The Villain Fantasy Heroine is Completely Broken

Chapter 92: : Uncle 3! Can you say this?

Lin Naiyi thought that Xia Ye knew that he could not go back, and wanted to seriously step into the martial arts and live a good life in this world.

But Xia Ye's dantian was destroyed, and he recuperated recently. Maybe Xia Ye didn't notice...

"Hey, a trivial matter like Dantian can be solved in minutes."

The system was repaired in a few days, so Xia Ye naturally didn't have to worry about it.

However, the mess in Midtown needs to be dealt with again.

"Can you really repair Dantian?"

Lin Naiyi's eyes widened, because of the Xia Ye Dantian incident, Lin Naiyi actually regretted it many times.

Hearing now that Xia Ye is not worried about Dantian at all, he is naturally happy.

Lin Nai hugged Xia Ye one by one and said excitedly, "That's great!"

"It hurts, it hurts!"

Lin Nai only remembered love when she heard Xia Ye's wailing. The wound on Xia Ye's body was not yet healed, so she quickly let go of her hands.

Xia Ye was in pain when she was hugged by Lin Naiyi, she moved a little and said, "Lin Naiyi, I have to tell you about our relationship."

Seeing Xia Ye's face turning serious, Lin Nai sat beside Xia Ye obediently, and was a little unsure of what Xia Ye was going to say.

"As for me, I have my own things to do. First of all, I won't get married. Whether it's with you or with other people, it's not because you're not good enough, it's just because of some other things that I can't do."

Xia Ye's words were very tactful. After all, he couldn't directly say what he wanted to go home.

Lin Naiyi has left the heroine line now, and the road in the future will not be so bumpy. At least you don't have to go through the wind and rain with the protagonist. Isn't it good?

"You mean you want to leave me alone? Leave Xia Jiu? Leave your father?"

Lin Naiyi was a little puzzled. Xia Ye just said that he had nothing to do with Ning Ruxue, so why hasn't his plot been completed yet?

Xia Ye has organized countless words in her heart, but she can't explain why she wants to go home.

Seeing Lin Nai's charming and pitiful appearance, Xia Ye sighed in his heart and called out the system in his mind.


"I'm here!"

"If I finish the story and go back, can I take Linnai with me?"

Does Xia Ye like Linnaeus?

Of course the answer is yes, Xia Ye likes it, but the world in the future is really too dangerous, and he really doesn't want to stay in this world.

" needs extra villain value, the amount is relatively large...I guess you can't earn it."

I just asked if you could, why are you still attacking me?

Xia Ye replied angrily and turned off the system directly.

Fortunately, there is an answer. Although the exact amount is not given, Xia Ye knows the villain value he needs to go home after thinking about it.

This amount is certainly not small.

"Then let me ask you, are you willing to go to a completely unfamiliar world?"

dong dong!

When Xia Ye asked this sentence, Lin Naiyi's heart beat twice. Ever since she learned that Xia Ye was going home to finish the plot, she occasionally wondered if Xia Ye could take herself away. idea.

But this world has its own relatives...

Only then did she understand why Xia Ye wanted to go home and let him leave his relatives in his original world to stay here, which was actually unfair to him.


Lin Naiyi hesitated.

In fact, Xia Ye didn't think that this sentence would make Lin Nai reflect, just wanted to ask her if she would like it...

"It's okay, I still have a lot of things to do. You can think about the answer slowly. Maybe ten years later, my things will still exist?"

According to the current progress of the villain, Xia Ye is really not sure that he will be able to go home after finishing Lin Fan's villain plot.

This time the plot starts, Xia Ye is considered experienced, and the plot of the dispute between the heroines this time is not so complicated.

Xia Ye is more confident that he can complete the plot well.

Linnai left Xia Ye's room in a drowsy manner, thinking about Xia Ye's last question.

She knew that if she couldn't figure this out, her relationship with Xia Ye couldn't go any further.


On the way to Yunguanzong.

Zhao Hao's face was gloomy, his right sleeve was empty, and he became a one-armed hero.

His third uncle and third aunt were sitting opposite the carriage. Zhao Hao had been awake for many days. On the first day, he was only angry because of his arms.

Zhao Gang also felt that he was too vigilant. Maybe that woman's last breath was just to check whether Zhao Hao died.

did not do anything else.

But on the third day, Zhao Hao suddenly turned into this gloomy appearance, and he was not willing to speak.

After being pressed several times, Zhao Hao told the truth.

He doesn't have what a man should look like!

Zhao Hao's arm injury was almost healed that day, and there was also news from Yun Guanzong that the Lingshi Mine was taken back and compensated for the Ning family.

Ning Zheng also said in front of the people that he would marry his daughter to him, but just when Zhao Hao was thinking about something, he suddenly realized that something was wrong under him.

No matter how imaginative it I even went to Yichun Building to call a few girls, but there was no response!

He originally wanted to seek Xia Ye's revenge, but the great master next to Xia Ye made Zhao Hao jealous. If his family wanted to take action against the great master, he had to consider a few points, plus the enrollment of Yunguanzong began.

His father issued an order to let him go to the Cloud Crown Sect, so he had to keep this revenge in his heart for the time being. After the family affairs were completed, he would seek revenge from Xia Ye.

Zhao Hao almost clenched his teeth. He wanted to find Sai Que to have a look, but when he inquired, Sai Que all lived in Xia's house.

It is also because of this that Zhao Hao came to Yunguanzong so decisively instead of forcing Ning Zheng to marry his daughter.

If Ning Ruxue knew this, her face would be completely gone!

Summer night! I won't kill you, I'm arrogant!

Zhao Hao's pupils were almost bleeding, and Zhao Gang in front of him also sighed. Although he said that his child was a playboy, it made Zhao Gang feel uncomfortable when he looked like this.

"Nephew, why don't we instruct the family members to find a doctor with experience in this area?"

Wouldn't it be bad to hold back like this?

Zhao Gang didn't expect that the great master woman would be so vicious when she attacked, and she would cut off Zhao Hao's sons and grandsons!

Even if it is a great master, the Zhao family will not endure it so easily, but in the face of a great master, it must be considered.

"Third Uncle! Can you tell others about this?"

Zhao Hao's eyes were full of anger, and he gritted his teeth and said, "I don't want anyone else to know this news, not even my father!"

After all, it's too embarrassing to say this. A good man is too imprisoned in a blink of an eye. That is to say, Zhao Hao is the male protagonist, with such an extraordinary temperament, why else would he commit suicide on the spot?

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