68 – Bullying, stop!(11)

Bayard’s reaction. It was only known that Yana had intervened between Yooyoung and Bayard in the past. Of course, I couldn’t figure it out for sure.

Judging from the reaction, it’s probably not a positive intervention. Look at it now, aren’t you reacting in that way? I frowned.

Before it turns more raucous here. I thought I’d have to lure it in first. So I ran straight to the hallway. Yana followed me right away.

It seemed that even the original purpose had been forgotten. Is that really loyalty? Or is it just self-satisfaction? There is no way to find out about it.

So, please save me. I forgot. Except for the time stop, the fact that now I am literally nothing. Damn it

Of course, there is a special move called time acceleration. That’s too much of a penalty. Unless you’re really dying, it’s a skill you can’t use for a while.

I managed to escape Yana’s rampaging attack and ran out into the courtyard. I didn’t want to interrupt Yooyoung and Bayard’s meeting, but…….

I have changed my mind now. Please anyone, please help me. With that in mind, I purposely came out into the courtyard. Because the courtyard is a place that can be seen everywhere.

“What is that?!”

“Are you an intruder?!”

Fortunately, there were Clara and Ruby in the courtyard. Thanks to that, I was able to avoid the situation of dealing with that monster alone. I cried while looking at them.

“Prepare! Enemy’s surprise!!”

“Okay! Captain!”

“I’m going to show you the taste of a hammer!”

Clara and Ruby reacted immediately to my words. The arrows shot by Clara pierced Yana’s shoulder. Thanks to this, Yana hesitated and stopped. Now is your chance.

Not missing the opportunity, Ruby ran forward. The heavy Ruby’s iron hammer struck Yana on the shoulder. A terrifying cracking sound rang out.

Blood and chunks of flesh that fell on the floor gave off a stench as they rotted. However, Yana doesn’t care. Her other hand swung around and caught her ruby’s neck.


Ruby was caught by her neck, but at the same time she clung to Yana’s arm calmly without panic. He kicked her knee up and broke Yana’s hand, causing her to escape right away.

And Clara covered it. Thanks to this, Ruby was able to reorganize. Both of them are now at the bottom of the Royal Knights, so they have skills that cannot be ignored.

It’s probably because of the constant training I’ve been doing up until now. Of course, the relationship is still not good, but it’s more like a bad friend than an enemy. It wasn’t bad.

“Captain! What is that guy?!”

“Yana is a warrior from the Miao tribe. She is one of the escort knights following Liu Ying.”

“She has a strange sword hanging from her arm. It’s not a normal sword.”

“Can you spot that?”

“I have my own time as a blacksmith.”

“Ruby is right. That is a parasitic curse, one of the curses planted by demons to manipulate people.”

It is not easy to completely change a person’s personality. In fact, it is clearly mentioned in the original work as well. So the demons chose a completely different method.

That’s cleverly covering up the truth. In the case of a parasitic curse, cleverly show what the host wants. It shows an illusion that seems to lead the way.

Actually, it’s not even wrong at all. If you walk the path of fantasy that the curse shows, you really come to think that this path is the right one. That’s what’s really scary.

I don’t know what happened to Yana. However, even if she offers her allegiance with her whole heart. If that’s the wrong way, you have no choice but to stop it eventually.

“Let’s go!!!”

I shouted. As soon as my voice died down, Clara and Ruby ran forward. Clara was already drawing her sword. Yana let out a roar.

“Do not interfere with the loyalty to the lord!!!”

“No, that’s not loyalty.”

“How dare you say you know anything?!”

“Everybody can tell by what you do!”

Is it because I was stabbed by the yeokrin? While Yana was enraged, Ruby swung her hammer at her gap. She aimed at the completely destroyed arm, but the destroyed arm rose again.

However, Ruby calmly evaded the regenerated sword by twisting his body. Apparently not liking her, Ruby glared at Yana as she tutted and clicked her tongue.

“It’s a more agile movement than I thought.”

“But not so much that I can’t win.”

“Okay, let’s fight calmly.”

However, as soon as the words were finished, someone appeared from the sky with a bang. A tall woman with auburn hair. It was Bayard.

“Captain, thank you for trusting me.”


“Leave this to me, Captain. I will definitely overcome it with my own hands!”

I don’t know what you mean. There was only one thing I could say.

“I always believe in you, Bayard.”

Go! Bayard! Bite!

* * *

I received unexpected consideration. If she hadn’t been the leader, she wouldn’t have been able to reconcile with Yoo-young forever. I talked a lot with Yooyoung.

What have you been doing and how have you been? And so on. In fact, I also know what Yoo-Young has done up until now because I have heard about it.

“Why did you start the war?”

“……I am blinded by the bright future.”

“You’re wrong. You shouldn’t do that.”

“I know. But I have no intention of regretting it. If I could go back in time, I would make the same choice. That’s the weight of being a ruler.”

“……That’s why I joined the Royal Knights.”


Yooyoung made a surprised expression. I smiled bitterly while watching such a swimming. The real reason I joined the Royal Knights was because of that.

A secret I never told anyone. In the past, when I was in Seodang, I suffered a lot of bullying and even betrayal, so I locked myself in my room because I was afraid of people.

However, I heard that the Beast tribe had lost the war. And the fact that Yoo-Young was responsible for it. At first, I thought it looked good.

But I soon changed my mind. I couldn’t properly hear the story from Yooyoung. So, at least once. I really wanted to talk to Yooyoung.

[I will apply for the Royal Knights.]

[Have you finally made up your mind?]

[…] … Yes.]

[The road is very arduous and difficult. Would you still walk?]

[No regrets.]

You can curse at me for being foolish. However, I thought that I was friends with Yooyoung to that extent. So, I didn’t want to give up until I checked it myself.

[Do you face reality? Yooyoung abandoned you!]

[How dare you, a scumbag who was not even chosen by the 12 tribes, dare to hang out with the successor of the rat tribe?]

[In the end, you’re trying to look good to the rats and take a seat, aren’t you?]

The words that pierced my heart like a razor blade still lingered in my head. At first, I didn’t pay attention to the words, until I met Yooyoung and had a conversation.

So I wanted to meet Yooyoung. Even if her followers, including Yana, reject me, I was going to listen and judge for myself.

However, Yoo-young did not appear at the place we were supposed to meet. I thought she had clearly communicated it, but no way. Was it really true what those guys said? Is it like that?

“Why didn’t you come out that day?”

I spit out the things of the day that I kept ignoring. My heart is pounding. If really, like those guys say. If I threw it away because I didn’t need it.

Then what should I do? At that time, such numerous questions were filling up like water. An unexpected response came back. Yooyoung tilted her head.

“What are you talking about? She’s the one who didn’t show up.”

Yooyoung said. She came to the place we were supposed to meet, but she didn’t. However, the places they remember each other were different. I was waiting at the back of the Seodang.

Yooyoung said that she was waiting in the herb garden inside Seodang. When she heard the story, did she feel relieved? We talked briefly.

But there was no more time to talk. Because I heard a loud noise from outside. I said with a smile.

“Sorry, I think I’ll have to stop now.”

“Already? Oh, I still have a lot more to say.”

“I also have a lot of things I want to say. But let’s talk later.”

I have work to do now. Just as the general manager believed in me, I also believe in the general manager. I was able to come this far thanks to the leader. So, I have to pay back too.

I threw myself out the window. The guy is right in front of you. He was the guy who used to bully me over and over again. Because of the memory of that time, I continued to fear and avoid him.

But not now. Because there is a leader behind me.

The leader believes in me. I will never give up

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