The Truth of Magic

134 Superimposing Power (1/3)

Chapter 134 Superimposed power (13)

Floating Void City, Supreme Mage Council.

The Supreme Council of the Floating Void City is the highest authority in the headquarters of the Mage Association.

Among them, there are only seven regular members of the council, namely the president Oss, the vice president Stormrage, and seven people including Veranthor, Renault, Cassius, and Nesser.

Generally speaking, these seven people decide all matters concerning the entire Floating Void City and even Mystra.

Only when the corresponding topic is involved, the corresponding legendary mage will be allowed to participate.

For example, Master Nine Rings can only wait until the joint enlarged meeting is held to vote.

The theme of this meeting was Antinoya's recent work report, reporting some recent developments.

Antinoya didn't usually catch these meetings very much.

It was rare that she was willing to report on her duties this time. The Big Seven listened very carefully, and all members of the Big Seven specially participated in the projection.

Just then, a clerk knocked on the door and came in.

He walked directly to the chairman's seat, handed over to the president Oss the last hour of the Floating City's developments, and repeated the work he had done an hour ago.

As for all the report information, Oss is basically familiar with it at a glance. Looking at this thing is more of a routine habit.

Only this time, he stared at it for a second or two longer.

It's just this small gap that made at least two giants here pay attention.

"An Tinoya, do you need to go to the Combat Testing Hall to test later?" President Oss asked suddenly.

Logically speaking, Antinoya didn't need to go to the Combat Testing Hall to join in the fun.

Although the test hall is also equipped with the equipment needed for legendary experiments, most of them are just for the legendary mages to have a common supplementary point.

Emergency means more.

After all, many instruments and devices also have a certain maintenance cycle, and the experts and alchemists in the floating city are basically operating at full capacity every day.

"How many years have I done an experiment?" Antinoya frowned.

"Hehe, in the one-hour report handed over by the monitor of the highest hall just now, it is said that all the testing instruments on floors 10-14 have been turned on at the request of your servant." President Oss said with a smile.

For them, even if these instruments are carried at full capacity for a month until they are scrapped, that's all.

If it wasn't for Antinoya who happened to be right in front of him, otherwise Oss wouldn't even bother to ask.

As soon as the other party finished speaking, Antinoya immediately understood what was going on, and she smiled knowingly, "It should be that idiot Zhong Xia who went to the waste paper pile to tear up a test coupon."

At this time, the seven giants present couldn't help shaking their heads and smiling.

They understood in an instant that all the instruments in the testing hall would be activated.

It must be Zhong Xia who took the coupon and directly told the supervisor to "try everything".

Otherwise, the legendary mages would not rashly consume resources to activate all the equipment on the 10th to 14th floors.

With each higher level, the resources consumed doubled.

"Cheek, you should inform Noch and tell him that we allow his research group to borrow all the facilities on floors 10-14 for one day."

Oss said to the clerk who came in to report.

Those instruments are turned on as soon as they are turned on, and they are simply used.

When Cheek nodded and was about to turn around to leave, Oss added another sentence: "Send a commendation order to the Legend Hall of the Combat Test Hall, and you can make up the reason yourself."

The clerk Cheek froze for a moment, immediately expressed his understanding, and then continued to walk out the door.

Cheek, who is in the high-level center of the association, receives countless news and rumors every day, making him the most well-informed person.

After such a commendation order from him, he knew that some people's illusions about taking Li Stan's place would be shattered. "

Zhao Xu was also shocked when he successfully shot the strengthened skeleton with a crossbow arrow.

He didn't expect that his own damage would burst out with a relatively high damage, and he directly destroyed the skeleton that was emitting blue light.

Originally, according to Zhao Xu's idea, he planned to look at the dynamic panel's value and it would be almost the same. Who knew that the other party could not help but hit him so much.

Level 2 fighters, and even many other professions may not be able to have 20HP by level 3.

The iron stone that he met in the canyon north of the Tianduan mountain range, if the other party appeared in front of Zhao Xu again.

As long as Zhao Xu is given two rounds of preparation time, he can also get a headshot.

After the first-level spell "Holy Sacrifice" was added to the arrow, it really had the effect of seeing everyone in seconds when facing these low-level monsters.

The only price, of course, was Zhao Xu's health, which was suddenly deducted by 10 points from the original 13 points, leaving only 3 points.

Zhao Xu had no choice but to immediately cast a "heal minor injury" spell on himself, otherwise he would fall unconscious if he was stabbed casually.

At this moment, Zhao Xu probably understood his level of combat power. With the support of 14 first-level spells, he was far more capable of damage output and various control skills than other players.

By the time Zhao Xu went to another test room, he had already removed the Ain stone from his head.

Among the novice mages on the first floor, even if they were from mage families, there were not many with ioun stones.

The cheapest Ion Stone, which can be used without breathing, costs 4000GP. With this money, everyone would rather copy a few more first-level spells and buy a few more scrolls.

In order to provide creatures for combat tests, the battle test hall basically prepared some common evil creatures.

Most of them are summoned like undead creatures and exist in the form of projections.

Once killed, it disappears immediately.

Zhao Xu remembered that in his previous life's battle against demons, their area was mainly attacked by the demon camp.

So Zhao Xu killed the most disgusting little devils and the like.

Out of familiarity with this kind of creature, Zhao Xu skipped the undead creature area and walked to the hell creature.

The same arrangement as before, their novice mages are standing on the second floor, while those hell creatures are in the underground pit, and there is also a protective barrier to prevent the opponent from breaking out.

