The officers and soldiers are also well-equipped with weapons, and everyone has armor, but are they still beaten to the point of being unable to find the north by the Jiangxia thieves?

Today, the same will happen when facing the well-equipped Liangshan bandits!

"Kill them and steal the armor!"

"Defeat the Liangshan bandits in one go!"

All kinds of shouts rang out among the Jiangxia thieves.

On the city wall, officials immediately informed Lu Kang of the situation.

"The battle situation changed suddenly?"Lu Kang got up from the ground with a sound.

He stood behind the battlements and looked towards the wilderness.

"The Liangshan bandits actually went to attack the Jiangxia bandits?"

"What do you think?"

He couldn't understand the thinking of the bandits.

Logically speaking, the best choice is for the bandits who have already won the situation to unite to share the Lujiang River.

Why are the two waves of bandits now fighting among themselves?

Do they want to eat alone?

Liu Ang took five thousand Liangshan The soldiers, using the cone-shaped battle formation they were best at, easily penetrated into the Jiangxia bandit formation with just one face-to-face encounter.

In an instant, a large section of the Jiangxia bandits were chopped down.

Liu Ang's broadsword flew up and down 27 times, and when he swung it out, it was like harvesting wheat..

Wherever he went, blood suddenly appeared.

The halberd in Taishi Ci's hand was like a god of death, and there was no enemy.

Dianwei was like a god of war descending to the earth, and there were dead bodies everywhere he went.

Xu Chu was even more ruthless, and he smashed the war hammer in his hand. Smashing a piece of meat.

The huge force completely frightened the Jiangxia thieves around him.

Gan Ning was so bold that he even left the team alone and fought towards the depths of the thieves. Alone, he rushed into the formation without any fear.

On the contrary The huge number of Jiangxia thieves were frightened and fled.

Xu Huang did not charge with the other commanders.

He stayed to take care of Jiang Qin, who was injured in the army.

"Brother, you go ahead and charge, I'll just ask two soldiers to take care of you."

Jiang Qin reminded enthusiastically:"This is a rare opportunity to kill."

"Don't miss it because of me.

Xu Huang shook his head and said,"Just those few commanders can attack.""

"Someone in the army still needs to take a firm position, just in case."

"I just happened to stay, taking care of you and stabilizing the Chinese army."

Jiang Qin's view of Xu Huang changed greatly,"Brother, you are a rare calm person in our Liangshan army."

"He has the air of a general!"

He gave Xu Huang a thumbs up.

His admiration was beyond words.

Xu Huang smiled back.

The friendship between the two instantly rose.

"This is impossible!"Huang Rang, the leader of the Jiangxia thieves, was just dreaming.

But he never thought that the 20,000-strong army was like paper.

"We also have army armor and weapons."

"How could it be so easily penetrated by Liangshan bandits?"

"Absolutely impossible!"

"You gather your soldiers and fight again!"

"I don’t believe it. Are those Liangshan bandits made of iron?"

"How can I, with 20,000 people, not be able to defeat the other party with a few thousand people?"

"Damn it all!"

He drew his knife and chopped down a commander who was defeated from the front line.

"Whoever steps back will suffer the consequences!"

With Huang Rang's shout, the soldiers on the side drew their swords one after another.

In an instant, he transformed into a supervising team and cut down a large number of defeated soldiers.

"Give it all to me!"

"Let’s rush together!"

"Don’t give the Liangshan thieves a chance to breathe!"

"They were fierce in the first wave!"

"How can it be possible to fight continuously while wearing such heavy armor?"

"Even if they are tired, they will be exhausted to death!"

Under the crazy killing suppression and Huang Rang's shouting, the Jiangxia bandit army stabilized slightly.

Behind them was the butcher knife of their own people, and forward it was possible to kill the enemy and make meritorious deeds.

The Jiangxia bandits had no choice but to raise their swords and move forward again. ( If you want to read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Maybe the leader is right, the Liangshan bandits are only fierce in the first wave.

After all, being a human being requires strength.

Wearing such heavy armor and carrying such heavy weapons, How can the consumption be low?

Jiangxia thief rushes again


Xu Chu shouted loudly and held a sledgehammer in his hand.

"I come from Liangshan and undergo professional training every day. How can my physical strength be compared to that of little thieves like you?"

"After another 10,000 rounds, he is still alive and well!"

The sudden burst of huge combat power knocked down countless thieves.

Several other commanders also exploded.

The Liangshan soldiers followed suit, as if they had inexhaustible physical strength.

Lu Kang, the prefect of Lujiang on the wall, was fighting frantically. shivering

"How much food would be needed to raise such soldiers?"

"How could Liangshan achieve this level?"

All kinds of questions were asked by him to himself.

No one on the city wall could answer them.

Everyone wanted to know the answer to this kind of question, but no one could answer it.

Everything he saw about the Liangshan bandits was beyond words. It was beyond their understanding.

In the wilderness, several commanders from Liangshan led their troops to kill again, and the Jiangxia thieves collapsed.

Liu Ang shouted with his sword:"You must surrender immediately!""

"I, Liangshan, only kill the leaders of thieves and do not kill innocent people indiscriminately!"

"Surrender!!!"Several commanders led five thousand soldiers and shouted, occupying the wilderness with loud voices.

The Jiangxia thieves could no longer withstand the huge blow. They threw down their weapons and cried and surrendered.

They never wanted to face the powerful Liangshan soldiers again.

That madness The appearance of killing is much scarier than the black and white impermanence in the underworld.

It is like the Lord of Hell walking in the world.

Thousands of Jiangxia thieves threw away their weapons and surrendered

"You fucking throw a bird!"417

Huang Ran couldn't lose face, so he waved his weapons and shouted with his soldiers.

But he couldn't stop the collapse of his men.

He was still using slashing to suppress the morale of the soldiers, when he suddenly noticed several figures approaching from far away.

The speed of the sudden advance was obvious. He is timid

"Chief of thieves, take your life!"

Liu Ang shouted loudly and took Huang Rang directly with the big knife in his hand.

"Give it all to me!"

Huang Ran threw out a soldier, but Liu Ang cut him in half with a knife.

The splatter of blood and the two corpses falling on the ground shocked the eyes of all the soldiers.

No one dared to step forward to stop him.

He was clever. The soldiers turned around and ran away on the spot.

Faced with such a murderous god, it would be a fool not to run.

The soldiers collapsed quickly, leaving Huang Rang shocked.

He was about to run away on the horse, but suddenly he felt that his seat was empty.

The war horse was beheaded by Liu Ang's sword.

Huang Rang was horrified.

After falling off his horse, he turned over and knelt on the ground, pleading:"Hero of Liangshan!"

"Ah, no, Brother Liangshan!"

"We are willing to return to Liangshan!"

"From now on it will be Liangshan Eagle Dog……"


Before he could finish his words, he was greeted by a sharp sword.

Liu Ang slashed across with the big sword in his hand.

Heads flying!.

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