The Ultimate Fruit of Pirates.

76 76 You fucking sick

Overlord domineering?

No one was shocked by the Warring States and the generals.See Mao line small said

Although the domineering domineering character is rare and possesses the qualifications of a king, as the four emperors and the pinnacle of the sea, it has the most pinnacle of power and the most pinnacle of power. It is shocking that it does not have the domineering domineering dominance.

But now the overbearing domineering presented by "Beast Kaido".

It made them frown slightly.

Not shocked by the overbearing horror presented at this time, but puzzled by the fact that the overlord domineering now presented is not strong.

Overlord domineering also has levels.

Although there is no clear written grade, the strength of the domineering domineering strength of each individual is naturally different. For example, red hair is called the most domineering man. The domineering domineering possessed by him is the most powerful domineering recognized by the sea.

Although there are few overlords and domineers, the entire sea has long exceeded the number of hands.

The domineering domineering power possessed by the Beast Kaido is naturally among the best in the domineering degree of the sea.

However, the degree of domineering domineering contained in the current momentum is very low. It seems that the degree of domineering that has just been awakened is completely incompatible with the identity and strength of the beast Kaido.

"Uh?" Kaiduo Kailuo (Luo) also felt awkward.

Overlord color domineering is a manifestation of boldness, not direct output capability, even if you control the body of the beast Kaido, you can't get the domineering domineering power of the beast Kaido.

"This domineering, domineering, belongs to me?" Luo couldn't help but be surprised.

This is the awakening domineering domineering?

Luo has not been much interested in overbearing domineering. This kind of ability is difficult to play a key role in the battle of the top powerhouses. It is indeed a bit more tasteful than direct output of attacking ability.

Luo hopes to attack directly.

What's more, he knows that he has enough abilities now, and all his abilities have not been cultivated to the top level. Luo now just wants to improve the various abilities of the thunder and surgery fruits.

As for the new abilities, Luo has no mood to learn for the time being. He chews a lot, and grasps all the existing abilities first, otherwise in the end, everything will be imprecise, but he will not be the pinnacle.

So there has been no mood to spy on the domineering domineering power, and the domineering domineering power is not obtained through cultivation.

Luo knew that as a navy himself, it should be difficult to have domineering and domineering power. Is the navy strong?There must be many. Many pirates who are weaker than generals and marshals have domineering domineering.

But as strong as a general, none of them is domineering.

Domineering and domineering are the abilities of the natural king.

Although the general is strong, in terms of round status, there are marshals on the generals, marshals on the marshals, and five stars on the marshals. Both the generals and marshals are in terms of status and status. Not the king but the strong.

Luo didn't plan to leave the navy headquarters for the time being, he didn't plan to turn into a pirate, anyway, he didn't plan to submit to the navy, and he didn't have any sense of belonging. He just chose one of the best identities from the sea.

And become one piece?Dominate the sea?These are not Luo's dreams or his goals.

Luo has always had only one goal, to become a top powerhouse, and to acquire the ability to live forever. This is his goal. This is the ultimate goal that is more difficult to achieve than becoming One Piece.

But did not expect such unexpected appearance of overlord domineering?

"Don't I have the qualification to be a king by nature? Or because now I am proud to be a beast of the beast, with a different fate structure, and naturally let it urge him to be domineering?" Luo thought curiously.

Is Beast Kaido the King?He is emperor

He is the absolute king in the Beast Pirates, and he is the only master in the vast territory and countries that the Beast Pirates have.

"Good." Since it appeared, how much is an unexpected joy, not to mention that the domineering domineering does not need to be cultivated. With the improvement of its own strength and courage, it will naturally be regarded as an ability.

"I don't know if I will use my deity to show the domineering domineering power in the future, will other navies startle their teeth?" Luo thought interestingly. Was he the only navy man in history who possessed domineering domineering power?


"Somewhat strange." Sengoku looked at the beast Kaido (Luo).

· ··

The "roar" was abrupt, and the beasts Kaido (Luo) roared, and the terrible air wave caused hundreds of navy screams to fly out, and the physique of the human-shaped tyrannosaurus rushed out.


Anyway, it's just a bluff, it's a bluff.

Luo first goal is the red dog.


Luo Qi is a person who has revenge, and Ju Judao's Chiquan eyes tone, Luo is very upset, he has never been an upset person, he will naturally retaliate back, if he can't do it on the bright side, then come Yin of.

Anyway, I am not happy, and others are not comfortable.

Always keep the same kind of gangsters, the gangsters, even if the identity of the bright side is bright, if there is no vigour in the heart, it will not live long.

... ........ ...

"Are you afraid?" The red dog roared, his arms turned into karst, and the hot waves made the surrounding navy quickly away.

"Red dog, let's vomit blood, I said." The beast Kaido (Luo)'s fist was covered with substantial energy, Jin Guang Dasheng rushed to the red dog, the other party actually shot first.

Karst fist bombarded.


It was hit, and at the beginning, the karst fist hit the beast Kaido (Luo) in the chest.

"This lunatic?" The red dog's pupil widened, should it fight my fist?Why not stop it?

The beast Kaido (Luo) had a split mouth, and the red dog couldn't help scalp tingling, bad.

Close fist?Can you make it?

The power of terror has long been condensed, grabbing the karst fist, and at the same time the fist hit the red dog's head, which was replaced by injury.


Huge blood holes appeared in the chests of the beast Kaiduo (Luo), and the red dog was even worse. The attack of the four emperors, the terrifying air wave, was enough to allow the abyss-like cracks to spread to all parts of the city such as the square.

"Bang." Fly.

The red dog was covered with blood and flew out, hitting the ground thousands of kilometers away.

"That lunatic." Standing up hard, the sullen qi in the heart of the red dog who vomited blood couldn't spit it out, and could not help bursting into a gruff: "What the fuck is sick?"

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