The Unrighteous God In Marvel

Chapter 504: I got information


Daredevil Matt Murdoch woke up from the table together, and the first thing he saw with his closed eyes was the strong light source on the ceiling.

"Light... Light! I can see it? I can see it!! Hahaha! Leon! Leon! I can see Leon, I..."

Matt, who has always been calm and agile, fell off the table.

Looking around, this is the home he is very familiar with. He knows the location of every table, every teacup, and every pair of shoes.

But this was the first time he had seen what they looked like in the house he had lived in for six years.

Touching the familiar cane, Matt almost forgot what red looked like and what white looked like.

His world has been colorless for a long time.

"Oh, this guy."

Matt looked up at the light and was reluctant to stop when he saw his sore eyes.

When he was at home alone, he never wanted to turn on the light. This light was specially turned on for Leon.

But Leon is no longer here. After he healed his eyes, he left.

"Thank you, thank you Lyon. Thank you for this light for me."

Matt bent down and bowed out of the window from the bottom of his heart.


Walking around the house where he'd lived for a few years, Matt couldn't wait to see all the colors he could see.

Then, he found the words Leon left him on the table.

"A dollar and twenty-five cents. Hahahaha, this guy."

Matt put away the paper. Although this twenty-five cents was a joke from Leon, Matt knew that he owed Leon once.

Lifting his cane, Matt clasped his hands horizontally and raised his knees. He was about to break it, but after thinking about it, he retracted the action.

I don't know how to share this news with others, so let's pretend to be blind for a while.

[Matt, are you at home, are you awake? 】

A voice suddenly sounded directly from his "heart".

Instantly turned around and swept the cane, Matt closed his eyes habitually, but...

How can it be! Not only did they not see anyone, but they didn't even make a sound!

【Matt! It's me~ I'll collect the bill]

Hearing this, Matt suddenly realized that he put away his cane and said with a smile, "Lion, you..."

【No need to speak, this is my ability, just talk to me in your heart】

in mind?

Matt tried it: [Lyon? 】

[I heard, then, long story short, I was kidnapped]

【what! ! 】

Matt was so shocked that he almost expressed the exclamation mark in his heart. In this world, there are still people whose strength can be so tyrannical as to kidnap Leon? !

【Are you kidding me, Leon, who kidnapped you】

【Several Hercules! They are very powerful, and everyone can resist hundreds of pounds of feces conservatively! 】


【Leon, what game are you playing again...】

[You have seen it all, let’s not talk about that, I’m almost there, please cooperate with me! 】

【How to cooperate with you? 】

[It is not convenient for me to go by myself now, the transmission distance of this voice is limited, you are like this...... 】

This time, Leon directly told him a lot of fast and urgent words. After Matt heard it, he didn't wait to ask Leon some details and why he was using this cooperation. He heard the sound from outside. the sound of.

It's Lyon.


"Brother Chen, it's the one in front with the light on. You can't be wrong! There's a superhero living in that house!"

"It's said that I'm not Brother Chen! Who is Brother Chen?"

Al looked up at the house from a distance.

Plain and unremarkable, it doesn't look any different from where ordinary people live.

"Are you sure, that's Daredevil's house? Why does he have the lights on, a blind man can never..."

With that said, the lights in the room suddenly went out.

Except for Leon, Al and the others immediately entered a state of battle.

Saying it's in a fighting state is actually just squatting down and taking out the gun.

Leon, the only one standing, also squatted down: "Brother Chen, that guy has very good ears. Although he is blind, he can still hear us when we talk at this distance!"

Al looked at Leon and said in a low voice, "Then why didn't you tell me earlier!!"

Leon was stunned for a moment, and the aggrieved hands moved quickly, making a lot of gestures.

? ? ?

"Look! You don't understand even if I use dumb language!!"

Al: "'re so... so versatile!"

"Hey, in general, I'm still rubbing big fireballs, do you want to..."


Al turned his head to look at his teammates, shook his head at the house, and lip-synched: I want to live!

