The Village Girl Who Jinxes Her Husband Is Filthy Rich

Vol 2 Chapter 106: Exposed Lin Yue Court


The emperor asked again, "That girl, do you think this matter is handed over to you or not?"

The prince and the queen seemed very puzzled. It was not the emperor's own decision to delegate power. Why did he ask Lin Yuelan like this?

For them, they believe in Lin Yuelan.

Because since she appeared in the capital, everything she did was amazing and caused a sensation in the whole capital, but at the same time she was a person with clear grievances and clear distinctions between public and private.

Even if this matter involves Linyue Pavilion, if Lin Yuelan is asked to investigate, they will definitely give them the truth and a perfect answer!

However, this matter does involve the friendship between Lin Yuelan and Lin Jinlan, the head of Linyue Pavilion. If she is asked to investigate, it will indeed make people gossip.

If this is indeed what Linyue Pavilion did, then Linyue Pavilion's guilt must be to loot the family and exterminate the family. For the common people, Lin Yuelan, the princess of Guguo, is really too ruthless , Even former friends are so selfless. In addition, what Lin Yuelan did to the Lin family and the government of the town at the beginning left a bad impression of a selfish, ruthless and vicious woman.

But if this matter is found out, it has nothing to do with Linyue Pavilion, or is related to Linyue Pavilion related personnel, but it is not fundamentally injured, and it is guilty of Linyue Pavilion, etc., everyone may guess this Is there a princess of Guguo in the middle to excuse them, bend the law for personal gain, let go of the real sinner, etc.

So, from their standpoint, they hope that Lin Yuelan will take over this case. After all, Lin Yuelan has the ability to investigate and handle it.

However, as far as the entire court is concerned, they do not want Lin Yuelan to intervene and need to avoid suspicion in this case.

Only, what they are wondering now is the attitude of the emperor.

Let's not say that the prince and the queen have doubts about the emperor's attitude, the eldest grandson and the two princes also have doubts about the emperor's unknown attitude.

The three looked at each other, and then Prince Ping stood up and said, "Emperor, it is indeed wrong to leave this matter to Princess Guguo to investigate. Princess Guguo and Linyue Pavilion The current head of the family has a good relationship and a good relationship, this…”

He is like the eldest grandson of the emperor, and he did not make it clear, but Lin Yuelan does have this suspicion, so he must avoid it.

Lin Yuelan stood up at this moment and looked at the two princes with a half-smile, and asked sharply, "So, the two princes, do you not believe in the character of this princess? I will think that this princess will be because of friendship. And bend the law for personal gain?"

Prince Gong and Prince Peace were named, a little unhappy, but also a little dissatisfied, thinking that Lin Yuelan disrespects them too much, but it is obvious that the princess of Guguo has a higher status than them, and is more honorable than their princes, just If you are dissatisfied, you cannot vent it.

Prince Ping said, "The princess misunderstood. This king does not believe in the princess, but thinks that the princess should really avoid suspicion, so that it should not arouse suspicion, right? Besides," he looked at him. Looking at the dresses that Lin Yuelan and Jiang Zhennan had not changed, they continued, "The princess has just married the general, so it is not convenient to participate in these matters, isn't it? And the general is already old and needs an heir to inherit the position of general. You should give birth to your son sooner rather than later!"

Just say it directly, you stay in the house and make people, so don't participate in these gossips.

Lin Yuelan nodded and said, "Prince Ping said very well."

Everyone, "…"

It was a surprise that Lin Yuelan responded so simply!

Shouldn't she justify it?

"Maybe Prince Ping doesn't know that I'm not participating in this nostalgia, but" Lin Yuelan continued, as if dropping a bomb, "I'm clearing the portal!"

The word "clean up the door" shocked everyone present, even Jiang Zhennan was slightly surprised.

Because he was surprised that Lin Yuelan was exposed at this moment.

Prince Ping was shocked when he heard it, and he asked in surprise, "You... what did you say?" His ears heard right.

Cleaning up the door, is this Linyue Pavilion or Lin Yuelan's property?

How is this possible?

Although he didn't quite believe what Lin Yuelan said, he couldn't hide his calmness.

But seeing Lin Yuelan so serious, she couldn't help but believe it.

At this moment, a strong jealousy suddenly appeared in my heart.

In Lin Yuelan's hands, she already owns the highly prestigious Lin's Hospital and the You Laiwu Inn, which is worth a lot of money, and now even the Lin Yue Pavilion, which is sought after by the ladies and daughters of the capital, is also owned by Lin Yuelan.

How expensive Linyue Pavilion is, especially private customization, no one does not know.

It can be said that the wealth income of Linyue Pavilion is second only to the shops in the inn, but it is still Lin Yuelan's.

Too unbelievable.

Others were equally surprised.

Like emperors and queens, although their clothes are sewn by the high-end clothing bureau in the palace, Linyue Pavilion is liked by the ladies in Beijing because the clothes there are novel, beautiful, fashionable and stylish. Trendy, make people feel comfortable and tasteful to wear. Therefore, occasionally, people go to Linyue Pavilion to customize clothes, especially private customization, which is even more eye-catching.

