245 – 235.The hero and the demon

“There they are!”

“You are the bastard who touched Hades, the goddess of 50 million Ske-chans! You must catch it!”

“Fuck! Well, I’ve never touched Hades!”

The scruffy Kang Jun-hyeok and dozens of guards roam the alleys of the royal capital.

Kang Jun-hyeok, wearing a jacket, ran away, wringing out the energy he had been suckling.

“Damn why did I have to go through this!”

Junhyuk Kang was once an academy student with a promising future, but now he is nothing more than a wanted criminal.

Because of the sin of hurting someone loved by everyone, he was chased by the guards every day in the capital and was experiencing endless pain.

He struggled to get out of the capital somehow, but failed because the security was tight.

In fact, it was like receiving an endless punishment in a prison called Wangdo.

But one day, an opportunity of a lifetime came to Kang Jun-hyeok.

Invasion of ants that had never happened before in Adogchoi.

As the royal capital fell into chaos at once, the guards who had been harassing Kang Jun-hyeok had no time to care about him.

Aiming for that gap, Kang Jun-hyeok quickly escaped from the royal capital.

‘Anyway, what should I do now… ….’

I was temporarily freed, but it didn’t seem like it would last long.

Furthermore, my body was worse than the first day I possessed it.

Sherin’s life in confinement lasted for a long time, and he lost a lot of muscle.

Though his muscles returned to some extent after a long pursuit, his growth was insignificant because he could not even eat a proper meal.

‘That’s the worst….’

He had the best talent, but he lost the academy, the foothold for growth, and someone had already stolen numerous artifacts and talents.

In order to escape from the status of a criminal, you have to make achievements, but for some reason, the demons were dry.

In the original work, all the villains who were supposed to still be alive are included.


Junhyuk Kang, who had lost both strength and means, bit his molars tightly.

I found out the other day who is behind all of this.

“Bern… !”

A person who is the same possessor as himself and takes over his main character’s place with the body of a sub-protagonist.

After meeting him, Kang Jun-hyeok always dreamed of revenge.

However, due to the relentless pursuit, he could not even dream of a proper revenge.

‘But it is possible now.’

Kang Jun-hyeok believed that he would be able to surpass him someday if he grew up taking care of the remaining skills and items.

Because the person he possessed was none other than the protagonist, a monster who grows without limits.

Junhyuk Kang’s body gave him infinite confidence.

‘Let’s go to the east.’

Kang Jun-hyeok chose the east as a place where he could freely avoid pursuit and grow.

Since the west was a vast desert, there was no good place to hide.

The same was true of the southern sea, reflecting his taste for hating cold in the north.

Considering all other factors, the eastern part was the most suitable for hiding because of its moderate temperature and many trees.

So Kang Jun-hyeok left the capital and set out on a journey to the East.

Even while walking, he squeezed his memory to the limit and recalled the development of the original work.

Based on the memories he recalled, Kang Jun-hyeok found and consumed various items.

“Okay, it stayed here too!”

Junhyeok Kang was delighted with the flower of laughter in full bloom even though the effect was insignificant.

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I was satisfied with the fact that even if it was small, I became stronger little by little.

Gathering dust, Mount Tai. It was because I had hope that if I gradually increased my strength in this way, I would surely become stronger.

“Ha ha ha! Fool, to miss such a precious thing! I’ll monopolize all remaining talents and items!”

Bern was not unaware of the presence or absence of talent and items.

It’s just that it wasn’t useful to him at all, so he skipped it.

Unbeknownst to that, Kang Jun-hyeok put down Bern and fantasized about the day he would defeat him and become the strongest.

‘Come to think of it, did he even take pretty nice girls with him? Among them was Rin.’

Kang Jun-hyeok sticking his tongue out and licking his lips.

I even saw the ugliness of putting a picture that even occupies a woman in Bern in a delusion.

For a long time, Kang Jun-hyeok, who had not been able to take a single step out, had become a monster of sexual desire without realizing it.

It’s accumulated to such an extent that it wouldn’t be strange to grab a woman passing by and attack it.

