her smile remained unchanged, silver glittering in her eyes, and lines of magic power immediately poured out of her hands.

    The silver-white magic thread is like a planet orbiting around a star, and in a blink of an eye, "Into the Abyss" is surrounded.

    Then the book, which was as unresponsive as a dead thing in Dak's hands, suddenly burst out with a very strong dark aura!

    "Want to struggle?"

    Professor Mitia's mouth twitched, and the silver light in his eyes became more radiant, and the huge magic power suddenly gushed out, which forced the dark aura to be subdued.

    The silver and white silk threads surrounding it instantly turned into chains, binding "Into the Abyss" firmly.

    This book turned from translucent to solid in the blink of an eye.


    Professor Mitia picked up the book that was sealed by the barrier and looked up and down.

    Then she wondered, "How did you find it?"


    After a few minutes, Mitia, who understood the whole process, opened the book in admiration.

    But she didn't read it carefully, so she closed the book again and gave it back to Duck.

    Dak asked curiously: "Professor, did you not read it?"

    Professor Mitia smiled and said, "Just know what kind of book this is. I don't want to know how to cultivate demons."

    Dake frowned slightly and asked, "Is there any taboo here?"

    Media said meaningfully: "The demons are extinct."


    The group entered the inner room one after another.

    Dark still held the book in his hand, but he stopped reading it.

    Before they came to the bed, they looked down at Angus Jeffrey on the bed.

    Sister Carlian asked, "Do you need to wake up now?"

    Professor Sylph said with a serious face: "Wake up."

    Sister Carlian nodded, then suddenly slapped Jeffrey on the forehead.


    A crisp sound without any magic fluctuations.

    Dark's face darkened when he saw Angus Jeffrey wake up suddenly, accompanied by a scream like a nightmare.

    When he opened his eyes, the screaming stopped abruptly, his face turned pale.

    Then he glared at Dak Dimon in the crowd for the first time, and Dak smiled at him.

    Angus Jeffrey obviously hadn't figured out his own situation, he subconsciously grinned in response, but his eyes moved down a little, and he saw the book "Into the Abyss".


    "Don't be afraid."

    Professor Kazel's gentle voice rang in his ears, with a mysterious power to soothe his soul.

    Angus Jeffrey gradually calmed down and asked in a low voice, "Where is this place?"

    Professor Kazel said: "You fell into a coma on the contestant stage, this is the infirmary."

    "The contestant stage... coma?" Angus Jeffrey murmured several times, suddenly rolled his eyes, tilted his head back, and his consciousness was disconnected again.


    After a while, Professor Kazel hesitated: "Did I say something?"

    "There is great terror in your words." Sister Carrian stretched out her finger, tapped Angus Jeffrey's face a few times, and said, "I will wake him up again. , watch your words."

    Dark glanced at Angus Jeffrey's face and said embarrassedly, "How about I step back?"



    【Good morning╰(*°▽°*)╯ Looking for a ticket! 】

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