The Unrighteous God In Marvel

Chapter 451: The outside world is dangerous

After leaving Harry's house, Doctor Octopus immediately prepared to catch Spider-Man and bring it to Harry.

After walking a long way, Doctor Octopus reacted.

"What... where is this Spider-Man now!!"

Although compared to himself, Spider-Man's "attendance" is definitely a model worker, but in this huge Big Apple, if Dr. Octopus only relies on "feeling" to find it hard, it is also pure Bullshit.

So, out of desperation, Dr. Octopus had to run to the bar again, but the house had already closed to go to sleep, so Dr. Octopus could only go back to his factory. After getting through the night, he came again the next night. This time he came with money, and the request was very simple.

As long as someone has news about Spider-Man, they can just take the money and give him a call and give him the address.

Two stacks of money were placed on the bar and handed to the boss. He glanced at the information present, and Dr. Octopus left here directly.

This kind of money, to buy a news that will soon be in the newspaper, is simply too profitable.

Even if you remove the 20% of the rake from the bar owner, the rest is worth the call.

So, without the little spider knowing at all, he suddenly became a celebrity who was followed by all the offline offline.


The next night, Dr. Octopus received a call. The other party was extremely happy and brief, and hung up the phone after only saying an address.

But that's enough.

Taking advantage of the night, Dr. Octopus left the factory again, ready to find trouble with the little spider.


Parker himself was not much affected by the last Lyon rage.

This has nothing to do with the question of whether he is a child or a hero.

Purely because this kid was completely confused the whole time last time, and he didn't get beat at all.

Leon has always been the idol of the little spider.

Although in the habit and way of doing things, the little spider always seems to be a little "soft-hearted", but this is understandable. In the little spider's original words: the people who should be killed in the Big Apple were killed by Mr. Lyon It's almost there, so I don't need to force myself to kill, right?

As usual, he turned on the radio when he went home to review his homework at night. While reviewing his homework, Little Spider paid attention to the content on the radio, and noticed if there was anything in the area near his home that needed his help.

He doesn't have that many missions now.

The main reason is that Lyon has cleared the entire city again, and it is still the kind of root removal method, so that in the current city, those who dare to commit crimes are basically outsiders.

Sin never stops, always manifesting in various ways and reborn in various places.

Therefore, it is still delusional for the time being to really take off that clothes completely.

At this time, the little spider missed the guy in green clothes and flying all over the sky on a skateboard.

It stands to reason that the little spider had seen a guy wearing almost the same equipment in front of Tony Stark's house.

And he clearly remembered that Mr. Lyon was also present at that time.


This guy shouldn't actually be alive.

He escaped from Mr. Lyon?


Spider-Man didn't think the joke was funny at all.

The last time we were forced to "play dead" in the safe house, everyone was too bored, so communicating and chatting with each other became the main way to pass the time.

As a result, all the old and new friends, including Little Spider, learned a lot about Leon from Mr. Tony Stark and Captain America.

And people from other cities, including the Fantastic Four who have worked with Lyon, also added a lot of details.

At that time, the little spider knew that his idol had secretly done so many unknown things!

Among the people who listened to the "story" with him were many people who didn't know Lyon at all.

For example, Ant-Man, such as Black Panther, such as Falcon, when they are listening to the story, their mouths can be opened more than the little spiders.

Asgard, this little spider knows.

But in Asgard, besides the guy with the hammer, there are so many people who have visited the earth, this little spider does not know.

Giant snake!

It's scary to hear the name. Counting the date Tony said, the little spider in the Big Apple quickly caught up with the events at that time.

That matter was actually solved by Mr. Lyon!

Although Tony later mentioned the names of the two real bigwigs [Yellow Clothes Mage] and [Asgard Master], everyone including Little Spider automatically ignored these two names and took the credit. Lyon's body.

Tony later talked about the [God Slayer Geer]. With the addition of Team America and SHIELD agents, Geer's terrifying level was also stunned by everyone.

Thor is really a strong enough guy, he was chased everywhere and was injured!

Is this all solved by Lyon? !

After that, there is the Fantastic Four as the keynote speaker, the silver glider who is "unimaginably powerful without being able to do anything."

Until this time, everyone present realized in a trance that the power they thought Leon represented was purely because their vision was too narrow and they did not understand the power.

No one knows how strong the real Lyon is.

In Tony's words at the time: "He has always been reluctant to fight me, he said he was afraid of killing me..."


How could such a powerful Mr. Lyon be unable to catch a guy on a skateboard.

And in terms of Mr. Lyon's character, if he caught this guy, he must have been dead for a long time!

So, this is actually a copycat? an heir? Or is it just a simple, resurrection trick?

In fact, the little spider has been thinking about whether to tell Leon that this guy is still alive for the past two days.

However, although the current Green Goblin still kills people, at least when the little spider met him, he didn't kill ordinary people and small citizens. Instead, he has been squatting and guarding some guys who have just come out of prison.


This new Green Goblin can't even beat his Spider-Man, and telling Mr. Leon seems like a big fuss.

I can't trouble Mr. Lyon with everything, isn't it?

Otherwise, the existence of these people seems a little unnecessary.


With the pen cap in his mouth, his eyes were looking at the book, but his mind was not on it at all.

At this time, Parker heard the news that a group of people had escaped from the prison, and the announcer on the radio kept reminding the public that the escapees were armed.


It's not that I don't want to review my homework, it's that the Big Apple needs me right now!

"Aunt May! I'm a little sleepy, so I went to bed early today. Good night!"

The little spider opened the door and said good night to Aunt May who was still watching TV in the living room, then closed the door, took her own equipment, and left through the window.