But what they didn't expect was that this was actually Lin Yuelan's business.

But what was even more surprising were Yuwen Xuhong and the princess lying on the bed vaguely, especially the princess who felt incredible and unbelievable that this Linyue Pavilion was actually owned by Lin Yuelan.

Then it is clear that she was indeed used today.

And those who take advantage of her…

Thinking of this, the Crown Princess's eyes suddenly dimmed, showing sadness, and then she hid it again.

As of now, she has no way to look back, she can only make mistakes again and again, and go to the dark.

Yuwen Xuhong reacted, he made a jaw-dropping expression, and asked in surprise, "Princess Gu, you mean, this Linyue Pavilion is your property?"

Lin Yuelan looked at him with a half-smile but nodded, "Yes, is there something wrong with the eldest grandson?"

There is a problem, of course there is a problem.

This is a bigger problem.

If Linyue Pavilion is Lin Yuelan's property, does that mean that Lin Yuelan is the one who murdered the princess behind the scenes and harmed the descendants of the royal family?

However, this question is not something he can ask.

Because, he and Lin Yuelan have a certain rift, and if he asks this again, even if it doesn't make people suspect, there will be a suspicion of falling into the trap.

He can no longer do this in front of the emperor.

The eldest grandson coughed twice, shook his head and said, "The princess misunderstood, how dare I have any problem."

At this moment, Qiuxiang, who had been neglected for a long time, suddenly became stunned, and roared at Lin Yuelan, "It's you, it's you who harmed the goddess, it's you who harmed the goddess, I... You fought!" After saying that, he stood up and rushed towards Lin Yuelan.

At this moment, Jiang Zhennan stood in front of Lin Yuelan, and with a flick of his hand, he threw Qiuxiang out, and said sharply, "What is the truth, isn't it like you, a little slave, questioning at will? If you want to say that the princess murdered the princess, you must show evidence, otherwise, you will be framed!"

On the day of Jiang Zhennan's marriage, he was domineering to protect his wife.

Qiuxiang was thrown by Jiang Zhennan, and her feet were upside down!

But the two princes couldn't see it.

Prince Ping sternly accused, "General, no matter what the servant said is true or false, this is all about Linyue Pavilion, then as the real family behind Linyue Pavilion, Princess Guguo No matter what, you can't get rid of this suspicion!"

Immediately, he said to the emperor, "Brother Huang, Princess Gu is already suspected, so she is even more unsuitable to participate in the investigation of this case, on the contrary, you have to take certain measures against the princess, in order to Give an explanation to the crown princess who has suffered a serious crime, give an explanation to the grandson who has disappeared in this world before she was born, and even give an explanation to all the common people!

The Son of Heaven broke the law and sinned with the common people!

Although Princess Guguo has a noble status, since Linyue Pavilion is her property, no matter if she is the person behind the incident, she is already suspected. According to my court law, It should be temporarily locked in prison, or imprisoned in the princess's mansion. Before the truth is found out, you must not step out of the princess's mansion! "

Prince Ping's words were sharp and pointed directly at Lin Yuelan.

However, as soon as his voice fell, he was refuted by the prince.

He said, "Uncle, based on the one-sided remarks of a slave, is it wrong to determine that Princess Gu is suspected of murdering the Crown Princess? You should also immobilize Princess Gu, and more. Why is it wrong? Even if Linyue Pavilion is the property of the princess of Gu Kingdom, it doesn't mean that the princess is the main victim, right?"

Prince Ping retorted with some dissatisfaction and sharp retort, "His Royal Highness, the uncle is just discussing the matter. Besides, whether the assassination of the princess is related to the princess of Guguo still needs to be verified, so the emperor Uncle just suggested that the princess of Guguo should be grounded, instead of convicting her and putting her in jail, right? What's more, Prince, the people who were hurt this time are your wife and your first-in-class son. Are you a husband, Shouldn't they seek justice for them?"

Lin Yuelan was originally here, and he dared to say so, which shows that he is usually dissatisfied with Lin Yuelan, a peasant girl, who was enthroned as the princess of Guguo.

Only this time, let him explode.

The prince retorted, "It's not like this. Of course I want to give justice to the crown princess and the child who was lost before birth. To find out all the truth is to give them justice, not arbitrarily wronged one. People, treat them as suspects!"

Speaking of this, he glanced at the crown princess lying on the bed, and then looked at Lin Yuelan, who was calm and calm, and he was secretly relieved, and then said, "And I believe that Princess Guguo is not such a person, she has nothing to do with this matter!"

After saying this, he pleaded with the emperor and said, "Father, although the Linyue Pavilion is the property of the princess of Guguo, this matter has nothing to do with the princess of Guguo herself, and I believe that the princess is a person. She will also give us an explanation. Therefore, Erchen thinks that there is no need for Princess Gu to be grounded!"

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