The Traverser of Marvel World

Chapter 678: Divine Mirror? Divine Realm!

In the sacred hall, Liu Ruian, dressed in a gold-rimmed white robe, sat cross-legged above the throne. Please read the most complete!

A ball of golden light about the size of a volleyball was quietly suspended in front of Liu Ruian.

The seemingly peaceful ball of light was not calm at all in Liu Ruian's "eyes".

The invisible power of faith continuously poured into Liu Ruian's body through some mysterious channel, and then flowed into this golden ball of light.

A large number of prayer sounds and video clips are constantly rolling in the ball of light, even the light templar will be instantly destroyed by these huge and heterogeneous sounds and images.

But for Liu Ruian, who had already inherited relevant experience from the ontology, it was nothing more than a side dish.

These crazy prayers and video clips will only make Liu Rui'an's spirit stronger and more indestructible.

Under normal circumstances, these mixed powers of belief cannot be directly absorbed.

Even gods need to rely on divine fire and divine spark to digest this power before they can use it for themselves.

Although due to some scruples he didn't "eat" this obviously different power of faith, it didn't mean that Liu Ruian planned to abandon it.

No, Liu Rui'an directly poured the power of faith into the crystallization of the origin energy he condensed by finding another way.

The original power purified from many worlds is more advanced and powerful than these powers of faith that only carry the breath of the original force.

In addition, Liu Ruian did not hesitate to go out of seclusion, and used his own strength to bless this process every day. The source energy crystal, which was originally only the size of a thumb, grew to its current size in almost two years.

When the first ray of sunlight hit the top of the Temple of Light, a beam of light immediately enveloped Liu Ruian's body from top to bottom.

Liu Rui'an, who had closed his eyes for nearly two years, suddenly opened his eyes, and two golden lights that seemed to condense into substance shot into the light ball.


With a light drink, the originally peaceful ball of light changed drastically in an instant.

A moment is a complex geometric pattern,

For a while it is the sun, moon and stars, for a while it is mountains, rivers, lakes and seas, for a while it is flowers, birds, insects and animals...

After about a cup of tea.

"If you don't come out now, when will you stay!!" Liu Ruian suddenly shouted.

Almost as soon as the last word "time" fell, the rapidly changing golden ball of light suddenly burst into dazzling golden light.

In the holy light, the holy song echoed.

Countless golden petals fell from the sky, and the refreshing fragrance spread throughout the temple.

I saw a golden river meandering out of the void, followed by grass, blue sky, white clouds, and green water. Mountains, jungles...

In the originally empty temple, a huge picture scroll soon appeared.

A little bit of golden light fell into it. It condenses into a human form in just a breath.

These people are male and female, human and alien, but they are all young.

At the same time, after discovering that they came to a strange world, they all seemed quite excited.

Almost everyone fell to their knees after being excited, clasped their hands in front of their chests, and then moved their lips constantly.

In Liu Rui'an's eyes, these humanoid creatures are neither illusions nor entities.

It is a special life form composed of pure energy + pure spirit, that is, a living person in another sense, a petitioner.

The so-called petitioners. That is, the pious and outstanding believers in life will be brought by the envoys to their respective kingdoms of gods to be reborn after death, and will obtain eternity in the kingdom of gods.

It is a bit similar to people who enter heaven after death, but they generally cannot leave the place prescribed by God.

Although these petitioners can live forever theoretically, whether they can actually live forever is closely related to the gods they believe in.

Once the gods these petitioners believed in fell, these guys would die forever, or become petitioners of another god that killed their gods.

That's right, Liu Ruian spent nearly two years in retreat. What is tossed out is a kingdom of God.

Or to be more precise, it is a magic weapon with functions similar to the Kingdom of God.

No, after Liu Rui'an enjoyed the magical scroll with satisfaction, it was just a thought.

The dazzling golden light that filled the entire temple suddenly retracted towards the center, and what finally appeared in front of Liu Ruian was a golden glazed mirror about the size of an adult's palm.

"What's the name of this thing?" Looking at the scene on the mirror, Liu Ruian thought to himself with some hesitation:

"Chunyang Mirror? The flavor of Taoism is too strong. The Great Sun Glazed Mirror? The flavor of Buddhism is too strong."

"Mirror of Light? feels so good..."

"Forget it. Don't add any titles, just call it Shenjing. It happens that Jing and Jing have the same pronunciation, and Shenjing is also Shenjing."

"The world controlled by the gods can be described as a godly state. It is also in the shape of a mirror, so let's call it this."

Ever since, the beautifully shaped mirror has an ordinary and scumbag name. mirror.

Although he hasn't wandered around in the mysterious side of the world yet, but for the magic weapon he refined, should be a divine weapon, Liu Ruian can definitely receive it in his body.

But in fact, Liu Ruian didn't do this. Instead, he stretched out his hand and put the magic mirror that he had refined with his own blood into a jade box with exquisite patterns.

Just kidding, the reason for such a toss is to avoid being "polluted" by the power of faith in this world.

The previous clone was planted in the world of "Star Wars", and Liu Ruian didn't want to be planted in the world of Star Wars.

After all, compared to being trapped in a world, the journey of endless planes is more interesting.

As for recreating a clone, hehe...the cost is too high.

Liu Ruian didn't want to waste his strength if it wasn't necessary.

After putting away the magic mirror, Liu Ruian fell from the sky.

The next moment, a figure appeared in the temple instantly.

"Honey, you're out of customs." Padmé Amidala threw herself into someone's arms with a face full of joy, and said.

The former queen, and now the saint, has undergone some changes from two years ago.

Although judging from the appearance, he is still a juvenile face, but the holy aura that permeates his body all the time is much stronger than before.

In addition, the power in Padmé Amidala's body is n times stronger than before.

On the more delicate and stunning face, a golden divine pattern exudes a warm and sacred light between the eyebrows.

"It's finally done." Gently pinching the opponent's chin, Liu Ruian raised the jade box in his hand with a smile, and said:

"Look at my masterpiece, this is a gift I am going to give you, I hope you like it."

"For me?"

All he knew was that his man had been refining a certain artifact for nearly two years. Padmé Amidala took the jade box in surprise and opened it. To be continued.

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