The Strongest Qi Refiner

Chapter 4257 Western Wilderness Demon Region

"Whoosh whoosh..."

Fang Yu and Han Miaoyi entered the space channel through the teleportation formation set up by Mie Xing, and hurried to the territory of the Western Wilderness Demon Race.

This area is called the Demon Domain.

"Divinity has to be aggrieved. In the Demon Realm, you must not release the slightest breath, so as not to cause trouble." Fang Yu said to Han Miaoyi.

"I will do it, Brother Fang." Han Miaoyi responded.

After saying this, she immediately showed a happy expression on her face, and said, "Hahaha, master, don't worry, with me, the divine consciousness can't be revealed even if it wants to be revealed! I will crush her. Damn it!"

Fang Yu didn't speak any more and turned to look at Mie Xing who was following behind.

"Xingxing, who is the current patriarch of your Demon Race?" Fang Yu asked.

Hearing Fang Yu's initiative to ask, Mie Xing immediately replied with a serious face: "The current Demon Lord is the twenty-sixth generation who inherited the orthodox blood of the Demon Race in the domain..."

"Don't talk about this mess, I'll just ask for a name." Fang Yu frowned.

"Yes, the current Lord of the Demon Race is honored as Jiujiutian." Mie Xing replied respectfully.

"Sacrificing to the Nine Heavens? The name is quite domineering." Fang Yu replied.

"If Zun Shang can see Zun Shang, I will be very happy..." Mie Xing said again.

"What do you mean when you see your lord? Can you speak more clearly?" Fang Yu frowned and asked, "Don't call me your lord any more. If you want to show respect, just call me senior."

"As ordered, senior!" Mie Xing replied immediately.

"This sacrifice to Jiutian... is the current Demon Lord, what is his status in Xihuang?" Fang Yu narrowed his eyes slightly and asked.

"Your position in the Western Wilderness? Above all clans." Mie Xing thought for a while and replied, "Within the scope of the Western Wilderness, no clan dares to compete head-on with our Demon Race."

"Since the bloodline of offering sacrifices to Jiutian originates from the domain, why didn't he recognize his ancestors and return to his ancestry?" Fang Yu asked again.

Hearing this question, Mie Xing's expression changed slightly.

Returning to the Demon Race on the Realm is the goal that Ji Jiutian has been pursuing for a long time.

However, this matter is a highly confidential matter within the Demon Race and cannot be discussed.

But the Fang Yu in front of him... inherited the power of the ancestor of the demon race.

From this level, if there is any concealment from him, it can be regarded as a treason.

Therefore, Mie Xing did not hesitate for too long, and immediately replied: "Zun Shang has always hoped to return to the Demon Race in the Domain, but... the time has not come."

"The time has not yet come, does it mean that the cultivation base is not strong enough to be accepted by the Demon Race, or is it a matter of boundary restrictions?" Fang Yu continued to ask.

"Maybe it's caused by various factors, this junior has no way of knowing. When the senior sees the can ask in person, the senior's bloodline status, the honorable person will definitely know everything and answer everything." Star replied.

Fang Yu nodded and did not ask any further.

He could see that Mie Xing did not hide anything from him.

If you want to know the key information, you still have to see Ji Jiutian to ask the exact result.

"By the way, Mie Xing, in the inheritance land, you have always watched me take action, right?" Fang Yu suddenly asked again.

"Of course, the strength displayed by the senior really made the junior admire the five bodies, and the emotions were so surging that it would be difficult to restore peace for a long time." Mie Xing replied.

His words sounded like flattering, but combined with his thick eyebrows and extremely serious expression, it sounds like a real situation.

"I know that my strength is very strong, you don't have to tout it anymore, I mean... Don't you wonder what happened in this? Why is the other party targeting me? Including the other party's address to me, why follow me The name is different now? Who is the other party and so on..." Fang Yu asked.

After saying this, he observed Mie Xing's expression.

However, Mie Xing didn't have too many mood swings, just clasped his fists and replied: "In the eyes of the junior, a strong person like the senior has multiple identities in the face of opponents of any level... It is very normal. The junior is very concerned about these There are indeed doubts, but this is the senior's private matter, and the junior can't go beyond and ask."

"With the strength and blood of the predecessors, it is our great honor to be able to visit the Demon Race..."

Listening to Mie Xing's words, Fang Yu nodded slowly.

The reason why he asked this was just to test Mie Xing's attitude towards him.

Judging from Mie Xing's answer, the other party really didn't think much about this.

"It seems that the power of myriad ways that I unleashed completely stunned them. For them, I am the successor of the primordial demon who came from the realm... Based on this identity, they have I have no doubts, only respect." Fang Yu thought to himself, "It's normal to even think that I have other identities..."

"Thank you, Wan Dao Shi Mo, your power is really easy to use."

Fang Yu sincerely thanked Wan Dao Shi Mo in his heart.

I am afraid that the Beginning Demon of Myriad Dao never imagined that the human race it hates the most is currently using its power to run amuck in the wild world, swaying and deceiving!

"Whoosh whoosh..."

The shuttle within the space channel continued for a long time.

Finally, we reached the exit.


Fang Yu and his party rushed out of the space passage one after another, and in front of them was a lonely and terrifying scene.

The sky is covered with gray fog, and the towering black mountains are stacked one after another.

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