The Treasure Hunt of an Antique Dealer

Chapter 2068: "Old Aircraft"

The command center immediately gave the best attack plan. At this moment, the command center of the entire group in Africa has complete control of the deployment of air and ground forces. The best plan given is to attack from northern Uganda.

The bombing of the Entebbe International Airport, which is almost undefended from a technical perspective, does not necessarily have to dispatch the long-range aviation strike forces thousands of kilometers away from the south-in addition to the many air bases in southern Africa and the Gambia, in Uganda To the north, the group also has air power!

The order was given to two aviation complexes at the Juba Air Force Base, an important town in southern Sudan. Two fighter squadrons attacked there early this morning and bombed two meter-gauge railway stations and a military camp in northwestern Uganda.

The second wave of airstrike forces originally set off after half an hour. As soon as the new instructions arrived, the ground crew began to get busy, replacing some of the aerial bombs already mounted on the plane.

The pilots are familiar with the target and route of the attack again. The task is not difficult. If an international airport is there waiting to be bombed by oneself, a cadet will not bomb the wrong place.

This unit can be regarded as the grandfather of the aviation unit of the group, and its equipment is relatively backward. One of the regiments was also deployed in Malakal in northern South Sudan in the first half of the year.

The two squadrons were of the size of a mixed regiment. Six squadrons of MiG-23 and MiG-21 fighters were mixed, and half of them were deployed in Malakal, which could threaten Khartoum at any time.

Not all Soviet fighter pilots will fly the new fourth-generation (Russian generation method) combat aircraft. When it was finished, a large number of late-model MiG-21s, as well as MiG-23s and MiG-27s, were abandoned.

These aircraft are only one generation behind the advanced fighters such as the MiG-29 and Su-27. In fact, most of the aircraft are in very good condition, and the manufacturing time is not long, and they can be used for many years.

The main reason why they were discarded by Da Mao and Er Mao was not because they were too old and backward, but because they had no money to support them!

This will include the United States. There are still many second-generation fighters of the F4 category (Western generation method) in service in the Western world, but many are no longer mainly engaged in air superiority combat missions, ground attack, and electronic warfare. These activities have become their main business.

As for those second- and third-rate air forces in the world, late-model MiG-21 fighters at the same level as MiG-23, this will still be a treasure!

Now it is 1995, not 20 years later.

The group bought a huge amount of Russian-class third-generation fighters and Western-class second-generation fighters almost at no cost, and emptied a large number of spare parts warehouses.

Two of the MiG-23s that attacked before dawn today were from Sakhalin, half of the earth!

Part of the "old planes" are sealed and can be used after they are unblocked. The old ones are only relatively speaking.

Some of the aircraft in the best condition can be used directly, and the ones with the earliest production time and the relatively worst condition can be disassembled as accessories. These are enough combat aircraft that are still useful for flying for 30 years or even longer.

Some time ago, it strengthened the Su-24 fighter-bombers of the two squadrons, because the Sudanese Air Force also had this type of "bomb truck", so it had to be matched.

This will be a circle near South Sudan. The aviation strike force of this size is sufficient to deter neighbors. Sudan in the north and Ethiopia in the east have not yet imported MiG-29s and Su-27s.

In fact, it does not matter if they are imported, because the group now owns and will continue to have newer and more powerful fighters. This financial strength is unmatched by the nearby African countries.

Actually, there is another reason why you don't have to worry: Ethiopia seems to want to tighten its belt in the past two years and ask Russia to buy seven to eight Su-27s.

Regardless of the fact that the relationship between the group and its relationship is pretty good, even if Ethiopia buys the Su-27, it will only be able to hire retired Russian pilots for a few years.

The Sunshine Star Group has long since poached out the best hairy pilots, and has already begun to train its own pilots, with yellow, white and dark skins.

If this group of African countries buy Russian-style aircraft, they can only hire Maozi pilots for many years at the beginning, but whether they hire Maozi or Ermao, lending those pilots three guts will not be an enemy of the Sunshine Star Group.

Whether in the Russian land or the Ukrainian Great Plains, there is a world on the bright side, and there is another world in the underground world, and His Royal Highness Alan is the undisputed king of that underground world!

Driving a fighter plane against the Sunshine Star Group?

Not to mention that your home is in Kiev, Moscow, or even a small village in the Siberian virgin forest. The whole family is definitely dead!

This will start to reload two of the eight Su-24s, remove the FAB-100 and FAB-250 aerial bombs on the six-pack composite pylon, and prepare to replace each with 19 BETAB-500 rocket anti-runway bombs.

The four pilots and weapon operators waited slowly in the air-conditioned lounge. It took a lot of time to change the vehicles and new bombs.

As for the other six Su-24 pilots, after accepting the new mission, they all went to the toilet and set off.

The base is only 600 kilometers away from Ende, without a detour, the Su-24 can attack with the maximum ammunition.

But these six Su-24s are not fully loaded, because three-quarters of the bombs on each plane are small guys, only 100 kilograms of FAB-100.

Half of the pilots stationed in South Sudan are old guys who can't fly new fighters, and the other half are new pilots trained by the group over the years. After flying the troops under higher education aircraft, they learn ground attack techniques in actual combat.

