The Treasure Hunt of an Antique Dealer

Chapter 2085: "The Devil's Blast Furnace"

The latest website: "Tractors? It’s good to have tractors in those years! That time we returned to Jiangnan from Guangxi Province, if it weren’t for the relationship between Brother Guan, the two of us would not get home by train in at least two or three days, and the trucks had to turn around. Then transfer to the car.

We live in the county seat and still work at the Material Bureau. Sometimes we can take the car from the work unit and the Grain Bureau when we go to the countryside. Otherwise, if ordinary people go to the countryside or village, having a tractor is like a holiday! "

Recall that when I had a bicycle that belonged to traffic hipsters, I did not ride a bicycle at all when I went out within a few tens of miles. It was enough to ride a bicycle. Besides, it was inconvenient to ride a bicycle.

The unit needs to have a car to go to the destination. There are few passenger trains, and many villages still have no passenger transport at all. Until some time ago, I saw that many lines were still popular with "three cards".

It is a walk-behind motor tricycle with a diesel engine, with a tin shed on the body, and a narrow wooden strip wrapped artificial leather bench on each side of the inside.

Sit in rows face to face, with at least five or six people on one side, and put a small stool in the middle when you are busy, no matter what safety is unsafe!

The rear of the carport is empty, with a removable steel pipe in the middle, which can be used to hang bicycles-the traditional bicycle handlebars can be stuck upside down.

Yan County is still relatively developed, let alone some underdeveloped areas.

Now Charlie made a little grimace on her face, don't say anything, otherwise, her brother 100% will give her a jie-level education class!

Xiao Nizi was so spoiled that she actually described the An-12 as a tractor. She wanted to drive a plane in a bullock cart, so don't be too awesome!

Seeing that she has learned well, she has no further education.

This time, Andre was here together, but Xiang Weirong and Thomas did not come. There will be so many things, it is impossible for everyone to follow Zhang Nan around.

Knowing that Guan Xingquan didn't have much interest in seeing the scenery, Charlie sat on the side of the only small coffee table in the cabin, and naturally Zhang Nan's seat was opposite.

Andre sat next to Guan Xingquan, and several bodyguards boarded the plane with Tom, the butler. As for the heavily armed guards, they boarded the six Mi24VM.

The six armed helicopters were not fully loaded today. There were two hanging points on each side of the short wing, and three of them had a GUV-8700 pod on each side.

Since the Mi-24 was equipped with the army, it has often been used as an **** aircraft, but it has been used for escorting sightseeing. I don’t know if it was there before.

The GUV-8700 pod is fierce, each equipped with a YakB-12.7 machine gun with 750 rounds of ammunition, plus two GShG-7.62 machine guns with 1800 rounds each.

All are four-barreled Gatling, and the 12.7mm one is loaded with double-headed bullets. Half of the first round is a steel-cored armor-piercing incendiary warhead, the latter is a combustion tracer round, and the rest are normal steel-cored warheads both front and rear. .

Double the firepower, once launched, it is a real barrage of fire!

The other three are each mounted with two UPK-23-250 pods, with a GSh-23 twin-barreled cannon inside and 250 rounds of ammunition.

For **** missions, no rockets or anti-tank missiles are needed. The nose cannon and a pair of pods are enough, and there is no need to hang two pairs.

As soon as they lifted into the air, three Mi-24s with cannon pods concealed the Mi 171 Zhang Nan was riding in. All Mi-24s were equipped with radar and infrared warning devices, as well as infrared jamming bombs.

The first 100 shells of the three Mi-24 cannon pods were unique to the Soviet Union, and they were loaded with rare infrared jamming bombs.

A very strange design. To put it bluntly, it is a special kind of tracer. The tracer carries a strong infrared signal. Once the time is right, it can deflect portable surface-to-air missiles such as Stinger.

Made in the Soviet Union, other countries don’t seem to have such a design.

The other three Mi-24s are on the periphery. Don't be afraid of 10,000 or just in case. If there are ground-to-air missiles coming up, you will have to rely on these six Mi-24s.

Infrared induction, even directly with its own fuselage to resist-a lot of "stinger" shot down during the war in Afghanistan, but after more Mi-24 was hit by the stinger, they went back home in a swagger and injury.

As for before returning home, the attackers are usually blown up to pieces!

Mi 24, the survivability is still very strong.

There is no danger. For countries such as the Democratic Republic of Congo and Rwanda, how can man-portable surface-to-air missiles be so easy to obtain.

There is no army, let alone a bunch of hard-working militants. This arrangement is really just in case.

The fleet quickly approached the Nyiragongo volcano, which was spectacular from a distance, and even more majestic as it approached!

The mountain is very steep. The top of the mountain is 3469 meters above sea level. It is no problem to fly up to the same level of 24 and 171 under normal load.

It is also because the mountain is too steep, and the elevation difference between the foot of the mountain and the top of the mountain is nearly two kilometers. If you rely on two legs, you need not only good physical strength, but also a certain professional mountaineering ability and equipment.

You can climb up empty-handed, and you have to be a mountaineer with a certain amount of rock climbing ability.

Zhang Nan boasted that he was an expert in climbing trees since he was a child, and he was also very good at climbing.

Not being aggressive, being reckless is still dangerous, not to mention the idea of ​​crawling through the two kilometers of height difference like a dog-no kidding, not a professional, it is not always certain whether you can climb to the top in a day!

Helicopter is the most convenient, then fly up.

It is very spectacular, rising from the almost flat terrain, the diameter of the crater is super huge two kilometers!

At present, the crater of Nyiragongo volcano was formed when it erupted in 1977. Unlike other relatively low-level shield volcanoes within tens of kilometers, it is a stratified volcano with super steep slopes.

There are two older volcanoes in the south and the north, but are partially covered by the Nyiragongo volcano, and there are about 100 parasitic cones distributed mainly along the south and east, and along the northeast-southwest belt extending to Kivu By the lake.

From the air, it is clear that many volcanic cones are exposed, and more are buried by lateral overflowing lava flows-the last time the lava overflow rushed from the eastward fissure to the south of the volcano and spread to within 4 kilometers near Goma Many people died in the region!

This is an extremely dangerous volcano, but two days ago, a group of volcano experts invited by the group went up with equipment, and the news came back that it is temporarily stable.

This is actually a process. Of course, Zhang Nan knows that it is temporarily Otherwise, how dare you come here to see it!

The seven helicopters circled to the north of the volcanic cone, flying higher and higher, and finally flew higher than the highest point of the crater.

"Wow! Brother, look at it, it's so spectacular!"

Charlie couldn't help but marvel, but Zhang Nan said: "Lady, be reserved! Snoring.

However, "The Devil's Blast Furnace" is well-deserved and worth a visit! "

Most of the crater circle is very steep, with large volcanic rocks, slightly higher in the north and lower in the south, and very deep in the middle, and there is a terrifying lava lake!


I wrote on the sofa last night. It was cold and covered with a blanket. I might have fallen asleep just after ten o'clock. My wife woke up at six o'clock today and went to the living room to wake me up. She actually slept until dawn like this. Fortunately, she didn't catch a cold. She seemed really tired.

(End of this chapter)

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