The Unkillable Swordsman

Chapter 505: Will count

Aurora Empire, Great Sun Temple.

At this moment, the news of Yun Ji and the other four true immortal bodies has spread, and there is a haze above and below the Great Sun Temple.

Even the staff in the Great Sun Temple became cautious when they were doing things, fearing that they would make small mistakes and be held up by the bad senior executives for heavy punishment.

"Bai Li Qing Feng!"

Empress Taisies looked at the information sent back by the members of the Chi Yanguo group. Her well-maintained face was filled with gloom. The whole person seemed like a suppressed volcano. It seemed that with a little introduction, it would erupt completely.


There was a knock at the door.


The door was pushed open, and Donghe came in from the outside and took a copy of the information: "Teacher, this is the latest analysis table of the Department of Intelligence. According to the information of the Department of Intelligence, Baili Qingfeng's combat effectiveness when he has the armor He is not under the peak of the ninth level, and he must possess a powerful explosive mystery or extraordinary body skills, otherwise even if the peak of the ninth level, it is impossible to kill all four true immortals such as Yun Ji, leaving no one. "

"Information Division?"

Tai Sisi snorted coldly: "The Baili Qingfeng can sword Yunyun Ji four people. Without the analysis of the intelligence department, I know that his combat power must not be below the peak of the ninth level. The information department cannot provide a little detailed information? It was all these plausible things that led to the loss of the four true immortals in our temple ... "

Speaking of this, her eyes were cold: "Exactly the five true immortals, Victoria also died under the sword of Baili Qingfeng!"

"Church ... From the current situation, Baili Qingfeng is in a strong position. Unless a nine-level strong can take the shot himself, the power of our Great Sun Temple alone can't kill it ... To ensure foolproof ... "

Donghe said this without saying anything.

He wanted the monarch to take the shot himself.


"You should understand that the monarch is currently executing the critical period of the Tianyu Mountain plan. If this plan is established ... it can directly dissolve the Kingdom of Hea. In this case, it is impossible to let the plan be abandoned halfway because of a hundred miles of green front, not to mention ... … Zhao Si has always looked at the Emperor Tiger in the dark. He is the real confidant of the Emperor. Without the solution of Zhao Siqian, it is impossible for the Emperor to go forward to deal with a small Bailiqingfeng. "

Donghe listened, not good to persuade.

"Can Baili Qingfeng fail to make his way to Xeon?"

"We have 80% certainty that he did not set foot on the Xeon."

Donghe Road: "The dragon head Baizulong in Zulongshan has personally met Baili Qingfeng, but according to the report from our intelligence personnel, the two should not have concluded any cooperation. We have established a model analysis of this person, he belongs to An uncompromisingly powerful man, Zu Longshan relied on his own strength to develop such glory as today. Baili Qingfeng never embarked on the path of Xeon, but once he set foot on Xeon The road is expected to be Xeon ... unless Baili Qingfeng joins Zulong Mountain, Bai Xianglong will never let him go easily. "

"White Elephant Dragon ..."

Tessie squinted slightly.

Several Xeons, such as Bai Xianglong, were their main opponents in the Sun Temple, and they knew the nature of the Sun Temple.

"I never thought that a small Baili Qingfeng would grow up to be a confidant of our Da Ri Temple in such a short time."

Tai Sisi said a glance at Donghe: "Have you ever built a model of Baili Qingfeng's character behavior?"

"Bali Qingfeng grows up too fast, and stays in Xia Ya on weekdays. He rarely interacts with other colleagues too much. The Thunder Sect also turned Xia Ya into an iron bucket. Although we have tried every means to collect the Bai Liqing, Feng's relevant information is not complete, so far his understanding is superficial ... There are only three points in the classification ... "

"Which three?"

"First, the man Baili Qingfeng looks gentle and friendly, but this is simply a face that he disguised to facilitate the publicity of Hea. Once someone threatens his safety, he immediately becomes cruel and ruthless. Full of doors! Secondly, Baili Qingfeng is very thoughtful and good at obstructing the eyes. He once pretended to be injured and caused the Three Holy Alliance to enter the pit, and then damaged the living strength of the Three Holy Alliance little by little. After suffering heavy losses, the Holy Alliance gave them a fatal blow and completely destroyed the Three Holy Alliance ... "

Donghe introduced, and Tai Sisi nodded slightly.

"The third point is the assassination of Baili Qingfeng. As early as in the realm of God of War, he was able to assassinate Su Qianxing, who is the peak true immortal, by outstanding assassination techniques. It was extremely difficult to deal with him by assassination, and he might even be trapped by himself ... "

"that's it?"

"The other intelligence divisions are still investigating."

"I need to figure out whether there are any psychological thoughts or behavioral patterns about Baili Qingfeng, and whether there is any possibility that the flaw may be killed and controlled by us."

"I will urge people in the intelligence department to do their best, and I will let the group sneaking into Hia to explore at full speed."

