The Villain Fantasy Heroine is Completely Broken

Chapter 83: : Deliberately punch!

Compared to Xia Jiu's side where the dust was flying in waves, the two of them here seemed a little weaker.

Xia Ye also discovered that the mental technique given by the system is good, and it can support Lin Naiyi's strength, but Lin Naiyi does not have any moves that match it.

The mind is the siblings, and the moves are the weapons.

With a strong mentality, you can maximize your ability to perform moves.

But Lin Naiyi obviously has enough mental skills, and his moves are mediocre. It's like he used to be handy with a 50-pound weapon, but turned into a fluffy tree branch.

Moreover, the strength of the opponent's assassin should also be seventh-rank. Lin Naiyi has just stepped into the eighth-rank realm, so he will not be an opponent.

In addition, the opponent was a well-trained dead man from Zhao Hao's family. After several rounds of fighting, Lin Nai made a distinction.

The woman in black looked even more disdainful. Although the cold air on the opponent's weapon made her a little troublesome, she could see the opponent's inexperience.

After solving it quickly, go to solve Xia Jiu.

The woman in black already made a decision in her heart, the speed of the short blade in her hand increased a bit, and Xia Ye also stood up from the haystack.

Lin Naiyi was obviously unable to withstand it. Although there was still a lot of strength in his mind, every time the opponent attacked, his hairs stood on end.

But even so, Lin Naiyi didn't take a step back and kept Xia Ye behind him.


Xia Ye didn't want to be the kind of person who made a move after a woman was beaten to death. Although he didn't have the movement skills, the strength of Xia Ye's seventh rank made him not too slow.

He jumped behind Lin Naiyi in one step, put his arm around Lin Naiyi's shoulder, and then kicked the opponent's short blade, pulling Lin Naiyi into his arms.

"Why are you here, it's very dangerous!"

Lin Nai didn't expect Xia Ye to rush up directly, she didn't know that Xia Ye had broken through the seventh rank.

"If I don't come, you will be killed by her."

Xia Ye let go of Lin Naiyi and asked in the stunned eyes of the woman in black, "Are you here to kill me?"

The black-clothed woman didn't notice Xia Ye's movements just now, and thought that Xia Ye had come earlier, after all, it was impossible for a ninth rank to have that kind of speed.

"No, I'm here to maim you."

Obviously, the character of the woman in black is not bad, she is much more lively than the other people.

Ha ha.

Xia Ye sneered when she heard the words of the woman in black. It seemed that Zhao Hao still didn't want to kill me all at once.

Xia Ye's body was about to take a step forward when Lin Naiyi grabbed Xia Ye's arm with a worried look on his face.

"Look well and study hard."

Xia Ye showed a confident smile and pulled Linnai aside.

This unquestionable tone made Lin Naiyi's heart tremble, Xia Ye said so with certainty.

Xia Ye's relaxed appearance made the woman in black vaguely feel that something was wrong. Is it conceited or self-confidence?

But with her strength at the peak of the seventh rank, the woman in black thought she had no problem.


Xia Ye breathed a sigh of relief. After all, this was his first time doing it, so he was a little excited when he thought about it.

The beautiful man's mind was released, and Xia Ye's body exuded a faint fragrance.

Linnai sniffed the tip of her nose, she knew this fragrance, and could smell it every time she was close to Xia Ye.

But now it has suddenly spread.

Could it be that Xia Ye was trying to seduce?

Lin Naiyi's face darkened several times. What Xia Ye said just now was a female killer, but Lin Naiyi listened carefully.

This guy is still thinking about such a thing at this time!

People are here to kill you!

I saw Xia Ye slowly stretched out a finger towards the front, and said lightly, "One move!"

Xia Ye only had one move, a deliberate punch.

To say that it is unrealistic to pick up weapons and fight the opponent for hundreds of rounds, Xia Ye is betting on his own strength.

The beauty of the man's mind increases the attack of women by 30%.

Deliberate punches increased by 300%.

The strength of Xia Ye's seventh rank has the bonus of these two items, and he has full confidence in this.

"Extremely arrogant!"

In the face of a ninth-rank provocation, the black-clothed woman is naturally angry. After all, she is still young, and she is not as mature and stable as her brother.

Where did you get Xia Ye's ridicule?

Immediately, he raised his short blade, and as soon as he moved, he stabbed Xia Ye's heart.


The gust of wind that broke in blew Lin Naiichi's hair up, and the skirt that had been cut off even floated in the air...

Xia Ye bent his legs in the middle of the night and twisted his body behind him, and the surrounding wind began to turn around Xia Ye.

"Deliberately punch!"

Xia Ye murmured softly, facing the opponent's short blade, there was no need to avoid it. Just when the blade was about to touch Xia Ye, Lin Naiyi couldn't help running towards Xia Ye.

In her eyes, Xia Ye didn't want to escape at all, she regretted it!

Xia Ye already knew what was going on in Xia Ye's broken plot, and even let Xia Ye fight against a woman in black, Xia Ye actually wanted to die!

Lin Naiyi's remorse at this moment was no worse than when Xia Ye died in front of him in the previous life.


Before Linnai approached Xia Ye's punch had already blown out. At that moment, a powerful burst of energy swept the entire street, and all the tiles of the house in front of Xia Ye were uncovered.

Even the stalls that had been cleaned up on both sides of the street were torn apart with a bang.

"Fourth Grade?!"

Xia Jiu and the man in black who were fighting on the other side were stunned at the same time. The man in black looked even more incredulous and looked over involuntarily.

Together with Nie Baili in the distance, his pupils are even more dilated at this moment. What kind of ghost move is this?


I saw an image of Qian, like a kite with a broken string, falling freely in the air, and the blood spurting out of her mouth scattered all over the floor.

As soon as Linnai was still running, he stopped, as if a thunderbolt had suddenly struck under his feet, and stared at the figure in front of him sluggishly.

At this moment, the clothes on the woman in black had long been shattered by Xia Ye's punch.

A few rags that fell from the air happened to cover some places that couldn't be written.

His hands and feet were already broken, blood smeared all over his body, and he was no longer alive.


The black-clothed man's pupils were bloodshot for a moment, and after holding Xia Jiu's crutch, he ran over here, knelt beside the black-clothed woman, and roared loudly.

It was the first time I saw this kind of scene in Xia Ye, and I felt very uncomfortable. Fortunately, I had acted in a detective film in my previous life, and the props arrangement on the scene was not much different from this one.

But in this world, Xia Ye knows that in the face of the enemy, either you will die or I will die.

On the first day of coming to this world, Xia Ye was fully prepared. After all, he will be killed by the protagonist in the future, so psychological construction is essential.

Immediately, he looked at the corpse on the ground and murmured, "That's it? How can I lose?"

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