South Sudan was unstable, and used the old to bring the new. It also dropped two bombs against a guerrilla tent!

The skills of new pilots are improving rapidly. It is close to the equator and the altitude is not as high as that of the Great Rift Valley in the south. It can reach nearly 30 degrees at the coolest time of the year. From January to April, it is thirty-seven degrees. , Octave is the norm.

The heat is hot. A bunch of old Maozi pilots actually like this temperature very much. They ran outside to sunbathe at 30 degrees Celsius.

In the past two years, the guerrillas have been suppressed seven or eighty-eight, but a lot of bombs have been stored. Valley

The traffic situation in Southern Sudan is not so good. The new railway to Ethiopia is still being planned. The old narrow-gauge railway is only available in the north, but it still connects to Sudan. It can only provide some civilian supplies.

Transportation of military supplies to South Sudan is either by road or by air.

Originally, most roads were unreliable in the rainy season. In recent years, with the gradual extraction of crude oil and small-scale Russian-style smelting on site, aviation fuel and automobile fuel are not only self-sufficient, but also exportable.

Asphalt has also gained a lot. The main road to Ethiopia has been asphalted, but it still needs frequent repairs and maintenance after the rainy season, and the capacity is average.

Coupled with the characteristics of the mission of the aviation unit here, the ordinary aerial bombs that go to this transport are basically the smallest FAB-100 type.

100 kilograms is enough to blow up dirt houses and tents, and it can even be regarded as a cannon for mosquitoes.

What's the use? The Russian aviation thinking doesn't pay attention to it.

The previous MiG-23s were all equipped with FAB-100s, and the two-ton maximum bomb load made them look like a hedgehog.

The smaller traditional free-fall FAB-50 aerial bombs have not been used in the Soviet Union for decades.

For bombing stations and military camps, 100 kilograms of aerial bombs are enough. This one is more powerful than a high-explosive grenade with a similar size of 203 mm large-caliber heavy artillery!

Like the 203 mm B-4 heavy howitzer, which was called the "Soviet hammer" and "demolition machine" by the Soviet Red Army, the high explosive charge was only 15 kg of TNT.

As for the more modern 203-mm howitzers, the high-explosive ammunition can charge up to 20 kilograms.

These FAB-100 aerial bombs are said to be 100 kg class. In fact, the bomb weighs 117 kg, and the charge is 45.3 kg. The cost is extremely cheap, but the power is actually not cheap at all.

Originally, I went to bomb the Ugandan military camp in the northeast. Those houses are estimated to be unable to withstand even 82mm mortar shells. The FAB-100 is already a sledgehammer.

Plane bombing was basically much more terrifying than shelling in a short period of time-the Zelov Highland battle in the Battle of Berlin was not considered a special case. After Zhukov was pressed into a hurry, his face could not bear the special case afterwards.

The pinnacle of artillery doctrine, the level of horror is unprecedented, and it is estimated that there is still no one to come. Whoever goes up may not be able to withstand it.

On April 16, 1945, on the first day of the Zelov Highland battle, Zhukov’s Belarusian 1st Front Army used 600 cannons and Katyusha rockets per kilometer to attack the Zelov Highland with a frontal width of only 1.6 kilometers. Saturation bombardment!

Within half an hour, the Soviet army smashed 600,000 artillery shells onto the German position, plus 3,000 tons of aerial bombs dropped by 735 Soviet bombers.

Didn't win...

Stalin also called to inquire.

Zhukov is in a hurry!

On April 17th Zhukov ordered the troops to carry out the highest-intensity shelling in Soviet history-in just half an hour, more than 40,000 artillery and rocket launchers burned out 1 million shells!

I really don't know how the deaf German soldiers who were captured after the highlands were captured, and the dozens of German soldiers who had gone crazy survived.

Either he has been deafened, or he has gone crazy, there is nothing normal.

In contrast, during the 43-day "Shangganling Campaign", the US military dumped 2 million artillery shells and more than 5,000 aerial bombs on a 3.7 square kilometer area. Was beaten five or six meters short!

All of this has persisted. How firm is the Chinese army's will to fight!

When Mao Zi fought in the Zelov Highlands, it was two days, half an hour a day, and it added up to more than 1.6 million shells.

Excluding the second day, 3,000 tons of bombs and artillery shells fired by at least 1,400 tanks will be added on the first day.

In the end, the loss of personnel was not counted, and the tank lost 800.

Comparing the two, we can see how fierce the German troops were defending the Zerov Highland, and we can also see that the highland fortifications are really solid—it was eventually consumed.

Artillery doctrine, as long as it can be reached, it can be flattened!

So four years ago, I really didn't know what the old Sa guy thought. Baghdad was bombed. His thousands of heavy artillery that had been aimed at the coalition positions did not fire. He waited two days to be bombed by planes.

If it fired, the US military four years ago would definitely not be able to achieve a mythical casualty ratio.

As for the black African army, except for the only Tanzanian army that learns to coordinate with the Tanzanian army, the other...

Hit the bomb, the ones who didn't die run faster than the antelope!

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