The Troubleshooting Diary at Hogwarts

Chapter 104: Sunny November 24 (

The fact that Harry became a warrior caused an uproar at the school, and many students thought he was cheating, including Ron. Some of the good guys in Slytherin even made a stupid badge to taunt Harry, they would light up the badge every time Harry passed by and make the words "Harry Potter Smell" flashing .

What a stupid thing, this group of people is still very proud!"

"Didn't you clean up Malfoy the other day, at least he didn't wear this medal anymore!" The medal pulled from the chest.

She beat Draco's two servants like pigs' heads that day, but she was not willing to touch a finger of her cousin, haha, it can be said to be outrageous eccentric.

"I don't want him to become a madman like Shafiq, or maybe he will be forced to become a Death Eater in the end. That boy is so timid, he will not end well as a Death Eater Yes." Zhu Yi said truthfully, she had already seen through the essence of that kid's serenity!

"Anyone who is a Death Eater will not end well." Fred emphasized, "Although I don't like all Malfoys, I will take care of your cousin. Come on. I have studied with George, and we are going to change this medal. The words on it are changed to pink 'Potter I love you' and then it can also have a heart effect. How about you take it for your cousin to wear it? ?"

Juey imagined the scene, shook her head and said with certainty: "That's too stupid, he certainly won't agree. But..."

Fred blinked and smiled: "But you will find a way to get him to take it."

Juey's mouth immediately grinned smugly, winked at Fred and said, "Yes, I'll let him take it." Laco's, if it really doesn't work, then use violence to persuade.

"Look, Harry, Joey will help you deal with the stupid Slytherin boys, you can be your warrior at ease!" George smiled and said to the very ugly Harry .

Harry is battling, he was taken by Hagrid last night to see the first project - Fire Dragon, and he has been in a state of fear to nausea since then. He couldn't eat anything, but Hermione kept stuffing him with food, for fear that he would starve herself to death.

"You have to eat more, otherwise how can you have the energy to practice spells?" Hermione said sternly, she was now acting like a qualified contestant than Harry.

"I'm throwing up, Hermione, I can't eat!" Harry complained, pushing the stack of Lao Gao's food forward in action.

Ron, who was sitting with Dean and the others, glanced here from time to time, saw Harry getting angry with Hermione, and made a soft "squeak".

Harry caught Ron's jeer immediately, he glared at Ron, and the two boys turned their heads away at the same time. Hermione found them both ridiculously childish.

"You two haven't made up yet?" Joey asked Harry curiously, she thought that the two boys would not be at odds for more than three days, which is quite a while!

"We're not you and Fred." Harry said irritably, "Ron is an idiot!"

"I agree with this!" Fred and George said in unison, "He is indeed not smart!"

Ron didn't know how his brothers slandered him, but he was a little uncomfortable listening to Dean and the others secretly discussing how Harry cheated, and he couldn't help but retorted: " Even if he puts his name in, it's not cheating, it's just that he's better than Fred and George."

"Hey, who said that Harry was not righteous a while ago, and why is he talking for him now?" Dean was not very happy when Ron's words refuted, and immediately countered.

"He's not righteous, but he's definitely not the despicable person that the group outside said!" Ron whispered and grabbed his schoolbag and left the dining table.

"Ron didn't eat much today, he will definitely be hungry tonight!" Hermione muttered after taking her eyes back from Ron's back, she took out a beaded packet, Loaded a lot of food into it.

Juey kept staring at the beaded bag, and when she saw Hermione stuffing the whole roast goose into it, she sighed: "Hermione, you are really good to Ron!"

Hermione pretended not to hear her teasing, but her face turned pink.

"Hermione, don't blush, Joey doesn't know your feelings for Ron at all, she's just talking about you bringing food to Ron." Fred knocked Knocking on Zhu Yi's head, he smiled, "She's very empty here."

Juey asked stupidly, clutching her knocked head, "Huh? What is Hermione's feelings for Ron?"

Fred's smug "Look, I'm right!"

Hermione didn't want to praise Fred at all, she blushed and just wanted to leave quickly, because Harry had understood Fred's words and looked at her in surprise. The next step was for this guy to ask her some silly questions, Hermione knew Harry.

In the Iron Triangle, only Harry was left sitting at the dining table. In fact, he should be the one with the least appetite. He's sitting here just waiting for Cedric, it's only fair that he tell the only warrior who may not know about the dragon.

Cedric finally left the table, and after placing a kiss on Qiu's forehead, he walked out of the castle alone. He was actually waiting for Harry, and when he was actually stopped by Harry, Cedric had to act in disbelief.

Harry really deserves to be "the boy who survived the hardship", Cedric once again sighed in his heart for the beautiful qualities Harry possesses. Integrity, kindness, and bravery, such Harry deserves to be rescued by himself.

