"Cough! Cough! Cough

Sister Calian coughed three times to show her shock.

She lowered her head and observed carefully.

The girl lying on the bed is a bit of a man, but she obviously has no Adam's apple, her physical development is quite perfect, and even tends to be precocious.

If the student nearby had not pointed out her real gender, sister carlian would not have guessed that she would be a boy.

"Are you sure?"

She still couldn't help looking back.

Dake face show pity, nod a way: "should."

Shouldn't Robert's twin sister pop up in the first grade?

"That's tricky!" Sister Calian took a breath. "In the past two years, even the most extreme prank has only turned people into pigs. I didn't expect that there was anything more extreme than turning people into pigs."

"Become a pig?" Remember http://m.9biquge.com in one second

Duck can't tell which is too much to be a pig or a heterosexual.

But sister Calian clearly felt that the latter was more excessive.

But since even becoming a pig can be cured, how about becoming a woman?

With this in mind, duck asked, "can it be cured?"

Sister Calian pulled out her wrinkled rubber white gloves from her pocket and put them on. Ning Zhong said, "sex change is a kind of metamorphosis after all. It has something in common with changing pig, sheep and toad. In theory, none of them can last long. Even if they are left alone, they will be released automatically after a certain period of time. Of course, it is not easy to make a judgment before the diagnosis. It's not my job to get to the bottom, silver. "

"Professor silver?"

With the breeze, duck turned to see Professor silver standing behind him quietly.

When this happens, professors will not ignore it.

Professor Silver said gravely, "you go to class first. I've informed Jones."

"Yes, professor."

Duck gave a gift and left the infirmary.

Professional things, naturally to professional.

And then there's no need for him to worry.


"Hey, Dimon."

"Good morning, GORD."

On the way to the classroom, duck meets victor.

Witt looked very depressed. He said hello with his face on.

"Dimon, have you seen Robert?" he asked casually, not expecting? I mean, broheim. "

"If you're looking for broheim, you can go to the infirmary. Of course, I don't recommend you to look for it at this time. After all, there will be class soon. "

Witt immediately cheered up: "is it in the infirmary? Is he OK? It must be diarrhea, isn't it? This boy, let me have a good look! "

Dake's eyes were strange: "maybe."

This kind of scandal is better kept secret.

"That's OK." Witt said, "by the way, Dimon... Dimon? Oh, you walk slowly. I'm so tired that I didn't even have breakfast


When Dake arrived at the classroom, he found that a girl had been tricked by others, which had spread.

But fortunately, no one knows that the "girl" of the protagonist of the incident is Robert, otherwise the little mages must have fallen out.

The students didn't notice Robert's absence, and Professor Jones came to the classroom as usual.

She didn't mention it much, so she started teaching directly.

This lesson focuses on the mutual restriction of the attributes between the wizard.

There are 20 attributes, only light and dark exist independently of the other 18.

"Every substance has two sides of light and dark. They don't tangle with other properties, but restrain each other. Of course, some ghost wizard will hate light, but in fact it's biological restraint, not energy restraint. "

"The so-called restraint of energy attribute refers to the pure relationship between the victory and defeat of energy, which is separated from the physical link to a certain extent, and is based on the scientific summary of experience."

"Like bingkelong."

Professor Jones shrugged.

"Who knows why the ice attribute can restrain the Dragon attribute? Because dragons are cold-blooded? "


This class is quite interesting.

Professor Jones frequently took students to stage to summon the wizard for demonstration, which made a lot of fun.

But when Professor Jones asked the students to copy the table ten times after class and memorize it, it became less interesting when they checked it in the next class.

Even after class, no one found Robert out.


"Ding Ling Ling."

As soon as the bell rang, Witt rushed out of the classroom.

Although Dake thinks that Robert probably doesn't want Victor to visit him, he has no reason to stop him.

The second class is arithmetic.

Professor Lily appeared at the back door and hooked up to dak.

Duck put down his textbook and left with the professor for a while.

When they turned to the corner, Professor Lily patted Dake on the shoulder with a happy face“ Well done. I've always been a good student. "

Dake: "it's..."

Professor Lily was still excited and said, "I've heard that you've dealt with it very well. Although broheim is not an easy child, it would be too miserable to bear the shadow from the first grade. Now no one knows his true identity, and we will treat the whole incident as an ordinary prank. "

"What about the murderer?" he said, "I mean, who did it?"

Professor Lily: "broheim has woken up. He said that he was knocked down when he was on a night tour last night. He didn't see anything."

Her words wind a turn, again way“ But don't worry about it. The professors will take care of it. In addition, Professor kazel also asked me to send a message instead, saying that the matter you asked has been settled. By the way, what did you ask him for? "

After a while, Dake said, "it's nothing. It's just a small experiment."

Professor kazel didn't seem to tell the rest of the professors about the cards?

But since you don't want people to know, why do you want people to tell you?

When Dake returned to the classroom, he was still thinking.


It's time for class.

Witt came back in high spirits, with Robert who has recovered.

"Robert, you're fine."

"Just eat bad belly, don't be too loud..."

Duck takes a look over there, just in contact with Robert.

Robert immediately showed an expression of entreaty.

Duck quietly compared ????, Then he blinked.

Robert nodded gratefully.

Witt noticed something different: "Robert, are you swollen?"

Robert: nothing, just a mosquito bite on the corner of the eye

Victor: mosquito, why didn't I get bitten

Robert: Maybe my meat tastes better

Witt: "ha ha."


In this class, Professor Lily passed on the table of multiplication formulas squeezed from Dake's mouth.

Of course, there is multiplication in this world, but because education was not popularized in the past, there was no sinking system. Such easy-to-use calculation methods as "vertical" and "multiplication formula table" were not invented.

Anyway, after this class.

Even if he was walking on the road, he could hear the little mages reciting: "one by one, one by two..."



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