The Strongest Soldier in the City

Chapter 0822 The only idol!

Zou Yuejin's expression trembled, and he was very depressed. He put the empty cup on the table and said, "I'm sorry, brother, I've embarrassed you. You are indeed living a useless life!"

A once-famous noble son, even if his business talents are not as good as Li Zeyan's, they are definitely not far behind. He is known as the undisputed successor of the Zou Group, and can lead the Zou Group to a higher level!

Back then, he was highly anticipated and highly sought after!

But what about now? But it has fallen to such a decadent state, completely losing its high spirits and style!

Not only was his reputation ruined, but his life was not good either. He had been completely marginalized in the Zou family, to the point where no one cared about him! Even the front door of the Zou family is difficult to enter! Carrying notoriety and reputation!

Chen* said calmly: "Whether you live well or not is your own choice! It has nothing to do with us! But I rescued you from the death sickle, but you let yourself be destroyed. It makes me uncomfortable to make such a low-level mistake in the hands of others!"

Zou Yuejin smiled miserably and said: "Actually, I don't want to be like this. Who would have thought that deep family ties are not as important as fame and fortune?! What should I do if something like this happens? Is it really true? Are you going to be like the emperors in ancient times, who were ruthless and ruthless in exterminating relatives for their own righteousness?"

Pouring a glass of wine, Zou Yuejin drank it all in one gulp and said, "Actually, if Yue Ming really wants it, he can tell me and I will give him anything! Why do you use such despicable methods on me?"

Chen* sneered. Seeing Zou Yuejin's slightly painful expression, he showed no sympathy at all. He said coldly: "The bones of Zhumen are frozen to death in the smell of wine and meat! This is the most true thing about being born in a wealthy family. Survival of the fittest will lead to victory and defeat! No! People will care about the process, but only the final result will be important!”

"Don't think that your silence and tolerance will make people think that you value family ties that are thicker than water, and no one will be moved by your benevolence and righteousness! You will only be regarded as a loser, a weakling, and a joke! It will get worse. He was ignored more and more! He even ended up in a miserable state!" Chen* said sternly.

Chen*'s sharp words shocked Zou Yuejin. His expression was extremely complicated, showing pain and aggrievedness!

Li Zeyan patted Zou Yuejin on the shoulder again and said, "Yuejin, you don't have to hide the things in your heart from us! In fact, you are more unwilling than anyone else! The reason why you chose silence instead of resisting is, It’s because you don’t want others to continue to see the Zou family’s jokes, and you don’t want your father’s old face to be completely disgraced!”

Li Zeyan shook his head: "But this is not the reason for you to hold back! In terms of mind, your brother is not as good as you, in terms of brains, he is not as good as you, in terms of ability, he is even lower than you!"

Sighing, Li Zeyan stared at Zou Yuejin and said, "Do you know why you can't even enter the Zou family's gate? Do you know why your father doesn't want to see you now? Is it really because of that incident? Is there any scandal between you and your baby mother?"

Speaking of this, Li Zeyan shook his head: "Uncle Zou is disappointed with you. You have disappointed him so much! What he is disappointed about is not the scandal between you and your little mother. He knows his son Mo Ruofu, and he knows very well that you will not do such a thing. It's such an immoral and disgraceful thing, and what he's disappointed about is your silence and inaction!"

"The last thing a person in power should have is the benevolence of a woman, otherwise no matter how powerful he is, he is destined to have difficulty achieving anything!" Li Zeyan said: "Either you go and fight for it! Or you are like me, break away from the family and fly on your own. !”

Li Zeyan grabbed Zou Yuejin's palm, raised it, and then slapped it heavily on the table, saying: "What's the problem with this slap? Although it will hurt you, he will hurt more than you!"

"You have to make your own way! No one can help you!" Chen* said lightly: "Also, I don't like Zou Yueming very much! If I find out that he has evil thoughts on Su Wanyue's head, Or if he did something secretly, I will make him irrecoverable!"

Hearing this, Zou Yuejin looked at Chen * in shock. Chen * said indifferently: "You know my ability. If I want to touch Zou Yueming, no one can stop me!"

After that, Chen * drank all the wine in the bottle, stood up, and said: "Think about your own affairs carefully! A loser will not be looked down upon by others, but a loser who is willing to fail will think highly of you. A debasement of my own!”

After leaving these words, Chen* turned around and left. Su Wanyue took a deep look at Zou Yuejin, who had a complicated expression, then nodded to Li Zeyan, got up and chased after Chen*.

Li Zeyan sighed and said to Zou Yuejin: "It's time for you to reflect on whether it's worth it! What Liu Zi said is right, and he is right! Use a heavy hammer to sound the drum. Your sound drum is about to decay. , If you don’t beat it, it will really rot! You don’t have to listen to what I say, but do you dare not to listen to what Liuzi says?”

Squeezing Zou Yuejin's shoulder, Li Zeyan put a stack of Hong Kong dollars under the wine bottle and stood up: "Liu Zi's words are of extraordinary significance. With his personality, there are definitely not many people in the world who are worthy of his preaching! Don't let him down again, otherwise you will lose the only peer you admire!"

"Let's go, I'll treat you to this meal today. Next time it's your turn to treat me, I hope it will be in the best hotel, eating the most expensive food, and you can still treat your idol!" Li Zeyan turned and left.


Walking on the neon-filled and lively streets, admiring the fashionable beauties and cultural scenes along the way, Chen* and Su Wanyue didn't talk much. They were mostly silent along the way!

The only thing that Chen* is not used to is that this girl Su Wanyue is really eye-catching!

Her beauty can amaze people no matter where she goes. Even in Hong Kong, where there are many beauties, her almost 100% return rate seems to suggest that both men and women are killing each other.

As a result, Chen* had no idea how many looks of envy, jealousy and hatred he had endured tonight. Fortunately, he was thick-skinned enough, otherwise he would not have been able to bear such full hatred!

"Chen*, you really brought me a big surprise when I came to Xiangjiang this time! Two of the four great masters in Xiangjiang call you brothers! What other unknown things are hidden in you?"

Su Wanyue stopped talking for a long time, but in the end she couldn't hold back the exclamation in her heart! Even in terms of her status, Li Zeyan and Zou Yuejin are definitely the best of the younger generation. Whether it is family background or financial ability, they are not inferior to her, even worse!

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