Harry felt better after he finished talking about the dragon. Although Cedric's expression was a little exaggerated, he didn't particularly care, because he was still worried about whether he could save his life. .

November 24th, Hogwarts was so lively that day, the stands of the stadium were crowded with people, there were many big people who were specially invited to watch the game, and some who passed magic Ministry ties squeeze in patrons.

Siris is the biggest patron of the Ministry of Magic, so it is natural for him to appear in the school. He had already analyzed with Harry that this was definitely a conspiracy, let Harry be careful. But no matter how careful you are, the events of the top three competitions still have to be real.

This fire dragon really made Sirius angry and looking forward to it. When he asked Dumbledore to make Harry retire, Dumbledore asked him: "If it were you, you would be in Running away from trouble? You won't, and I'm sure Harry will never."

"If Moody's Flying Curse doesn't work, I'll definitely rip off his fake eye!" Sirius frowned anxiously as he sat down with Jue and Fred. Muttering beside.

Fred said angrily: "Can't you sit somewhere else? We don't want to have your light bulb here at all!" George and Fumira were not far away Kiss me and me, why does Da Hei have to squeeze with him and Zhu Yi?


Moody's false eyes were saved, and Harry stunned almost all the audience with his flying spell to call fire. Sirius was excited and shouted to the people sitting around him: "See, this is my godson!"

No one responded to his bragging, because everyone was applauding and cheering for Harry frantically, Juey almost fell into the arena in excitement, but fortunately Fred pulled her into his arms in time .

"Draco lost! Haha! Tomorrow he has to obediently wear the 'Harry Potter I Love You' medal on his chest!" In front of him, he grabbed his shirt and laughed loudly, "He has to be responsible for replacing all Slytherin medals, hahaha! There will be a good show tomorrow!"

Juey's smug little expression made Fred move for a while, his big hands clasped her waist, turned around, lifted her to the steps behind him, and kissed her directly. He put his hands on his shoulders and kissed back passionately.

In addition to Sirius' "tsk tsk" twice, the others just looked at them twice, because there were too many kissing couples, and everyone's passion was released in this way.

The knuckles are whitened.

"August, what's wrong with you?" A photographer colleague who had just finished taking the photo next to him patted his shoulder, and then followed his gaze to see the end of the kiss Joey and Fred were still joking and pecking chickens at each other. The photographer immediately recorded the scene and said with a smile, "It's so nostalgic, August, we have been graduating for ten years. Right? Back then at school, my wife and I kissed like this all day long, haha!"

But this expression was also fleeting, so fast that he suspected that he was blinded by the flash just now.

"Yes, Pelly, it's really enviable to be young." August's chubby face is still the familiar smile, he raised his camera and said proudly, " I captured a lot of great moments of the warriors this time, and this time Rita will never say I'm useless."

"Only you will listen to what that woman has to say. She is a famous nonsense king!" Said, "Look, I'm looking for material that can use her rumor-making skills again."

At this time August suddenly covered his stomach and said palely: "Oh! My stomach hurts so much, damn, there must be something wrong with the cream I ate in the morning! I have to go to the bathroom in the castle quickly !"

Perry watched as he stooped through the crowd with difficulty, even his hat was squeezed off, and he was still looking forward to the embarrassment of his stupid colleague pulling on his pants.

The process of the warriors fighting the fire dragon made all the students still not satisfied, Zhuy and Fred Hui poured into the castle in the heated discussion crowd. Obviously Harry did a good job, and many people changed his name from "Potter" back to "Harry".

When Jue and Fred turned the stairs on the second floor, Peeves suddenly appeared. His appearance scared a group of second-year Hufflepuff girls and ran away. It can be seen that How much this naughty ghost usually tossed them!

"Ma'am! Peeves has something to report to you!" Peeves floated in front of Zhu Yi, very excited as if offering a treasure, "There are some pictures in Myrtle's bathroom, There's a photo of you and this guy in there that I think you might want to see!"

Peeves guessed right, and Jue immediately dragged Fred to Myrtle's bathroom. There are a few photos scattered in front of the sink here. Fred and Jue saw the photo of them kissing at a glance, both the angle and the composition were perfect, Jue loved it so much!

"I don't know who took it, it's not bad!" Zhu Yi picked up the photo and found that there were words on the back! It says "very good".

Fred's eyes were drawn to another photo, a small gold cup on a pile of gold coins, which looked like a jeweled photo that was his future goal.

"This also has writing." Fred turned the photo to the back, and Zhu Yi also turned his head to the side, looking at the "horcrux has been taken" written on it.

"This is someone who wants us to report to Dumbledore." Fred said with a serious expression.

Ju Yi's mind also turned around, it seems that it is time to go to the principal's office again.

The author has something to say:

Starting the main storyline! The child has been sick recently, so I didn't reply to everyone's messages. Now that I'm better, I have time to code words. The stock is running out, haha!

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