The Trainer on the Straw Hat Ship, the Style of Painting Is Wrong!

Chapter 289 The Sea Kings creatures meet, Lu Chen's goal is Shirahoshi!

"This is……"

Jinbei looked at the water droplets condensed on Hody's hand, and a bad idea suddenly flashed in his mind.

Is this!

The next second, he saw Hody shake his hand fiercely.

Around the hand, a sonic boom of air is instantly generated, and the water droplets attached to the fingers are shot out like bullets.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

Several murloc soldiers were hit by water droplets, revealing several blood holes.

Like being hit by a gun.

They fell to the ground on the spot, and those who didn't faint had expressions of pain on their faces and moaning.

Hody laughed.

"See, King, Jinbei! This is the 'Water Drop Pistol'! Use the super power of the murlocs to wave and shoot water droplets like bullets.

"They are as powerful as the high-efficiency rifles Marine uses!

"This is not even the murloc Arlong has the power of a Master, you guys, why don't you admit defeat?!"

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

A series of water droplets shot out quickly in midair, not only at the Murloc soldiers, Murloc people and Murloc ministers, but also Jinbei's side was inevitable.

Jinbei had no choice but to block the murloc pirates in front of him, grabbed Sanji on the ground, and took him out of the hall temporarily.

Seeing that only the captured murloc kings were left, Hoddy laughed.

147 A red light flashed in his eyes, and his aura reached its peak.

"See, even Haixia Jinbei has left you, what hope do you have now?"

"It's better to take refuge in me, everything in front of us will become a stepping stone for us to set foot on the human land!"

"At that time, I will be the king of the whole world, and you will all be the supreme powers of the world!""

Hoddy made a promise on the spot.

But across from him, all the murloc soldiers, murloc ministers, and even the common murloc people glared at Hordy.

The fish men ministers said angrily: "Hodi, you have not put The fish men island in your heart at all, The fish men island and all the fish men... are just stepping stones to realize your ambitions!"

"Look at how you treat your subordinates, your murloc pirates were also knocked to the ground by you."

"How can you be nice to the people of The fish men island?

The others also nodded.

It is for this reason that the murloc people don't like Hordy at all.

Not to mention, Hoddy had previously kidnapped murloc girls and became a human trafficker of his own tribe, complicit with humans.

Such bad behavior makes it even more impossible for these murloc people and soldiers to choose to support Hodi.

No one expects that their future children will be taken to land and turned into goods by those they support.

Just for an impossible ambition.

"One by one, why don't you agree to me?"

Howdy was furious.

Everything he did was obviously for the future of The fish men island, but these stupid fish people were against him one by one.

How stupid!

But a little sacrifice can be exchanged for unlimited power in the future.

These murlocs can't even do simple arithmetic problems!

"In that case, you all die together!"

Hody stretched out his hands, and there was a trace of cruelty in his eyes.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

The water drop bullets were strafing like Gatling, and the murloc soldiers and murloc people fell one by one.

"Die, die, die!

Hody laughed: "You stupid guys, as long as you kill all those who oppose me, The fish men island will also belong to me!

"When the time comes, we will use this place as a base and gather all the murlocs from all over the world to fight against the world."

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

Looking at the fallen soldiers and people in front of his eyes, the murloc king's eyes filled with tears.

He slammed down to the ground and blocked all the water droplets and bullets with his large body.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

The water drop bullet slammed into the murloc king.

Although the strength of the fish-man king is unparalleled, the scales on his body are amazing in defense, and water droplets and bullets can't penetrate for a while.

But unfortunately, Hody's water droplets and bullets kept breaking (acbd), as if he didn't know he was tired.

Do not.

Can't be called Murloc Pistol anymore, it should be Murloc Gatling.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

The water drop bullet made a muffled sound on the murloc king.

When the same spot is hit several times by random bullets, even the Murloc King can't guarantee that it will be intact.

Those seemingly indestructible scales rustled down in front of everyone.


A little bit seeped out from the gaps in the scales.

The murloc king was full of pain, but looked at the murloc soldiers, murloc ministers, and murloc people with satisfaction.

These people are the residents of his The fish men island.

Although the status is different.

But they are the same.

"I'm sorry, I'm an incompetent king, run away! 95

The murloc king groaned in pain.

He has determined to block his body here, as long as his subordinates can leave.

"Lord King!"

"Lord King!

The fish fell to their knees one after another, their heads touching the ground, and tears poured out.

Many soldiers screamed in the sky, tears welling up in their eyes.

"I should have died on the battlefield for The fish men island, not for the protection of the king!

"Hody, let go of us!!!"

"Today I will die here, and I will drive you out of The fish men island!!!"

Hahaha Hahaha laughed.

There is an endless stream of water droplets and bullets in the hands.

This has become his current pleasure.

The murloc pirates were standing around.

When they saw the tortured king, they sneered sarcastically.

There were even many murloc pirates who took the opportunity to run to other parts of the palace to loot the treasures in the murloc palace.

"Yoyo, I said the brothers had a great time!""

A voice suddenly sounded in the space.

Hody paused slightly.

In the space in front of the fish-man king, a black vortex suddenly appeared.

A man with red eyes came out of the space.

It was Lu Chen who came.

After he had drained the harpy, he went to Shirahoshi.

After all, he remembers that Shirahoshi's ability is one of the three ancient weapons that can destroy the world in the pirate world - Poseidon.

Can summon all kinds of Sea Kings creatures without limit to help her in battle.

It's just that, for now, Shirahoshi's ability to summon Sea Kings isn't obvious, not even her own.

It is only reflected in the usual encounter with Sea Kings creatures. Sea Kings creatures are very friendly to her, and when they are emotional, they will resonate with nearby Sea Kings creatures.

Then let the Sea Kings come to help.


Lu Chen wants to train Shirahoshi.

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