The younger brothers nodded, then left Leon and Al one by one, gathered at the door of the room, kicked the door violently, and filed in.

Immediately, the house was reminded of gunshots and flashes of fire.

"Made... I have to pay a lot of money for furniture this time..."

Al frowned: "What did you say?"

Lyon shook his head: "I think the insurance company will definitely not pay this money."


Al smiled and said, "That would have to be his life..."

Just as he was talking, the sound of broken glass remembered that a figure broke out of the window, jumped up the courtyard wall sensitively, and then ran back to the roof, disappearing after a few ups and downs.

After a while, Al's teammates came out.

"Boss, that guy is indeed not an ordinary person. He closed his eyes the whole time, but he could accurately attack us and evade our attacks.

In addition to vision, his other senses are terrifyingly strong! This Daredevil is worth hunting! "

Al's face is not very good-looking: "What if there is hunting value! Don't let people run away!"

Turning to look around, there are a lot of people living here, Al said sharply: "Get in the car first, then leave here and talk about it!"


In the car, because the report was more accurate this time, I really found a superhero. Although there was a little unpleasantness in the process, Leon at least proved that he is a useful person!

Al's attitude is also a lot more amiable.

"Matt, the information you provided is very accurate, very good!"

"It's all about organizational cultivation, Brother Chen, who are we going to do next!"

Al didn't correct the name of Brother Chen, anyway...

This boy with an abnormal brain is also killed after using it.

"Hehe, where to go next, it's all up to you!"


"Yes, as long as you remember that there are such people somewhere else, we can go."

Leon snorted and fell silent, as if thinking.

Then, he raised his head with bright eyes: "Brother Chen, are you rich!"

Al covered a pocket of his shirt: "Why are you asking this?"

"Then what is there to say!"

Leon slapped his thigh: "I know there is a place to sell information! Although it is expensive, you can buy anything!"

Al has not spent any money, but he is already distressed by the funds given to him.


"Really! That kid who sells intelligence is the subordinate of the old lady in Chaoyang District, the fourth largest intelligence organization in the world!"

"Chaoyang District old lady..."

Al repeated the few Chinese words Leon said, thought for a moment, gritted his teeth, and nodded: "Go to the house to get money!"

As long as you can find the person you are looking for, if you have no money, the above will not be stingy about this.

What's more, if you can't complete the task, you will die.

Although Al loves money, he still feels that his life is more important.


At the same time, Matt, who successfully ran away with the help of the double undercover Lyon, didn't have time to feel sorry for his home, and ran to the address provided by Lyon in Brooklyn with the fastest footsteps.

Went to the door and knocked on the door.

"Who's outside."

A man's voice came from the door.

"I'm Matt. Lyon asked me to."


The door was pushed open, and through the crack, Matt saw a man with a shield.


Captain America lives in such a shabby house...

The world knows the Night's Watch, but few know the name Lyon.

Being able to say the name and being able to find it here has already explained the problem.

But be careful to verify.

"Leon, do you have anything to say?"

"He said you were beaten the first day you met..."

"Come in, what are you doing standing up! You seem to have just experienced a battle, are you injured?"

Captain America warmly greeted Matt into the house.


After pouring a glass of water for Matt, Captain America smiled and said, "I only have white water here, please don't mind."

Matt shook his head. "I also only drink plain water. That's fine."

Captain America sat in front of Matt with a glass of water, and asked, "You said that Leon asked you to come, what happened, did he ask you to convey any message?"

After taking a sip of water, Captain America thinks that he may have found something again, so he can verify it?

"Leon was kidnapped..."

"Pfft! Cough...! I'm sorry, sorry!"

Captain America hurriedly brought the towel and apologized.

"You said, you said Leon, just that Leon! Was kidnapped?!"

Captain America couldn't believe his ears.

Who can do such a thing, go kidnap him!

Someone can really kidnap him, I...

I'm definitely not good enough to help!

"Do you know who kidnapped him!"

