45 – Comprachicos (8)

“Are you going to abandon the hostages now?!”

Ruby’s anger was understandable. innocent people, not anyone else. It also sounded like he was abandoning his compatriots. Actually, so did we.

In such a situation, the only thing that remained calm was the little girl sitting next to the captain. Was she trusting the leader? Or is it unconditionally followed?

“Sir Ruby, let’s listen to the captain first.”


“The teacher must have something in mind.”

Had it not been for the intervention of Cluna and the little girl. Maybe Ruby would grab the leader’s collar. Although not as much as her, Clara and Yuren share the same thoughts.

A knight with a sword and shield.

Its honor is to protect people.

It doesn’t matter what race there is. It must be the pride of a knight to protect innocent and powerless people. However, Yuren could not press hard. because of your own situation.

“Let me explain one by one.”

“……It should be an understandable explanation.”

“First of all, it’s the Comprachicos’ ability to control the mind. It’s obvious what will happen if you fall under this power.”

Not to mention Clara and Ruby, who fell in love with each other on the subject of elves and dwarves. When Yuren saw his brainwashed colleagues, he collapsed and suffered himself.

Bayard was also mentally controlled, so that trauma still remains. At my words, Ruby kept her mouth shut. Although she is said to be the lowest, she is also a member of the Royal Knights.

It wasn’t that he couldn’t understand the weight of Hans. Rather, I understood it to the bone. Compared to the leader, Yuren, and Bayard, they are really new chicks.

But can the bayyard really stand up to the power of mind control that has been helpless? I couldn’t even do that with empty words. Captain Hans continued his words coldly.

“Plus, he’s obsessed with the stage he’s created. He’s a common twisted artist. In other words, the moment we step on stage, we’re defeated by him.”

“Then is there a way?”

“Yes. That is to burn the entire stage.”


“Captain Yuren, is it possible?”

“……It is possible. But if you do that……”

Captain Hans’ answer was brutal beyond imagination. But no one could put a toe on it. Because they have already failed. only one failure.

However, that failure remains deep in people’s hearts and eats away at themselves. Can someone like me be like this? Can someone like me really be this happy?

It makes you think that way. So did they. Is there really anything different about being opposed here? What if I objected and failed? Then it’s really over.

There was no one who could bear that weight, at least not right now. Just one failure, and seeing his colleagues die as a result. They still haven’t forgotten.

“I’ll signal after I save the villagers. Then burn the village right away.”

“……Wait a minute, what did you just say?”

“Is there something wrong?”

“Could it be that you were going to save everyone, even the people?”

sacrifice a cow for the sake of So far, everyone has accepted it that way. But, is that not the case? Hearing Yuren’s trembling voice, the leader tilted his head.

“Isn’t that obvious?”

And, he actually proved it. It was a very short time, maybe 5 minutes. A signal came from him. Soon, a huge dragon covered the sky over the village.

The dragon’s breath fell from the sky and burned everything it touched. There was no hesitation in that flame. I never thought in the slightest that Captain Hans would lie.

And, he actually kept his promise. He saved all the villagers. Escorting the villagers is Clara and Ruby. It’s probably the captain’s consideration.

[I will take the comprachicos by myself.]

[But, Captain. Wouldn’t that be too dangerous?]

[No problem. Mind control doesn’t work for me.]

“……You really are a strong male.”

Yuren, who exhaled the dragon’s breath from the sky, came down to the ground again. Yes, he was a strong man worthy of the name of the leader. And when you strangle him with that strong hand, really… … .

… … what am i thinking now

Yuren struggled to deny that idea.

However, he could not deny the blush that appeared on his face.

* * *


According to Director Yu Ren, it means a person who buys and sells children in ancient language. In fact, the Comprachicos are a criminal organization that appears in the novel The Man Who Laughs.

I don’t know if such an organization even existed. Anyway, this game has many motifs from many famous novels. It wouldn’t be unreasonable for something like that to appear.

Quaang!! Comprachicos, who had lost his temper in anger, closed the distance in an instant and swung his fists. It’s a good situation when your opponent loses his temper. Movement is easy to read.

But the problem was also my skills.

Even though he already has skills at an ordinary level. Plus, I lost one eye. It is not easy to react to not only the sense of distance, but even the blind spots.

From nob le mt l dot com

My body was pushed back with the sound of the floor scratching. The Comprachicos, in the judgment of Captain Yuren, are more dangerous than the lower class, but more like bloodlines. Combat ability is weak.

In other words, the Comprachicos’ front-to-front combat ability is barely worthy of the name of a demon. However, even such a Comprachicos was being pushed from the front by force.

It is natural in the first place.

Even if it’s just a monster, it’s no different from a disaster.

Because it’s about dealing with demons who are more than that.

However, I have no intention of being content with holding my ankles for granted. Even if he rots, if he’s the leader, shouldn’t he do something worthy of his name? I raised my body to creak.

Like a broken wooden doll, the body shuddered and did not move properly. A few battles have already reached the limit. But don’t give up. I need to catch that guy.

From nob le mt l dot com

Mind control. what an annoying ability It is a very, very heinous ability at the time stop level. I don’t know anything else, but I can’t forgive that one. I gritted my teeth and said.

“Did you enjoy it?”


“Do you find it so much fun to manipulate people as you please, drive them into despair, and laugh at it as a tragedy?

“…If you can’t avoid it, enjoy it. That’s the philosophy of life I’ve come to understand, right?”

“It’s dog sh*t philosophy.”

I burst into a small rage and ran again. Correspondingly, the Comprachicos also rushed at me. Comprachicos had a flute in his hand. Maybe that’s the medium of ability.

In fact, Captain Yu Ren also said that he heard the sound of the flute. I too heard the flute in the village. In other words, if you hear the sound of the flute, you will be mentally controlled. It would be okay to look at it that way.

However, it does not appear to be an ordinary flute. As proof of that, I was casually cutting off my sword, which contained the protection of the forest. Even though those grotesque ones had easily decapitated them before.

“…it can’t be helped.”

This is the limit of my skills right now. At least, it is possible to deal with the opponent to some extent without time stop. It was only possible because the opponent was not good at frontal combat among the demons.

Even in a head-to-head confrontation, I was in a state of being pushed. And a state where time stop can’t be used to save the villagers. It can’t be helped, once you decide to do it, you have to do it right.

since when Maybe it was from the time I gave up one eye to save Yuren. Since I gave my eyes then, I realized how to use this power.

I looked up. Every single grain of ashes floating in the sky was visible. Beneath it, the Comprachicos were still running hard towards me.

It was too slow than I thought, so I went out to meet him myself. Run forward and swing your sword. The Comprachicos’ arm was cut off. Unlike earlier, the demon’s arm was easily cut off like tofu.

I could see the Comprachicos’ face stained with astonishment. It’s definitely a nice expression, but I don’t have a bad taste in observing it. Another limb was amputated in an instant.

and… … .

Time goes back to normal.

In an instant, the dismembered body of the Comprachicos fell to the floor. I felt something tingling and gritty rising up inside me. I forcibly swallowed it with all my might.

Because you can’t show your weakness to the enemy.

Comprachicos still did not know what had been done to him. That’s right, this power can affect the opponent no matter how weak it is.

[I’ll just do it as a service at first, but not from next time.]

[I will receive the same price.]

[The price is… … Shall I lightly tear open the intestines?]

On that day, to save Captain Yuren.

The power that I acquired anew in exchange for my eyes.

time acceleration.

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