“Oh… ?”

And just in time, Kang Jun-hyeok, who came out of the cave, saw a person in his eyes.

A woman resting with her back against a tree trunk in a dense forest.

Her hood covers her face, but it doesn’t hide the chunk of flesh that protrudes from her chest.

‘It’s a woman! Besides, she is no ordinary woman… !’

Even though he became a sexual desire monster, his eyes did not only observe women’s breasts.

Horns peeking out from between her hood.

She realized that the woman’s true identity was that of a beast or a demon.

‘Since I’m not human, I can eat it without hesitation… !’

With the crazy idea that sub-species don’t have to feel guilty, he ran.

With one single thought to subdue women and relieve one’s own sexual desire.

The moment Kang Jun-hyeok tried to grab the neck of the woman who was resting defenselessly behind him.

“Uh… ?”

Junhyuk Kang’s world was completely turned upside down.


‘You must find….’

The precious subordinates, the castle, and even the people. When I opened my eyes, everything was gone.

There was nothing left of the demon king.

All you can see is a pitiful body and a land soaked in blood.

It was no exaggeration to say that it was the worst day of resurrection in history.

The despair didn’t end there.

All news was cut off, even from the Demons who had been dispatched to attack the human world.

In the yard where the main base disappeared, the remnants of the demons thoroughly hid themselves in fear, believing that they would die the same if they did not hold their breath.

The morale of the demons, who always did not hesitate to fight, was at such a low level that they hid.

‘It is difficult for me alone to raise the morale of the once lost demons… ….’

The Demon King needed helpers.

Not an ordinary helper, but the most reliable helper in the world.

However, it was not easy to find such an existence when even the most trusted aide had died.

Even so, he was a demon king who never stopped searching for talent, but as time passed, his hopes faded.

‘Was it all for nothing… ….’

In the end, I was about to give up everything and go into seclusion.

The demon king came to sense the surprisingly refined energy of evil.

It was a wave of evil so strong that even compared to the fully resurrected self, it was not inferior.

‘I don’t know who it is, but I must recruit that person to my side. Even if you are human…… !’

He followed the evil energy of the demon king to appease the existence that matched the image of the talent he desired.

However, her existence, which she longed for, wandered all over the continent at every turn.

And sometimes she lived in a place where the devil could not enter.

Even though the road to appeasement was difficult and not easily given an opportunity, the demon king did not give up and pursued like a tenacious pursuit.

Then he believes that he will meet someday.

“Whoa… !”

The demon king followed the evil energy as usual.

She was exhausted from flying and walking for a long time, so she took a break in the forest for a while.

She was planning in detail what to do after she succeeded in conciliating her.

‘First of all, we must find demons hidden in various places and unite them as one….’

The very existence of the helper should restore morale to the demons who are in fear.

If even a small number of demons unite into one, a force that cannot be ignored, if not as much as the demonic land, will gather.

Having them gradually occupy the outskirts, they planned to advance to the capital.

‘That way, as the demons rule the world, I’ll be able to create a better world.’

The demon king recalled his past.

Memories of her parents who gave birth to her. But she had no good memories.

It was because there was no love at all in the secret story of the birth.

In order to produce the next demon king, a man and a woman who do not even love each other got married and gave birth to a child.

Because he was not the child he wanted, the demon king did not receive any kind of love from his parents.

And, of course, as soon as her parents gave birth to the demon king, they lived according to their sexual orientation.

‘My father was unusually fond of beasts, and her mother liked stinking troll men who were not her father.”

Seeing the parents neglecting their daughter and leading a promiscuous life, the demon king felt indescribable anger.

But her world was full of sexual desires that she couldn’t understand.

A world where even one’s normal thoughts are denied.

Saying that he would change it completely, the Demon King has been making constant efforts to rise to his current position.

“What on earth is such a filthy thing so crazy about? ….”

The demon king gently rubbed his crotch with his finger.

But as she felt no emotion, her face hardened.

The Demon King was a virgin who did not yet know pleasure.

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