Aunt May downstairs wanted to say something, but after looking at Parker's closed door, she thought about it and gave up the idea.

It's not surprising that children will always have their own little secrets when they grow up.

Aunt May is more worried that this child will not go down any wrong way...


The city is the forever home of the little spider.

Because there are countless high-rise buildings and even helicopters and things like that.

Only with these tall and dense buildings can the little spiders exert their own mobility and use high-strength spider silk to roam between the city streets like a swing without being easily discovered by ordinary people.

If the battle scene is replaced by mountains, plains, rural areas, water surfaces and other places, the little spider will basically be half useless.

If you can't swing spider silk, you can't be tied to the clouds.


Spider silk spit out from the launcher installed under the wrist, sticking to the top of the tall building.

The little spider constantly launched new silk threads, pulling itself to the road section that he heard on the broadcast just now.

It's just that he didn't notice that on the roof of the building tonight, there are a lot of scumbags, addicts, who have a cigarette in their hands, and look up at the sky without doing anything.

After seeing his figure, he quickly took out his mobile phone and made a call.


The little spider soon came to the only way outside the accident site.

In terms of speed, it is actually much faster than official cars and helicopters.

The sound of a siren was heard not far away, and it should be someone from the prison who was chasing those who escaped from the prison.

After staring at the cars of those people, the little spider just stood by and waited for the rabbit. When they passed under the position where he was squatting, a spider silk hit the windshield of the escaped prisoner.

The line of sight was blocked, and the prisoner's car was twisted and twisted, and the speed had to be reduced.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the little spider jumped directly off the head of the dripping beast, and landed on the front face of the car with a bang.

"Hey! Friends! Believe me, you should go back to prison."

The little spider also persuaded: "The outside world is too dangerous for people like you now.

If you run for a while, you might run into a skateboarder! "

"Damn it!"

From the co-pilot's position, the window opened to reveal a figure, and he shouted, "It's actually a spider! Big spider!"

Then the man shrank back and stretched out the hand that had been holding the gun.


A bunch of spider silk was stuck on the barrel of the gun, and the little spider was still admonishing: "You believe me! Skateboarders are really dangerous, he has pumpkins!

When did you go to jail? "

"I have been advancing for twelve years! What's wrong!"

Bang! The gun went off.

Then it exploded as a matter of course. The spider's spider silk could even be pulled by a train, and of course a copper-shell bullet couldn't break through.

Baring his teeth and scolding, he retracted his hands again and again. The person in the car had no idea of ​​stopping at all. Instead, he increased the speed, stuck his head out of the driver's seat to identify the direction, and started driving like that.

It's somewhat of a helpless situation. The little spider has routinely advised him, but these people don't listen to the advice at all.

Another two strands of spider silk were launched, and the little spider took himself as the connection point, one end led the tall building behind him, and the other end hung on the car, pulling it so hard!

The car soared into the air, like a bait thrown away, following the direction of the force of the fishing line, it flew diagonally into the sky, and was hung in the air.

After swinging in the air for a few rounds with the elasticity of the spider silk, it slowly hovered in mid-air two meters above the ground.

Soon after. The door opened and four vomited prisoners fell.

The little spider landed from mid-air and dexterously landed on the ground.

First, give a few unlucky ghosts a big spider silk to wrap them on the ground, and the little spider said with satisfaction: "Why don't you listen to me when I tell you.

Drive a little further and you'll be in hell's kitchen. If you encounter a vigil, you will be directly sentenced to death. "

In the distance, the sound of the siren came from far and near again.

The little spider has always been a player who does good deeds without leaving his name. Seeing that several prisoners who escaped from prison have been caught, he doesn't care.

The wrist spewed spider silk, and the little spider swayed again and disappeared here.


After solving a trivial matter, the little spider is still a little unfinished.

He came to a high point near the city, on the steeple attic of a certain church, and crouched on it, overlooking the gorgeous night view of the city.

Such a beautiful city, who would have thought that its subtleties could be so dirty.

The guys who escaped from the prison would probably have escaped if they hadn't intervened.

But what if they do meet other superheroes?

Probably influenced by Lyon, the most active superheroes in the Big Apple are not those who are willing to show mercy.

In addition to Lyon, there is a girl in the West District who always carries a civet cat.

They are both from the West District, and they also play with knives. There is also a man in black leather and sunglasses. He is used to cutting vertically.

The punisher who wanders around the city has superb craftsmanship, but he is unwilling to clean up. It may also be intentional, and the little spider avoids him a bit.

There is also the blind man in the red leather jacket from Hell's Kitchen. He doesn't kill people, but the people he targets have disappeared in the end, and he doesn't know where he went to work as a coolie to pay off his debts.

There's also the Green Goblin throwing pumpkins on a skateboard, and Mr. Leon, the voluntary sweeper.

If you really want to meet these people, then those four people will be dead. If nothing else, he is still wearing a prison uniform, so there is no room for defense!

Thinking like this, the little spider is a little shaken, isn't it, he has done useless work?

Because in terms of results alone, it doesn't seem like much has changed.

After thinking about it for a long time, he couldn't come up with a clue, scratching his head, Little Spider helplessly sighed: "Maybe I really shouldn't think too How much power is needed, as much power as possible. "

"well~ that's a really good idea..."

Ok! ?

He hurriedly turned around and lowered his head, and the little spider saw the person who answered his words just now, standing in the open-air square nave of the church, looking up at himself.

"Sir, you..."

Halfway through speaking, the little spider saw the four mechanical claws raised behind the hot-headed man with black sunglasses.

This is not an ordinary person.

Inexplicably, the little spider suddenly thought, if he is not here at this time, what will happen if the four fugitives encounter this guy?



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