It wasn't until the family seemed to finally react from the ecstasy of her waking up that they realized that there were too many people in this tiny house.

    So the middle-aged woman, the mother of the original body, began to drive people away.

    The son and daughter-in-law were driven out, and the husband was also driven out. In the end, there were only three people left, including Meng Changjin.

    Meng Changjin, the mother of the original body, and the grandmother of the original body.

    With fewer people, Meng Changjin involuntarily breathed a sigh of relief.

    Call the fourth classmate at the same time.

    She just wanted to know, is there really nothing left of the original soul?

    If possible, Meng Changjin is really unwilling to live for others.

    Because I'm uncomfortable.

    If the original body had a miserable life, really didn't want to live, and didn't have the courage to live any longer, and gave her body without any worries, then she naturally said that she would accept it. There is no good mother-in-law or mother-in-law.

    But the key is that her original relatives loved her very much, and she didn't want to die by herself, which made Meng Changjin feel such a pity.

    Meng Changjin is not a good person, really not.

    But the more beautiful things are, the more they dare not touch them for people like Meng Changjin who consider themselves evil.

    At this time, the fourth classmate felt that he had to tell the truth.

    If he didn't tell the truth, he was afraid that he would die wonderfully in the end.

    "Host, in fact, the soul of the original body is a part of your soul. That part of the soul has been integrated into your soul, so there is really no way to separate it out." Xiao Si The students didn't hide anything this time.


    Otherwise, the only one who is really stupid in the end is himself.

    The corner of Meng Changjin's mouth twitched twice unconsciously, isn't this a little outrageous? !

    But Xiao Si continued: "Otherwise, the host thinks, why is it just you?!"

    Meng Changjin was lost in thought, and felt that it made sense.

    Otherwise why is she? !

    When Meng Changjin gradually accepted what Xiao Si said, her expression suddenly changed slightly.

    In her mind, there appeared a memory that seemed to be short-lived, but in fact it was meticulous, let alone a memory of more than ten years.


    "Animals." After checking these memories, Meng Changjin cursed in her heart.

    It turned out that the original body, no, it should be herself now.


    To say he is an eminent monk is an insult to the eminent monk.

    This guy is actually a fake monk!

    Where this fake monk came from, no one knows, anyway, suddenly one day, he came to the village for alms.

    At this time, everyone is in awe of gods and Buddhas. Seeing that he is a monk, he is willing to give some points.

    The monk left after alms in the village.

    For a period of time, this monk did not appear again.

    When I saw it again, it was in the town.

    It was quite a distance away, and the fragment of his own soul saw the fake monk, watching him search for flowers and willows, and was immediately shocked.

    Isn’t the monk quitting alcohol and sex? How is this different? !

    The little girl still has no social experience, and before she was too shocked, she attracted the attention of the other party.

    In fact, the fake monk didn't recognize her at first, but the little girl who saw her soul fragment recognized him.

    This is not a good time. This fake monk is the latest, and he made a fortune in a nearby village, which is very valuable.

    He was worried that it was the villagers of that village, so he secretly followed the original body to this village.

    When he found out that this village was not the one he cheated on before, the fake monk was relieved.

    But for the sake of safety, he still decided to threaten this little girl, a little girl of this age is afraid of things, and it is estimated that a threat will be honest.

    The original body after being threatened is indeed a little scared.

    I dare not say it, but when I dare to say it, it is too late.

    The fake monk originally came to threaten the original body, but after he came, he found an excellent opportunity to cheat money.

    So she came up with the trick of offering sacrifices to the God of the River, and even asked her name to say that the original body was the most suitable candidate.

    Threats and threats, but there is such a time bomb here, the fake monk is worried, worried that one day something happens, then he will have no escape.

    Under his bright tongue, he finally achieved his goal.

    This is why the original body can only wither early at a young age.

    So absurd and ridiculous.

    Meng Changjin felt that if she didn't do something, she would be sorry for herself.

    "Little four..." Meng Changjin murmured and communicated with Xiaosi for a while, and Xiaosi agreed without any hesitation.

    Little Si just agreed, here, Meng Changjin heard a question that seemed to come from the depths of his soul.


    Meng Changjin looked over and suddenly felt a headache.

    Now she also knows that the original soul is actually a part of her own soul, but she still can't tell what is going on? !

    In the end, Meng Changjin still called.

    I felt uncomfortable at first, but after a few times, Meng Changjin suddenly felt that this was not really that difficult.

    When everyone went to scoop up Meng Changjin's current body, they did it secretly.

    The villagers don't know either.

    As for the Meng family's appointment of a doctor, everyone knows, but who would be embarrassed to ask them why they hired a doctor? !

    But now that Meng Changjin is awake, he naturally needs to appear in front of everyone.

    But Meng Changjin did not go out for a few days because of her health.

    Meng Changjin didn't go out, others will go out.

    Then, those who went out found that the portraits of the masters who helped them succeed in seeking rain were all over the road outside.

     There are many words next to it.

    Most of the villagers are illiterate, but there are always literate ones.

    These literate people read the text to the illiterate.

    The result sounds amazing.

    This great master in their hearts is actually a liar, all his past deceit records are clearly written on it.

    This also includes offering sacrifices to the River God.

    However, this did not convince the villagers of this village that they saw it with their own eyes. After offering sacrifices to the river god, it started to rain.

    Otherwise, they would not enshrine this master as a bodhisattva.