This time, Zhao Xu chose the "bad devil" test room.

There were already several novice mages who were trying out there, and when they saw Zhao Xu coming in, they didn't pay much attention to him.

Suddenly, the whole floor shook slightly, and even the protective barrier that isolated the lemurs seemed to have disappeared.

It was not until several seconds later that everything returned to normal.

Faced with this scene, the few novice mages looked bewildered, and hurried outside to see what was going on.

Arthur once circulated a story that when a mage was testing, the barrier that trapped the demon suddenly disappeared, causing the mage to be tested to be torn apart.

Although the association later used the resurrection technique to resurrect the mage, but the huge shadow left by the other party left the floating city directly.

But Zhao Xu didn't pay much attention to it. The protective staff was still in his pocket, and it was not impossible for him to deal with the emergence of advanced demons.

Zhao Xu remained unmoved and continued to observe the evils below.

Just like what he saw in his previous life, as the lowest existence in the devil camp, these inferior demons are like a disgusting lump of meat, without brains, and can only follow the instructions of high-level devils.

Although they are alien creatures with only about 10 HP, their skin's defense ability is not bad, which is similar to that of ordinary armored humans.

For the major professions, spellcasters such as mages and priests are indeed the professions that have the most contact with demons and devil camps.

This is why these test rooms will be set up on the first floor of the combat test hall.

If Zhao Xu still used the spell of "Keep the enemy first" this time, he would be invincible until he encountered a higher-level devil.

The dozen or so lemures off the court that had no intelligence and could only wander around were unable to block his blow.

But Zhao Xu decided to test his newly acquired ability.

Zhao Xu ran into Lynch in the library that day, and the other party gave him the ins and outs of piety expertise.

Zhao Xu saw a reminder on the dynamic panel that he could redeem this ability, which was similar to the dark knowledge of the dossier scholar.

It's just that he was still stuck in the promotion of the dossier and didn't bother with it.

That message has also been quietly locked there.

This time, Zhao Xu reopened the post to check.

Knowledge devotion is actually a specialty, and the price for obtaining it is to let him give up the field of knowledge.

The role of the knowledge field is to allow Zhao Xu to use all knowledge as his own ability.

However, as a sorcerer, Zhao Xu already possessed this ability, and the fact that the rest of his knowledge allowed him to increase the caster level by 1 when casting prophecy spells was of limited significance.

After Zhao Xu thought about it, it was actually more cost-effective for him to exchange that ability.

Thinking of this, Zhao Xu directly agreed to give up the field of knowledge and obtain the "knowledge piety" specialty.

Immediately, in his list of priests, the abilities related to the field of knowledge and the spells in the field disappeared directly.

However, he has already mastered those spells in the archivist's spell table, so there is no loss at all.

After exchanging his abilities, Zhao Xu looked at the lemur in front of him and at the "knowledge piety" specialty in his character card panel.

As an alien creature, the ghoul corresponds to the knowledge of the plane, so Zhao Xu immediately started to activate his ability to make a knowledge check.

[Adventurer Zhong Xia, conducted a knowledge (plane) ability appraisal, the result of the verification = 7 + D20 (1-20) = 17, in the range of 16-20, and gained a +2 insight bonus for attack and damage against lemurs. 】

Faintly, Zhao Xu felt that he seemed to have a deeper understanding of the opponent's trajectory for the inferior demon, and the inferior demon was slower in his eyes.

Although it's not as good as the invincible effect he gave himself to gain +20 insight at one time by applying "Second Opportunity".

But this is already a nearly 10% attack bonus, which is equivalent to increasing his attack power against lemurs by 2 levels, and as long as he is facing the lemurs in front of him, he will always have this effect instead of a single blow That's all.

Every time a fighter upgrades to a level, he can only increase his attack power by one level.

In his previous life, Zhao Xu was stuck by the fighter's attack power upgrade, and it took a long time before he reached level 2 smoothly.

Later, when he was about to be promoted to a third-level fighter, because he had already passed through, he practiced hard every day with his two-handed giant sword. After thousands of times of swinging the sword to attack, he realized the profound meaning of the third-level attack.

As for the profundity of the legendary 20th-level fighter's 20th-level attack, what kind of power is it?

He only grasped a little bit after imposing "Fight the enemy first" on himself.

It's just that Strike Strike can only allow him to have the basic attack ability of a 20th-level fighter in one blow. After using up one blow, he will fall back into the mundane world, becoming worse than a 1st-level fighter.

Immediately afterwards, Zhao Xu continued to activate his dark knowledge (tactical) ability against the evil in front of him.

[Adventurer Zhong Xia, conducted a knowledge (plane) ability appraisal, the appraisal result = 7+D20 (1-20) = 26, exceeding the DC15 difficulty by 10 points, increasing the attack on the evil demon by 2 levels, the duration is 1min, and the number of times is 2/3 】

As Zhao Xu expected, the ability of knowledge devotion and dark knowledge superimposed perfectly.

Compared with that ghoul, he abruptly gained the advantage of the 4th level attack power.

In an instant, he directly wiped out the opponent's advantage in natural defensive armor.

Without any hesitation, Zhao Xu directly picked up the light crossbow in his hand and pointed it at the dazed evil below.

Warriors who want to increase their attack by level 4 must either increase their level by 4, or increase their strength by 8 points, or equip them with +4 magic weapons.

No matter which one, it is not so easy to do.

Zhao Xu pulled the trigger, and the inferior demon was instantly wiped out.

9:00 and 12:00 tonight.

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