27 – Welcome to our family-like Knights! (4)

In the original story, it was described that the tribal alliance had fallen with the Royal Knights.

After all, the alliance wasn’t completely broken. Anyway, on the surface, the tribal alliance was maintained. And it won’t break until all demons are wiped out.

What does that mean?

In the past, even if it was a race with a bad relationship, to the point of being willing to go to war. In any case, it meant that he would not go to a dangerous situation where he would draw his weapon first like in the old days.

The problem is that I’m in an unusual situation.

The weeds were long enough to reach his waist. Very thick giant trees and vines were intertwined. And in the meantime, they were aiming their bows at this direction.

Except for one, most of them had shiny blonde hair. Also, the ears were pointed. Plus, each and every one of them was very beautiful. What to hide, these guys were elves living in the forest.

It is also aiming its bow at us, the Royal Knights.

How did you get into this situation?

Let’s turn the time back to morning for a moment.

* * *

The Royal Knights were the most elite combined knights, selected based only on their skills, regardless of race or status. That’s why, with the exception of the leader, there was no rank to each other.

Even the position of captain was close to the other Royal Knights voluntarily following his will. There was one symbol that symbolizes the will of the Royal Knights… … .

The heart of Lionheart Fortress. There was a room large enough to be close to the plaza, and in it was a red round table that could seat 20 people. that’s the symbol

Round table of equality.

Regardless of race, it was created so that everyone could face each other and speak on an equal footing. I called all the Royal Knights to the Round Table of Equality. There was an urgent agenda.

“Today, the kingdom was contacted. Fortunately, the kingdom said they would supplement various manpower.”

A considerable amount of manpower was required only to manage the fort. Not to mention basic cleaning and meals. Even the guards guarding this fort. and so on. A lot of people needed it.

But that many manpower, without even notifying me. At the point where they took it out on their own. The Royal Knights were already abandoned by the Tribal Alliance.

Of course, there are many articles wishing for the revival of the Royal Knights. For the Royal Knights who do not know what will happen, dispatching high-quality personnel from their own country? It’s not easy for the rulers.

watch for once Are the Royal Knights showing any signs of growing? Then I decided that it was not too late to apply. Anyway, annoying bastards, just search them all.

“We start with manpower deployment, and finally make the normalization of Lionheart Fortress our top priority.”

From nob le mt l dot com

Many facilities are closed due to lack of people. Not to mention the pharmacy or laboratory. Even the training grounds closed 4 out of 5. To that extent, our situation is very serious now.

“Do you have time to do all of that?”

“What do you mean?”

“Even now, the demons are still targeting us. That’s why we need to prepare accordingly.”

Surprisingly, Ruby was the first to express her opinion. Certainly not wrong. The Royal Knights were the biggest stumbling block to the demons. Because the Royal Knights are extinct.

There was nothing strange about it, even if he led the monsters and rushed in right away. I looked at Ruby in silence. Aside from her strong tone, her body is trembling slightly.

From nob le mt l dot com

Maybe it’s scary You’d think that those who slaughtered all of their comrades would come back to us. Even so, her will to not run away is great.

“You don’t have to worry about that.”

“What are you talking about? Are you belittling them?”

“It can’t be. I’ve never looked down on demons.”

“Then I want you to explain properly.”

“Even though the Royal Knights were wiped out.

It’s not even just the Royal Knights. It was against the Royal Knights, who were enjoying the best days of all time. Besides, didn’t even a survivor come out now?

“In other words, even if you can’t do it, you have about a year to spare. So, before that, do as much maintenance as possible. Prepare for the enemy’s attack.”

Of course, I wasn’t the only one who really guessed that. It is stated in the original game story. Two years after the Royal Knights were wiped out, a full-scale demonic attack began.

However, it is not always a safe situation. The Royal Knights were originally wiped out, but now they are not. Because the attack of demons could start earlier than in the original story.

So, not 2 years, but 1 year. Or you’d better think the attack could start sooner than that. But I couldn’t just skip the basics.

“Fortresses are the cradle and friend of troops. But without even the basics, how can we wage war?”

“……I’m sorry. I was in a hurry.”

“No, I understand. It’s natural to feel impatient. But in times like this, you have to prepare step by step.”

And that was the only thing I could do. It’s not like I’m going to train any kind of Royal Knights. First of all, somehow restore the foundation of the Royal Knights that were destroyed.

After that, the next leader will do something. Fortunately, the kingdom provided a lot of support. Not to mention human resources such as blacksmiths and pharmacists. He even said he would send security forces.

It also provided some funding support. It’s like the sweet rain of a drought. Of course, it was the king who made me the leader. Also, in a way, they give you sickness and medicine.

“Captain! I think I can help with this!”


“I told you before! Comrades live nearby!”

“……It was.”

“I’ll ask my comrades for help! They’ll definitely help!”

Clara’s expression with her hand raised and a bright smile as she spoke was certainly better than before. Counseling seems to be quite effective. But apart from that, it’s the help of the service club.

I closed my eyes for a moment and thought. From declaring war to allies for touching a tree, to trading with the guts to exchange corn and diamonds as a condition for peace negotiations on such a topic.

No matter how much I think about it, I don’t think it will help at all. No, no. I shook my head vigorously. Now, I was in a position where I had to eat at least sour rice, let alone cold rice.

“That’s right, an elf would definitely help.”

“Right? Right?!”

“The fact that there are more Kampfs. It’s terrible.”

“On the subject of dwarf poo!”

“Stop chatting. And Clara, make your preparations in the morning. In the afternoon, we’ll set off right into the woods.”

“Are you going with the captain?”

of course. On such an important agenda, the leader has to step in and do the work himself. If the manpower coming from the kingdom and the help of the elves were combined, it would be possible to develop by leaps and bounds.

“Then sir, I will go with you.”

“No, you stay and train with Ruby.”


“Ruby is a member of the Royal Knights. And a veteran knight who came back alive from that hell, there must be a lot to learn.”

“…I know what you mean.”

Lionheart Fortress could not be left empty. You don’t know when and where the monsters will attack. Unlike demons, monsters can operate within the barrier.

“My hobby is not to take care of children. But when the leader says that, it can’t be helped.

“What is he saying now.”

“I’m happy to be praised. You can just leave it alone at that time.”

Indeed, it is. I actively adopted Clara’s opinion. Helya’s talent was real. To the extent that he had mastered the Thunder Dragon sword technique he had said half a year ago as a joke, on his own.

In the first place, even in the original work, he appeared as a swordsman. If you raise her well, she will be able to play an active part in the Royal Knights. So, leave it to the other members to raise it.

At least you can make much more progress than learning from someone like me. Leaving Helya with Ruby, I left the fort with Clara in the afternoon and headed for the forest.

… … And what followed is the current situation.

No matter how I think about it, I haven’t done anything wrong. I didn’t break a single branch just in case. I came here carefully not to step on even the grass. Do you have a welcome ceremony like this as soon as you arrive?

As expected, annihilation is the answer to the service charge.

It was at that moment that I was deciding the next policy in my mind. Someone appeared among the elves. Unlike other elves, silver hair that glows softly.

Pointed ears and blue eyes that could be seen between them were coldly sunken. Also, while the other elves were wearing both swords and bows, she was wearing only one sword.

No matter how you look at it, that nobleman can only be seen as a leader. It was at that time that I wanted to ask why he was doing this all of a sudden. Clara, who had suddenly become quiet, exclaimed in astonishment.

“Uh, mother…?!”

… … what?

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