The Underworld Detective

Chapter 739: Intercept

Biquge, update the latest chapter of the criminal hunter as soon as possible!

Our special case team does not have a direct source of the case. Usually, they are dispatched by the Ministry of Public Security, or the cases of other groups are intercepted. The bureau's interception of the case is called ‘winning’! Because there are mixed feelings, worry is of course that the investigation of the case means that they are investigating in the wrong direction, vain effort, and lost the opportunity to contribute. At the same time, we take over the case, and the case will be broken. No matter how much the police officer wishes to be successful, he still hopes more. Criminals arrested.

Hearing what I said, Xuan Forensic smiled: "It seems that we have won the prize, then I will go to the criminal squad to report it. You do n’t have to deal with the formalities."

I embarrassed my head and said, "I'm sorry to declare forensic doctors, I will dismantle the station as soon as I come."

A wave of Xuan forensic atmosphere: "Where is it that your special case team came out and the deceased and the family members of the deceased were accounted for? It is a good thing. Song Ci, a torturer, is my lifelong idol, and I also hope that it can be true and false. Serve the modern day, you guys! "

After Xuan Forensic Doctor left, Sun Bingxin and I continued to perform autopsy. Since it was presumed to be a pre-murder, we took a look at the injuries on the deceased.

Only 42 obvious prenatal injuries were counted, 16 were beaten with sticks, 10 cigarette butts were burned, and one was hit by a hard object on the head. Earlier, Xuan forensic doctors confirmed by craniotomy that there was slight hemorrhage in the arachnoid membrane and a slight concussion. The remaining injuries were just kicked out and concentrated below the waist.

In addition, there were two scratches on the heel and inner leg of the deceased, which were also injuries during life. I suspect that the deceased was beaten so irresistibly that the murderer dragged him to another place to kill him.

From these dense wounds, the murderer hated the deceased greatly!

There are traces of binding on the hands, and the props used are set aside. It is the handcuffs used in S-M, and there is the dead skin tissue on it.

The time of death is estimated to be three days ago. The deceased's stomach was filled with food that had been digested for five hours, so it is speculated that the specific time of death was after dinner at about 11 o'clock.

By observing the situation of blood stasis, I judged that the time interval between the occurrence of these injuries was about three hours, that is, the killer tortured the dead for three hours before killing them.

After the examination, Xuan Forensic came in from the outside, holding a case filing document, and said, "Consultant Song, the Huang team is not today, please sign your name!"

I signed it and asked, "Isn't the Captain Captain upset?"

Xuan Forensic smiled: "People are not sages, a little emotion is normal, don't worry about it."

I'm a little bit sad, after all, it's usually Huang Xiaotao who comes to be this villain.

Xuan forensic doctor then gave me some documents of the case, mainly photos of the scene. I checked it out. The deceased was named Wei Yongsheng, an accountant who lived alone, and found a large number of S-M-related websites on his computer, proving that he had a hobby in this regard.

As for the suspect's identity, the Queen of the Night is still unknown.

I said, "I'll go and see the evidence."

"What about the corpse?" Xuan Forensic asked.

"It's over, keep your family members to pick it up!"

We came to the evidence room. There was a lot of evidence in this case, because the scene was in the deceased's own home, and all the scattered items scattered on the ground were brought back. I picked it up and looked at it. I found some blood on an ashtray. It's what the killer used to smash the dead's head.

Then I noticed a note with four names scribbled on it-Li Wei, Ma Xiaoai, Niu Chao, Sun Xing.

The evidence was also mentioned in the dossier. The handwriting expert has identified that the deceased's own handwriting. The four are high school classmates of the deceased. They have not contacted for many years. It is still unclear what the connection is with the case.

Sun Bingxin speculated: "Will the deceased be a school bully before, bullied these people, so they joined forces to get revenge?"

I said, "From the autopsy, the killer is one person. Besides, if four people come to take revenge, will the deceased calmly write their names?"

"Anyway, four people's names appeared on the scene, what connection should there be!" Sun Bing said in his heart.

I couldn't reach a conclusion for the time being, so I photographed the paper.

Another key piece of evidence mentioned in the dossier was a pendant, which opened with a picture of the girl inside. The photo is black and white. For some years, there is a curl of hair in it. A woman's DNA was detected from it, but I don't know who it is.

This thing was in the pocket of the deceased at that time, and the ad hoc group agreed that the girls in the photos had a great relationship with the case!

Because of the above two kinds of evidence, the task force focused on investigating the relationship between the deceased and the student, and visited almost all the teachers and students, but no breakthrough progress was made.

Teachers and students said that the deceased used to be a well-behaved teenager. Because his father died early and depended on his mother, he was extremely sensible and obedient. He had never been late once during school.

His personality was dull, he had fewer friends, and he had zero contact with the opposite sex. Wei Yongsheng's most interested subject was mathematics. He was particularly sensitive to numbers, so he became an accountant after graduation.

I secretly thought that it was because the deceased had been suppressing himself since he was a student that he would come in contact with S-M. Let this pressure-free role-playing game be released!

I have limited knowledge of SM, but I have heard that the more people in the real world who are well-formed, successful in their careers, and the more stable their families are, the more they tend to be abused. Conversely, often those who are humble and timid in reality do not love to communicate. Has a tendency to abuse.

Man is a complex animal and always desires qualities that he cannot possess.

I was thinking, where should this case be investigated? My intuition tells me that it doesn't make sense to visit Wei Yongsheng's teachers and classmates again. It seems that it should be checked from the secret circle he is involved in.

I plan to go right away, because it is only in the morning now that I don't want to go to that dark place at night.

When I heard that I was going to go deep into the magic cave, Sun Bingxin said in surprise: "Just the two of us? Do you know how there is such a club in Nanjiang?"

I laughed: "I know it's weird, but I remember reading a dossier before, there was a kid who had kidnapped and imprisoned a criminal record. He is the man in this way, he can start with him. Go, go to the archives!"

We came to the archives room, this place is very kind to me. I used to stay here all day to read the dossiers and learn the case solving experience.

Say hello to the teacher who cares about the archives room, and we come in. I didn't expect there was another person here. He was a raw face. He was a middle-aged man with a slightly fat body, a mustache, a well-dressed striped suit, and a beanie of the kind that a painter likes. A cane lay by the table.

He was leafing through the dossier, holding a huge aluminum insulated pot on his hand, which served as a cup of fragrant coffee in the lid of the cup, sizzling hot in the sun.

Seeing the old man ’s presence, I thought it would not be the one sent by the province to take over the post of director? Due to Sun Hu's death, the director is currently acting as Deputy Director Zheng. I hope that Deputy Director Zheng will take over from my heart, but some people in the bureau also rumored to be sent over to take over.

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