100 – Out of five people, one must be garbage (1)

As a result, the performance of the prosthetic hand was clear. To the subject of very strong, precise movement. It wasn’t that heavy either. Of course, it’s relatively light anyway.

It wasn’t that it wasn’t heavy. When the body is relaxed, the weight of the prosthetic hand causes the body to lean sideways. There were also quite a few inconveniences. What can I do, I have to endure…….

Cluna took over other detailed inspections instead. Because she was the one who implemented magic instead of nerve bundles in the first place. She even said she cooperated somewhat on the technical stuff.

If you are good at magic and have excellent skills. I wonder what I can’t do. But it was not incomprehensible. There were also dwarves among her companions, and they had lived a long time.

“Thank you, Cluna. Thanks to you, I can survive.”

“This is nothing, Captain.”

“No, but I should definitely say thank you.”

“Then I’ll just accept your heart.”

I quietly looked at my arm. Watching the mechanical arm made of black metal move according to my will. It felt real all over again. That this is a game

I don’t know how I got possessed by the time stop man. First of all, the Royal Knights must be rebuilt, and the power of the Union must be concentrated as one. I looked around.

It was only me and Cluna in the office. In preparation for the worst, he instructed Cluna to build a barrier. In other words, it means that there is definitely no one around right now.

“Okay, what do you think about this problem?”

A few days ago, that is, the very next day after testing the performance of the prosthetic arm. A letter came to me It wasn’t just a letter, it was a secret letter with magic and technical sealing.

The content of the letter was simple. A clan union meeting is scheduled to be held in secret. The content was to ask for the Round Table of Equality to be rented as a meeting place. Is it a meeting of the multi-racial federation…….

As it is set up, it was held quite often at the Round Table of Equality. Since the collapse of the Royal Knights, it has never been opened until the protagonist rebuilds the Royal Knights again.

In other words. It’s as if the coalition now sees an opportunity to join forces once again. And that’s not bad news. If the union is revived again.

Because you’ll be able to stand up well against the demons. It was a story when it worked out well as a result. In fact, Cluna had a negative opinion about her current agenda.

“If it’s an alliance that can only be controlled by one knight. I think it’s better not to have one.”

“You’re not wrong.”

I wonder if it’s because I’ve seen this kind of thing a lot because I have a lot of experience. It was Cluna’s opinion that it was better not to lose strength in useless places. Certainly, the power could be weakened.

Once the Alliance is re-established. Among them, things that tackle our activities will come out one by one. Of course, you can show your overwhelming major and make them shut up.

As the old saying goes, the scariest thing in the world is the enemy within. If those who thought they were allies trolled at a critical moment, they could collapse in an instant.

“But unity is necessary.”

“If the captain says so.”


But I had no choice but to rebuild the Union. The reason was because of the demons. This game had to unite the opinions of all the races as one, which was out of place.

If you don’t do that, it’s because most of them went straight to the bed ending or normal ending. It’s just a yagem subject, but I wonder why they made it so complicated. I liked it at first.

There are a lot of options for playing games. Also, the gameplay was pretty good. However, I saw a good ending by attacking all the heroines and merging all the races into one with tears of tears…….

I never dreamed that there would be an ending for Mr. Time Stop. Those bastards have wasted all my time. Of course, the futility and anger at that time were beyond imagination.

However, put personal feelings aside for a moment. First of all, if we look at reality, if there is no time stop man. In order to reach a good ending, all races must eventually unite.

Each race has one characteristic. This is almost essential in the final showdown. That is, like it or not. Rebuilding the Union was essential for me to have a good ending.

And the first condition is the reconstruction of the Royal Knights. Since the collapse of the Royal Knights, the Alliance has become obsolete. After that, it collapsed and was annihilated due to the invasion of the demons.

“On a positive note, it means that the influence of the Royal Knights is strong again.”

“Yes, but… There is no choice but to keep that in check.”

“That’s right.”

Someone says this. No matter what, there is a public enemy right in front of you. Why not cooperate that much? Unfortunately, even in the face of a common enemy, they do not cooperate.

Right now, even in modern history. Aren’t there people who betray me by saying, “If I can’t have it, I’d rather destroy it.” Even if the end is their own death.

If you look at the 12 tribes and the Dwarven Principality right now, you can find the answer. These two are famous for not getting along, even though there is a demon in front of them. It was because they were having territorial disputes with each other.

How much less, if we were a non-intervention species. That would be even worse Even the elves, because of the world tree problem. It was because he was determined and shouted anti-Royal Knights.

“At least it’s crazy that we have a choice.”

“Yes, it is. After all, we are the ones who made it.”


Salvation of the Dwarf Principality, subjugation of the traitors of the 12 tribes, and repelling the Jinjo’s air raid. Even the power we blocked right now. It is already a level of power that can destroy a country.

So, we can afford the reverse. Conversely, those who had been observing the situation so far lost their composure. He must have never dreamed that the Royal Knights would survive.

It’s not that I don’t understand. I never dreamed that I could rebuild like this in such a short time. In addition, the situation has improved a lot with the support of the three races.

At this level, how can I not kneel? You will be able to negotiate nicely. I nodded. The race union meeting is held at Lionheart Fortress. To take the lead.

“But why do you have to keep it a secret from everyone?”

“Because there is only one thing.”

“One in a lifetime?”

“Yes, of course I know you want to trust everyone, but there may be those who put the future of their species first.”

I nodded. One of the reasons people joined the Royal Knights in the first place was for the benefit of the race. Bayard did that right away. Understand enough.

“But I think everyone should be told.”

“They may betray you.”

“I believe that you will not betray me. And, as these secrets pile up one by one… At that time, we won’t be able to trust each other.”

You may think this is an overly idealistic statement. As a leader, I think the basic thing is to trust the members. And I’ve been pulling everyone that way ever since.

Thanks to you, I was able to successfully rebuild the Royal Knights. So I go my own way. Cluna, who looked at me for a moment at my words, smiled lightly and lowered her head.

“I’m sorry, captain. I don’t know the subject…”

“No, it’s okay. Your advice was based on your experience.”

“Yes, Captain.”

“Has anything like this ever happened to you?”

Cluna has had a lot of experience so far. That’s why she sometimes does things that don’t make sense. Just like right now, of course it’s good to be cautious. How not to be overly cautious.

Perhaps the reason she behaves this far is because she comes from her own experiences she has accumulated. Cluna didn’t say anything. I spoke hastily.

“If you don’t want to talk, you don’t have to. It’s not compulsory.”

“No, that’s fine.”


From noble mtl dot com.

“Yes, it just reminded me of the past…”

“Because it was a long time ago…You must have gone through a lot too.”

That’s not to say it’s bad. Thanks to her experience in Cluna, she has gotten out of difficult situations many times. However, I didn’t want to lose at least the trust of my colleagues.

Is it because I understood the meaning? Cluna immediately released her barrier. After confirming that her barrier was broken, I ordered Cluna to summon all of her members to the Round Table of Equality.

“If the captain called you, you should go right away.”

“Last time I fell for it!”

“You were on duty at the time.”

After a while, the members gathered around the round table one by one. It seems that all of them were training in the courtyard. After confirming that everyone had gathered without exception, I opened my mouth.

“Today I called everyone because of an important agenda.”

“What if it’s an important agenda?”

“Actually, a tribal union meeting is scheduled to be held.”

At that one word, everyone shut up all at once.

Looking at that, I thought.

Should I just keep it a secret…… ?

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