    So when this notice of exposing the crime came out, the villagers in this village felt that the previous things were all framing the master.

    But the people in this village think so, because it has only been ten days, and it is indeed raining.

    But the people in other villages are different.

    They have already realized that they have been deceived, but they don't know where the fake monk has gone, and they can't find the direction.

    But now someone has pointed a clear path for them.

    At this moment, countless people poured into this village.

    The more people there are, the better for Meng Changjin's plan.

    Wait for more people, Meng Changjin also stepped out of Meng's yard after waking up from a coma.

    Meng Changjin walked out of the yard, and everyone who saw her along the way was like a ghost.

    Especially the villagers in this village, several were scared to pee.

    Seeing so many people, the "Master" was obviously panicked.

    When I saw Meng Changjin, I was almost scared to pee.

    Although she finally resisted her calmness and confronted Meng Changjin, when Meng Changjin said whether she dared to swear to God, the "master" was obviously hesitant.

    At this time, everyone treated the gods and Buddhas with great awe. He dared to use any river **** to eradicate the threat, but when it came time to make him swear, he didn't dare.

    He dare not, Meng Changjin dare.

    He didn't want to swear, so Meng Changjin simply took the exam on his behalf.

    Whoever lies will be struck by lightning.

    As soon as these words came out, the crackling thunder and lightning slammed into the master's body.

    What else is there to understand? !

    Those villagers who sent their original bodies to sacrifice to the God of the River in order to pray for rain now seem to have awakened a little bit of conscience, and they are a little embarrassed to see the Meng family.

    Then you have to blame the fake monk.

    At the same time, the thought in my heart is, this is not dead.

    I heard so many words, Meng Changjin felt nauseated.

     Turning around, Meng Changjin pulled the rest of the Meng family away.

    I don't want to stay in this village anymore. Such villagers are too ignorant, and Meng Changjin doesn't like it very much.

    Meng Changjin didn't want to stay, and the rest of the Meng family also felt that the village gave them a very bad feeling.

    But the law does not blame the public, and Meng Changjin is indeed not dead now, so even if the official intervenes, the punishment for the villagers may not be too great.

    Meng Changjin and his family moved out of this village, no one knows where they moved to, what the Meng family left behind is a yard.

    In fact, Meng Changjin said more than that.

    She also planted a tree.

    This tree is a spiritual fruit tree. The characteristic of the fruit tree is that it can absorb a certain range of water around it.


    Meng Changjin said that this tree is called an artificial drought tree, and it really went away easily. How could it be Meng Changjin's style.

    With this tree, the village will be extremely short of water for the next three years.

    Even if it rains every day.

    Isn’t that more fun?

    After the fake monk was struck by lightning, he was beaten up by an angry individual. You kicked me and punched me. No one can notice the severity. , people have been killed.

    Therefore, Meng Changjin is a little pity.

    After leaving the village, Meng Changjin also solemnly said goodbye to Xiaosi.

    Now it's time for everything to end, and it's time.

    "Host, let me use an analogy, if you are actually a big boss, now you only need to nod your head, you can go back to where you should go, would you like to?" The voice of the young boy sounded in his mind, but the voice of the immature boy was extremely serious.

    Meng Changjin thinks that the analogy of the fourth classmate is better not to mention it directly.

    Because when he really said it, Meng Changjin knew that she was right.

    Without any hesitation, Meng Changjin gave a negative answer.

    Xiao Si was silent for a moment, then said, "I understand."

    "Then, goodbye." Meng Changjin said with a smile.

    "Goodbye by fate." After the young boy's voice said these four words, there was no more sound.

    After a while, Meng Changjin tried to call out a few small four students in his mind, but as expected, there was no response.

    Meng Changjin bowed his head slightly and fell silent.

    After a while, Meng Changjin let out a long breath: "Goodbye by fate."

    This sentence was spoken directly by Meng Changjin.

    "Yo, I haven't seen you for a while, who is this, thinking of this uncle so much?" A familiar boy's voice came from behind, equally immature, as annoying as the first time I saw him .

    Meng Changjin turned around suddenly, and saw a small dumpling carved in pink and jade.

    "Little four?" Meng Changjin asked uncertainly.

    "What do you ask this uncle to do?"

    "How do you..." Meng Changjin looked up and down at Xiao Si, whose image had changed greatly, and continued: "It has become like this?! Also, what are you doing with me?"

    "This is the way my uncle is originally. As for what to do with you, if you don't want to go back, then I have to follow you." The little four classmate who was so cute that he wanted to let people squeeze a few times was helpless shrugged and said.

    Meng Changjin said he understood... a ghost!

    If it was a fish, it could still be raised, but now it has become a little baby, how did Meng Changjin bring him with him, and how did she explain it? !

    Faced with Meng Changjin's sudden inspiration, Xiao Si said, "This is your business, not mine."

    Meng Changjin is very distressed, this can't be explained at all, okay?

    No matter how you explain it, you will be misunderstood, right?

    However, looking at the fourth classmate who was already running forward with short legs, Meng Changjin shrugged helplessly. Come on, it's all like this, can't you drive it away?

    So, bring it with you, explain something, believe it, or pull it down.

    Thinking, Meng Changjin also stepped forward.

    On the mountain road, the figures of two people, one big and one small, were silhouetted by the setting sun that was about to fall.

    The sun sets today so it will rise tomorrow.

    The story ends today, so why not start a new chapter tomorrow?

     (end of book)

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