The Supreme Spy

Chapter 541: Fish in troubled waters

The 90d715ae8d8fea68109aee9a0ba7c3a3 guard's eyes stayed on the closed door for a few seconds, and then glanced at the workshop inside, and still did not find any abnormality.

The guard retracted his head, turned his direction, and walked slowly toward the other end of the outer corridor.

Qin Yang did not stand up and listened.

After the guard had gone far, Qin Yang walked forward quietly again, and then reached the core area inside.

At the door of the core area, Qin Yang put on Martin's fingerprint palm cover, and then pressed it on the inspection screen. The blue light swept up and down, the inspection passed, and the door in front of him opened gently.

The research part of Bell Enzyme is divided into two areas: external and internal. Ordinary external employees only need to swipe the work pass to enter, but the pass can't enter the internal area. To enter the core area, you must swipe fingerprint verification.

Of course, there is no need for pupil scanning. After all, this is a research room. There are many people coming in and out every day. If you have to scan your fingerprint and password every time, it is really troublesome.

After the door opened, Qin Yangmao quickly entered the room with her waist down, and then quickly found the central host of the research room.

Qin Yang pinned one to his ear, took out the small notebook, and whispered: "It's in place!"

Although Qin Yang has also learned computer operations, it is more for a single computer. Facing the piles of hosts in this laboratory, he is still a little confused. Fortunately, there are professional people outside to guide him.

"Connect your computer, the jack is on your upper left..."

Following the instructions of outsiders, Qin Yang connected all the devices, and Qin Yang's business was basically over. He quietly waited for the hacker master outside to unlock the password and then invade and download all the information.

While waiting, the guards outside also patrolled over. Fortunately, the distance was already widened. Qin Yang shielded the host computer from the light. He hid himself in the large number of hosts, but he didn't alarm anyone.

About ten minutes later, Qin Yang heard a long-awaited voice in his ears.

"The download is complete, you can evacuate!"


Qin Yang breathed a sigh of relief. Now that the download has been completed, that means that the things have been obtained and the task has been completed. Now there is only one last question left, just retreat safely.

Qin Yang put away the computer, packed his own things, and after putting them back, he quietly returned all the way to the corridor.

Fastening the rope hanging on the window at his waist, Qin Yang leaned forward out of the window, then lifted the piece of glass that had been unloaded before, screwed up the screw again, and then climbed upward along the rope.

The night was misty, with light rain, and the visibility outside was very low. Qin Yang was on the twenty-storey high-rise building again, without disturbing anyone, so quietly returned to the twenty-sixth floor.

Qin Yang just landed and packed his things. Before he could turn around, there was a rush of footsteps. The tall fire brigade captain ran over from the other side of the corridor and saw Qin Yang stunned. He immediately said angrily: "Everyone. It's all over there, what are you doing here?"

Qin Yang didn't dare to speak, for fear of being heard by the other party, he only made a low voice and turned and ran to the other side.

Originally, Qin Yang was going to go straight down the stairs, and then randomly found an excuse to take tools to leave the building, but who knew that he ran into this fire brigade captain, he was by his side, if Qin Yang left, he would definitely be suspected .

Of course Qin Yang could choose to stun the fire brigade captain cleanly and then leave, but Qin Yang didn't want to cause trouble, so he ran over.

The fire was under control, and Qin Yang also ran over to help manage the water pipe. He did not forget to flush the previous explosion point with the water column through the water pipe to eliminate the cause of the fire as much as possible.

The fire fighting scene is very busy. Everyone wears face masks and thick fire-resistant suits. It was never expected that there would be a strange thing among everyone.

After a busy time, Qin Yang saw that the fire was almost under control, and handed the water pipe in his hand to a person next to him, making a casual gesture, and then walking towards the back. The firefighter thought he was going to do something. He didn't care at all and took over the water pipe and continued to work.

Qin Yang quietly left the fire fighting scene, then entered the stairs and ran down quickly.

A few minutes later, Qin Yang had already appeared in the lobby, and a person on duty asked; "How is the fire?"

Qin Yang slowed down and replied casually: "It has been controlled, and it will be destroyed soon, I will get some tools."

The officer on duty breathed a sigh of relief and stepped aside.

Qin Yang walked out quickly, and then bypassed the fire truck. The truck driven by the spider came over quietly. Qin Yang got into the truck in the gap between the fire truck and the truck, and the truck seemed to pass by without stopping. , And then disappeared into the night.

Qin Yang took off his helmet and breathed a sigh of relief: "Is it all ok?"

The spider smiled with a thumbs up: "Yes, it's all ok, and your task has been completed."

Qin Yang took off his heavy fireproof clothing in the carriage and put on his own clothes: "Okay, then I will withdraw, and I will leave the rest to you. If you have any issues, please call."

"it is good!"

The truck stopped at a corner, Qin Yang got out of the car, and then quietly returned to his hiding place.

Qin Yang took a bath, then lay on the bed and dialed Dragon King's private number with his mobile phone.

"Old man, things are done."

The Dragon King smiled and said: "Well, not surprisingly, this is too simple for you. The business has been done, so you can have a good holiday."

Qin Yang smiled bitterly: "It was originally a vacation, but I met my dad, and your secrecy work is great."

The Dragon King smiled and asked, "Is it quite unexpected?"

Qin Yang smiled bitterly: " is really unexpected, but many previous doubts have been solved suddenly."

The Dragon King smiled and said, "Aren't you helping him? Just help him with this last thing."

Qin Yang's eyes lit up: "The last one?"

Dragon King nodded: "He had a report before, and at the same time talked about the encounter with you, by the way, he said that he is going to retire after finishing this matter."

Qin Yang laughed and said, "That's good, don't worry, just aim at the thing that he can retire. How can I help him finish this thing beautifully."

"Well, okay, you can take care of the rest, so I won't make rules for you. Many countries have already participated in this matter, and there are many practitioners among them. Be careful and safety first. "

Qin Yang nodded: "Well, I know it in my heart."


Chapter 3 will be late~

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