Donghe said that there was a slight pause in his tone, and he seemed to have something to say ...

"There is something to say, you have followed me for twenty years, and there is nothing to hide."

Tessie said.

"Some people put forward their opinions based on the information obtained from the analysis. Perhaps Baili Qingfeng did exactly what he showed. There was actually no scheming. He valued his relatives and friends. As long as he captured his relatives and friends, he could force him to submit. In addition, his temperament was simple, such as Children should be easily deceived by us. Our prior guesses have overestimated them and made it difficult for ourselves ... "

"Overestimated !? Make yourself difficult !?"

Donghe didn't finish talking, Tai Sisi had already waved a wave: "A nonsense? Overestimation of Baili Qingfeng, Ou Tieqi who secretly trusted our Aurora will be killed by his sword? Overestimation of Baili Qingfeng, our Aurora The Northern Front of the Empire will suffer a catastrophic defeat? Overestimating the Baili Qingfeng, how can our two Operation Teams in the Great Sun Temple break the three team leaders in his hands !? There is such a corpse vegetarian in the Intelligence Department! ? "

"I have moved the person who made this suggestion off the line and sent it to the Information Management Office of the Information Division to sit on a cold bench."

Dong He immediately bowed his head and remedied.

"I finally understand why our Da Ri Shrine is frustrated everywhere in dealing with the question of Baili Qingfeng. A level nine master who killed Ying Ye actually told me that he is just like a child? It doesn't matter if he is a fool. All of us are fools. "

Tai Sisi whispered coldly: "Clear this person out of the Da Rih Temple, our Da Rih Temple does not support waste!"

Dong He originally wanted to say that this man was an old man in the temple of Da Ri. He had made a lot of contributions and found out a lot of key information, but ...

At the moment Tai Sisi is clearly outraged by the death of Yun Ji and others and the loss of the supreme holy stone. The old man's bad luck coincides with his meeting ...

In the end, he didn't say much, and bowed his head, "I understand!"

"Let Gu Weiwei come to see me."


Donghe quickly retreated.

When Dong He left a short time, Gu Weiwei knocked on the door and came to Tai Sisi's room: "Emperor ..."

"The news came from Yunji. Baili Qingfeng is now perfecting his demons disintegration technique. He wants to use the demons disintegration technique to make impossible impossible, break the human life, and enter Xeon on an unprecedented path. Although I don't think he can do this step, but he is not afraid of 10,000, just in case, I need you to understand the information of Baili Qingfeng in detail to determine the progress. "


Gu Weiwei nodded, and said at the same time: "Our first method of controlling the qinglifeng with frost bugs seems to have failed. According to the members who have mastered the mother bugs, frost bugs seem to have been killed without hatching ... The one we deal with now 30% of 'ordinary passers-by' may be Baili Qingfeng ... Do we still have to deal with him? "

Tessie narrowed her eyes slightly: "Bali Qingfeng's growth is too fast. Even with the support of Shia, she will not be able to achieve the master of level 9 in such a short period of time. You need to know that Resources are several times, or even ten times more than levels six to seven. Where do these resources come from? Wouldn't the person who deal with us end up with the resources that belonged to Baili Qingfeng? ? "

Gu Weiwei suddenly turned pale when she heard her face: "Sir, our Gu family is loyal to the empire ..."

"I didn't doubt your Gu family, I was just guessing that this might be the case. If that is the case, then the mind of Baili Qingfeng ... will be far beyond our imagination ... Even the exercises he gave us may be deliberately there. The problem is to frame the master of our temple, and he succeeded. "

Tessie said.

One of the town's national-level strongmen has died in those exercises given by Baili Qingfeng.

As for the masters below the township ...

Not to mention.

"This is my fault ... and I ask the Lord to give me a chance to pay for my sins."

Gu Weiwei said quickly.

"The opportunity will naturally give you, we will first confirm the true identity of that 'ordinary passerby'. If he is really a Baili Qingfeng, then why don't we come and count? We deliberately pretended not to see through his identity and then introduced him Among the traps we set in early, if successful, it would be enough to catch him ... "

"Put a trap to attract Baili Qingfeng?"

"Yes, of course, you have to confirm the identity of the" ordinary passerby. "

"How to confirm?"

"It's very simple ~ ~ I already think about it."

Tessie said lightly: "When you confirm that Baili Qingfeng is at home, you will immediately contact the 'ordinary passerby'. Once we have contacted, we will directly let people cut off his network cable."

"Cut ... cut the net ..."

Gu Weiwei stayed.

Although this method is simple, but ...

Completely feasible.

If the "ordinary passerby" is disconnected by cutting off the network cable, it proves that the "ordinary passerby" is Baili Qingfeng.

"Master wise! You can think of it this way!"

Gu Weiwei said quickly.

"If it is confirmed that the 'ordinary passerby' is Baili Qingfeng, and the plan will be successfully introduced into the trap we laid ..."

There was a gleam of light in Tessie's eyes: "I will take my own shot and kill him!"

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