It was the first time that Nie Baili saw Xia Ye's situation in his life, but it was because of Xia Ye's turn back that Nie Baili was impressed.

If Xia Ye didn't come back, even if he became a great master in the future, Nie Baili would not look at him.

Knowing that you can't do it is knowing.

Forcibly motivated the master-level swordsmanship, when the qi in the dantian is drained, the swordsmanship draws the blood of people.

Right now, Xia Ye is completely relying on Nie Baili's bottle of medicine to hang his life.

"No, Senior Sai is also in Midtown. If I go to him, I will definitely be able to heal Xia Ye."

As soon as Lin Nai cried, the pear blossoms brought rain, and Xia Jiu's hands trembled uncontrollably: "If I don't take revenge, I, Xia Jiu, will not be human!"

Nie Baili couldn't bear to stimulate the little girl Lin Naiyi again. Although Saique's medical sage was famous, he had heard a lot of rumors about Saique.

But this kind of injury, it is not bad to be able to save one's life, it is completely impossible to restore the same as before.


In the early morning of the second day, the news of the assassination of the eldest young master of the Xia family was completely spread. After all, the entire street was destroyed and there were bloodstains everywhere. It was difficult for people not to notice.

The bodyguards of the Xia Mansion were on the third floor and the third floor, and the house servants brought out the basins of blood that had been washed out.

Xia Jiu and Lin Nai were sitting side by side outside the house. The blood on their bodies had already dried up. Obviously, the two of them waited here all night.

It wasn't until the door of the house was opened again and a middle-aged man walked out that the two immediately stood up and asked, "Senior Sai, how is it?"

Sai Que shook her head and replied to Lin Naiyi: "Fortunately, there was the grandmaster's heart protection medicine before hanging on, otherwise I would have nothing to do."

This middle-aged man is Saique, the medical saint in the arena.

Don't look at the appearance of a middle-aged man, but in fact it's just well maintained.

Before the two of them were happy for a second, Sai Que said in the next second, "My life is saved, but there is basically no way out of this martial arts."

His dantian was ruined, and there were not many good bones in his body. The name of Saique Medical Sage was not passed on in vain. After one night of hard work, he had already received seven, seven, eight, eight.

"Then when did he wake up?"

"Well, it's hard to say, maybe a day or two, maybe ten days and a half months..."

Sai Que's words silenced everyone again. Xia Yan's face was black, but he still gave Sai Que a respectful cup of fist: "Thank you, Senior Sai, my son's injury has not yet healed.

"It's okay."

Sai Que nodded slightly, Xia Yan immediately asked the maid to take Sai Que to rest, then looked at Xia Jiu and Lin Naiyi and asked, "Do you know who did it?"

Xia Jiu and Lin Nai shook their heads one after another. They both knew that Zhao Hao's family was not easy to mess with. Last night, they had already discussed whether to tell Xia Yan the truth.

Uncle Fu, who was behind him, also stepped forward and said, "Don't worry, sir, I'll investigate this matter."

When Uncle Fu spoke, Xia Yan naturally stopped questioning Lin Naiyi and Xia Jiu, but even the maids could feel the anger radiating from them.


Zhao Hao waited for the news all night, until it was announced in the morning that Xia Ye was seriously injured, his life was hanging by a thread, and he was about to become disabled, and he immediately smiled.

Steal women from me?

This is the consequence!

As for the two dead soldiers who didn't come back, Zhao Hao wasn't worried at all, even if they were killed, it didn't matter, after all, there were people like Uncle Fu in the Xia family.

But his goal has been achieved, which is to crippling Xia Ye, and now he has achieved his wish.

In addition to the matter of the Lingshi Mine, the family has already taken action, so naturally, there is no need to worry. Now, what else does the second generation ancestor use to compete with him for peace like snow?

"You called us all the way, just to deal with such a second-generation ancestor?"

At this moment, a man and a woman sitting beside Zhao Hao seemed a little unhappy.

"Third uncle, this second-generation ancestor bullied people too much. Before you came, I was almost beaten to death by his family."

This man is Zhao Hao's third uncle, Zhao Gang, and the woman is her third aunt.

"A small family can't handle it, and it even asks the family to help you."

Zhao Gang's face became very ugly. How could they say that they are also the super family of Shenzhou, and they were pulled out to solve such a small problem.

When did this child, Zhao Hao, become like this? He has changed so much in less than half a year after he left the family and traveled.

Said that others are the second generation ancestor, but in fact he only looks like the second generation ancestor.

Don't be angry!

Such a big family was waiting for him to go back to inherit, but his mind was full of using the power of the family to compete with others for women.

"I can tell you that your engagement with Miss Bai's family is coming up soon, don't mess around with things outside, it will ruin your father's affairs!"

But Zhao Hao is still silent in the news of Xia Ye's disability. He can't hear Zhao Gang's words. He just nodded perfunctorily and dealt with errands.

"What's the taste?"

Zhao Gang suddenly frowned, Zhao Hao also smelled the fragrance, raised his eyebrows and replied, "It seems to be from Zhao Hao got up and walked outside, just arrived in the yard, I saw a very enchanting woman dressed in pink standing in the yard.

Zhao Hao swears that this is the most beautiful woman he has ever seen since he was born.

"Miss, you are here..."

"What did you do?"

Before Zhao Hao could finish her question, Yun Mei's eyes were filled with pink demonic energy.

Zhao Hao obviously didn't realize the danger coming. For a generation of cool male protagonists, it is the protagonist's nature to see a woman ridiculing a few words.

In addition, Yun Mei's voice is so heart-warming, just listening to Zhao Hao has already made me think about it.

Zhao Hao put on a smile that he thought was handsome and asked, "What are you talking about, miss? What did I do?"


Yun Mei dragged a long tone, and in Zhao Hao's obsessed eyes, she lifted her finger lightly, and the next second, a heart-piercing voice resounded in the courtyard.

Only then did Zhao Gang and his wife in the house realize something was wrong and ran out of the house quickly.

He saw Zhao Hao lying on the ground with his shoulders covered and screaming in pain, and one arm was thrown into the mound by the wall far away.

Yun Mei didn't get a single drop of blood on her body, and she continued to ask in the voice that lured people to death, "Did you do it~"

"Stop! Who are you!"

Zhao Gang hurriedly jumped in front of Zhao Hao. Although he didn't like Zhao Hao, he was the eldest son of the family after all. He had an arm lost under his nose. Where would he put his old face?

Yun Mei was not in the mood to answer Zhao Gang's question. Seeing that she raised her arm again, Zhao Gang immediately took out the sword from the ring and made a defensive posture.

A pink ripple bounced off Yun Mei's hand, and a chilling aura spread throughout the courtyard!

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