Hearing these words from the US team, Matt's expression was suddenly full of helplessness and a wry smile: "Lyon said, those are a group of heroes who can resist hundreds of pounds of dung!"

Captain America: "..."

Matt: "..."


"Well, I seem to know what's going on."

Captain America picked up the water glass and put it down again.

"It's really his style."

"It's almost as you think, he's playing again.

However, those guys do have some skills, at least, better than me. "

Matt looked at his bandaged arm. If he hadn't prepared in advance, and the other party had received wrong information, he had been thinking of himself as a blind man, and he had been trying to capture him alive, plus Leon had been sending him correspondence. , just now, he may not be able to escape.

After straightening his body, Matt said with a serious face: "Lion said, those guys have a strange identity, he hasn't figured it out yet, but what is certain is that their target is people with special abilities like you and me, no matter how good. Bad, and they all have to be caught alive.

Leon felt that there must be something interesting in this, so he wanted to investigate, um...

Just play for a while. "

Captain America stroked his forehead with a wry smile: "Then, what did he say?"

Matt frowned. "He said he wanted you to call someone else."

"Others? Didn't mention specific names?"


"Then he wanted to..."

"Well, that's what he thought."

Captain America felt a little pain in his temples.

This kid Leon, he actually needs so many people to cooperate with him when playing a game...

However, what can be done.


Taking out the senior computer, Captain America poked it with his big finger.

"Hello? Tony, is that so..."


"What age is this, and people still use gold pancakes..."

Standing at the door of a bar, Leon threw several huge "big gold coins" up and down in his hand, feeling a little emotional.

These guys don't talk about transfers, and even the cash is poor. It's really suspicious.

"But I like it! Hahaha!"

Because Leon said that the bar that sells information can only be entered by one person, and there are a lot of testing steps. He has already taken poison, and when he is "working", he is also very invested... Al let him come by himself.

Anyway, they were waiting in the car not far away, and if there was a problem, they took out the entire bar!

Although doing this may make a "loud noise", which is not conducive to the follow-up work, Al also warned Leon that yin and yang would go against the grain.


Pushing open the door of the bar, Leon walked in.

This is really a place for intelligence transactions, and there are intelligence brokers everywhere. Leon has also been here a few times.

However, he came here before to buy information.

But this time, just to drink, he went back after enough time.

As soon as he sat in front of the bar, Leon reached out and took out five large tickets.

This is the rule here, cash, no name, one-on-one, and five hundred dollars for the boss.

After receiving five hundred yuan from Lyon, the bearded owner, waiter, bartender and thug gave Lyon half a glass of whisky directly.

There is nothing else but beer which is whisky.

After sitting down and drinking half a glass of wine, someone came to ask.

"Friend, sell or buy."

Leon thought for a while: "Buy it, and sell some by the way."

The person came with a fake beard, wig, and sunglasses.

"please follow me."


"What intelligence do you want to sell."

Leon thought for a moment: "The information about the serious injury of the night watchman, is it valuable!"

The man was stunned for a moment, and immediately said eagerly: "Please explain in detail! He... oh I understand I understand!

As long as you show evidence, a million! "

Damn, why don't you want evidence!

Leon dug and dug out of his pocket and pulled out a piece of clothing, one of the battle-damaged pieces in the pile he had bought.

"This is not enough to explain. Is there anything else?"

Leon thought to himself: The purpose has been achieved!

"Believe it or not! I won't sell this information anymore.

Forget it, let me ask you, do you know that it looks like a pill, it's red, it can be awakened by sound, and it will explode? "

The broker thought for a moment: "I have close information, so I can only provide reference. How about using this in exchange for the information you just sold?"

Leon stretched out his hand: "Deal!"

Holding both hands together each felt that they had taken advantage of it.


After a while, Leon walked out of the door of the bar, full of alcohol.

"Count the time, Matt is almost done."

Hey, hey, go back to life!

"Bought the information!"

(Ps: I have calluses all over my throat. During this time, it's a bit difficult...

Downstairs in my house, there is a seal with a seal, so I'm so scared! )

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