The Supreme Spy

Chapter 382: What a coincidence?

"The second kind."

Han Zhen answered without hesitation, cleanly.

Qin Yang was not surprised at all. The 3% profit distribution was actually equivalent to directly giving him 3% of the shares, and Qin Yang also gave him room for dividends to rise, but he had no ability or had no profit for the factory. Those who hope may choose a fixed annual salary of two million.

It can be simply calculated. As long as the annual sales profit reaches 50 million, the 3% profit dividend will be 1.5 million, plus the basic salary of 500,000, which is no less than a fixed annual salary of 2 million.

A profit of 50 million may be terrifying for an average factory, but for Qin Yang's goal, it is really nothing.

Can't earn 50 million a year, still start a business?

Well, if this sentence is said, Qin Yang will definitely be slobbered to death.

Qin Yang smiled and said: "Well, the treatment options I just proposed are only for factories that produce health care products. If the group is established in the future, if you are willing to transfer to the group, we will discuss the treatment again."


Qin Yang stood up and stretched out his hand: "Then Mr. Han, I wish us a happy cooperation!"

Han Zhen stood up and stretched out his hand: "Thank you, President Qin."

Gong Jian watched this scene beside him, and he was very happy: "Han Zhen, you stayed so refreshingly. It really surprised me. After all, it is a health care product, but what do you even think of this three yuan soup? I haven't seen it either."

Han Zhen smiled and said, "You should know why I left my job so often. It was because of the constraints and constraints that made me work hard. Although this is almost equivalent to starting from scratch, I have enough autonomy. Besides, Mr. Qin's salary for me is not low at all. Why don't I stay and try it?"

"As for the product, I did not see the product, but did Mr. Qin not see the product? He dared to spend so much money and even hire me with an annual salary of two million. This only shows that he has absolute possession of the product. Confidence."

Han Zhen turned his head and stared at Qin Yang with a smile: "Chief Qin has such great courage at a young age. Anyway, I am so many years old. If I dare not even take this risk that is not a risk, then I am too It sucks."

Qin Yang smiled slightly and said confidently: "Mr. Han, I don't think you will regret your results today."

Gong Jian smiled and said: "It seems that I should prepare the contract. Oh, yes, what is the name of the new company? I will register the new company tomorrow, and you said before that someone wants to invest as a shareholder. These also require written documents..."

Qin Yang thought for a while: "Let's call it Lightning."

Gong Jian nodded: "Registered capital, proportion composition?"

Qin Yang calculated it silently. It cost 13 million to buy the factory. King Kong and the four of them will each give 5% of the shares. Well, there is also Zhuang Mengdie...

Qin Yang picked up the phone and dialed Zhuang Mengdie's cell phone: "We are preparing to register the company, how many shares are you planning to invest in?"

Zhuang Mengdie smiled and asked, "How much can I buy at most?"

Qin Yang knew that Zhuang Mengdie should be rich, otherwise, he would not buy the house next door to Qin Yang's house at a high price.

Qin Yang thought for a while and said, "I have four friends, one is 5%, which is 20%. I want to hold a controlling stake, and I can’t give you too much of the remaining shares. I still have to leave some that I plan to divide into employees. , Give you a 15% share, how about?"

Zhuang Mengdie agreed without hesitation: "I have no problem, how much does it cost."

Qin Yang explained: "At present, 13 million yuan is used to acquire the factory, and a lot of money is still needed for the initial operation. So, let's have a registered capital of 30 million yuan. You invest 4.5 million yuan.

Zhuang Mengdie agreed cleanly: "Okay, I'll transfer the money to you later."

Qin Yang smiled and said, "Okay, I will sign relevant documents with you later."

Qin Yang hung up the phone and looked up, "Gong Jian, with a registered capital of 30 million yuan, six shareholders, I own 65% of the shares, the other four are 5%, and one is 15%."

Gong Jian nodded: "Okay, you give me a copy of their information, and I will go through it tomorrow."

"it is good!"

Qin Yang picked up the phone and dialed Falcon's number.

"Eagle, I have already implemented what I told you about setting up a company a year ago. I am currently preparing to register the company. Each of you is 1.5 million, with 5% of the shares, no problem, right?"

"Of course no problem, you give an account, and we will call you the money immediately."

Qin Yang smiled and said, "Okay, bring your identity documents as well. These must be written into the contract."


Han Zhen watched Qin Yang call to ask about shares, his eyes became slightly bizarre.

Which company didn't start construction after planning everything long ago, but looking at Qin Yang's posture, it is clear that it had not considered the equity structure before, and it was clearly just a temporary call.

All the people he called had no objection. They just said to make money without saying anything. What does it matter? How much do you trust him?

Didn't even look at the factory, just made a phone call and called the money?

Qin Yang hung up the phone and said with a smile: "It's done!"

Gong Jian also had nothing to say, and gave Qin Yang a thumbs up: "I take it!"


Yuhong culture.

"What do you think of our product design?"

Qin Yang looked at the plan in front of him and smiled: "They are all good, you guys are quite fast."

Wen Yuyan smiled slightly and looked confident: "The time you give is very tight, we naturally have to do it faster, we are only professional."

Qin Yang picked up one of the plans: "I think this packaging design is good, what do you think?"

Wen Yuyan smiled slightly: "I also think this is good, and it fits the theme of health."

Qin Yang nodded and confirmed: "Okay, that's it for the initial confirmation. I will bring the materials back, show them to others, and listen to their opinions."

Wen Yuyan smiled and said, "I heard that you hired a general manager with a high salary?"

" Yes, with him, I have been busy for a while, so I can rest assured to be lazy."

Wen Yuyan shook her head helplessly: "Lazy entrepreneurs, you have no one..."

Qin Yang laughed. The two were talking. There was a sound of footsteps. Qin Yang turned his head and saw a large bouquet of bright red roses. Behind the roses, a handsome smile appeared: "Yuyan, give it to you!"

Li Yunhao!

Qin Yang's eyes narrowed slightly, and he changed from a lily to a rose. Is this guy pursuing Wen Yuyan openly?

Wen Yuyan frowned slightly, glanced at Qin Yang who was sitting opposite, and whispered, "Thank you for the flowers, but I can't accept them."

The smile on Li Yunhao's face remained unchanged. He smiled and put a bunch of flowers in his hand on the desk next to him, his eyes fell on Qin Yang, and he smiled and said, "Qin Yang, what a coincidence? Are you there?"

Qin Yang smiled slightly: "Yes, it's such a coincidence..."

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